Autodia::Handler::Cpp - AutoDia handler for C++
This module parses files into a Diagram Object, which all handlers use. The role
of the handler is to parse through the file extracting information such as
Class names, attributes, methods and properties.
HandlerPerl parses files using simple perl rules. A possible alternative would
be to write HandlerCPerl to handle C style perl or HandleHairyPerl to handle
hairy perl.
HandlerPerl is registered in the module, which contains a hash of
language names and the name of their respective language - in this case:
%language_handlers = { .. , cpp => "Autodia::Handler::Cpp", .. };
use Autodia::Handler::Cpp;
my $handler = Autodia::Handler::Cpp->New(\%Config);
This creates a new handler using the Configuration hash to provide rules
selected at the command line.
This parses the named file and returns 1 if successful or 0 if the file could
not be opened.
output_xml(); # interpolates values into an xml or html
output_graphviz(); # generates a gif file via