Color::Library::Dictionary::VACCC - (VACCC) VisiBone Anglo-Centric Color Code
VisiBone Anglo-Centric Color Code
Peter Hamer correctly points out that this naming scheme should not be confused
with names given to spectral colors, such as those that follow the mnemonic
"Roy G. Biv": Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. The
distinction is between the physical nature of light and the human perception
of if.
Humans can't distinguish yellow light from a mixture of red and green light.
That's due to the color detection mechanism of the human eye. The
"cones" on the surface of the retina respond differentially to red,
green and blue light. (The "rods" on the other hand are very
sensitive to the brightness of light but can't distinguish hues.) So computer
phosphors don't attempt to transmit yellow light at all. They simulate it by
transmitting both red and green. At least humans can be fooled in this way.
There's much more to light than the human eye can measure. Besides the fact that
visible light is a narrow subset of all the light coming from the sun, there a
whole dimension in the variation of frequency and amplitude to which the eye
is "tone deaf". This dimension is important to astronomers and
chemists. Their instruments measure aspects of light that can reveal, for
example, the composition of a star as well as that of a material found at a
crime scene.
Only when light is "for eyes only," your's or anyone's, can we
simplify theory and measurement to varying quantities of red, green and blue.
(Ever use a magnifying glass on your computer screen to see the little dots?
Watch that eyestrain! Didn't I say a magnfying glass?!) So the physics of
color and the perception of color are different disciplines.
Another interesting distinction, "hues" on a computer monitor as well
as in the mind of a user, follow a circular series, as named above in the hue
list. Magenta and Pink are as close to each other in perception as Green and
Teal. But the physics of light is linear, a spectrum. Violet in the color
spectrum is the furthest thing from Red. With real light, there's no such
thing as magenta. The eye, when the red and blue cones are stimulated
"sees" magenta, but it doesn't correspond to any frequency of light,
the way most other hues do.
Incidentally, the distinction between Red, Green, Blue (RGB) and Cyan, Magenta,
Yellow (CMY or CMYK when Black is added to the mix) is purely tactical.
Printers use light-absorbing ink and computer monitors use light-transmitting
phosphors. The perfect cyan ink would completely absorb red light and be
completely transparent to green and blue. The tactic of mixing cyan and yellow
ink to get green is backwards from mixing red and green light to get yellow.
But the strategy is the same: fooling human eyeballs by manipulating the red,
green and blue light that ultimately hits the retina.
Azure-Azure-Blue azureazureblue #0066ff
Azure-Azure-Cyan azureazurecyan #0099ff
Black black #000000
Blue blue #0000ff
Blue-Blue-Azure blueblueazure #0033ff
Blue-Blue-Violet blueblueviolet #3300ff
Cyan cyan #00ffff
Cyan-Cyan-Azure cyancyanazure #00ccff
Cyan-Cyan-Teal cyancyanteal #00ffcc
Dark Azure-Blue darkazureblue #003399
Dark Azure-Cyan darkazurecyan #006699
Dark Blue-Azure darkblueazure #0033cc
Dark Blue-Violet darkblueviolet #3300cc
Dark Cyan-Azure darkcyanazure #0099cc
Dark Cyan-Teal darkcyanteal #00cc99
Dark Dull Azure darkdullazure #336699
Dark Dull Blue darkdullblue #333399
Dark Dull Cyan darkdullcyan #339999
Dark Dull Green darkdullgreen #339933
Dark Dull Magenta darkdullmagenta #993399
Dark Dull Orange darkdullorange #996633
Dark Dull Pink darkdullpink #993366
Dark Dull Red darkdullred #993333
Dark Dull Spring darkdullspring #669933
Dark Dull Teal darkdullteal #339966
Dark Dull Violet darkdullviolet #663399
Dark Dull Yellow darkdullyellow #999933
Dark Faded Blue darkfadedblue #000099
Dark Faded Cyan darkfadedcyan #009999
Dark Faded Green darkfadedgreen #009900
Dark Faded Magenta darkfadedmagenta #990099
Dark Faded Red darkfadedred #990000
Dark Faded Yellow darkfadedyellow #999900
Dark Gray darkgray #666666
Dark Green-Spring darkgreenspring #33cc00
Dark Green-Teal darkgreenteal #00cc33
Dark Hard Azure darkhardazure #0066cc
Dark Hard Blue darkhardblue #0000cc
Dark Hard Cyan darkhardcyan #00cccc
Dark Hard Green darkhardgreen #00cc00
Dark Hard Magenta darkhardmagenta #cc00cc
Dark Hard Orange darkhardorange #cc6600
Dark Hard Pink darkhardpink #cc0066
Dark Hard Red darkhardred #cc0000
Dark Hard Spring darkhardspring #66cc00
Dark Hard Teal darkhardteal #00cc66
Dark Hard Violet darkhardviolet #6600cc
Dark Hard Yellow darkhardyellow #cccc00
Dark Magenta-Pink darkmagentapink #cc0099
Dark Magenta-Violet darkmagentaviolet #9900cc
Dark Orange-Red darkorangered #993300
Dark Orange-Yellow darkorangeyellow #996600
Dark Pink-Magenta darkpinkmagenta #990066
Dark Pink-Red darkpinkred #990033
Dark Red-Orange darkredorange #cc3300
Dark Red-Pink darkredpink #cc0033
Dark Spring-Green darkspringgreen #339900
Dark Spring-Yellow darkspringyellow #669900
Dark Teal-Cyan darktealcyan #009966
Dark Teal-Green darktealgreen #009933
Dark Violet-Blue darkvioletblue #330099
Dark Violet-Magenta darkvioletmagenta #660099
Dark Weak Blue darkweakblue #333366
Dark Weak Cyan darkweakcyan #336666
Dark Weak Green darkweakgreen #336633
Dark Weak Magenta darkweakmagenta #663366
Dark Weak Red darkweakred #663333
Dark Weak Yellow darkweakyellow #666633
Dark Yellow-Orange darkyelloworange #cc9900
Dark Yellow-Spring darkyellowspring #99cc00
Green green #00ff00
Green-Green-Spring greengreenspring #33ff00
Green-Green-Teal greengreenteal #00ff33
Light Azure-Blue lightazureblue #6699ff
Light Azure-Cyan lightazurecyan #66ccff
Light Blue-Azure lightblueazure #3366ff
Light Blue-Violet lightblueviolet #6633ff
Light Cyan-Azure lightcyanazure #33ccff
Light Cyan-Teal lightcyanteal #33ffcc
Light Dull Azure lightdullazure #6699cc
Light Dull Blue lightdullblue #6666cc
Light Dull Cyan lightdullcyan #66cccc
Light Dull Green lightdullgreen #66cc66
Light Dull Magenta lightdullmagenta #cc66cc
Light Dull Orange lightdullorange #cc9966
Light Dull Pink lightdullpink #cc6699
Light Dull Red lightdullred #cc6666
Light Dull Spring lightdullspring #99cc66
Light Dull Teal lightdullteal #66cc99
Light Dull Violet lightdullviolet #9966cc
Light Dull Yellow lightdullyellow #cccc66
Light Faded Blue lightfadedblue #6666ff
Light Faded Cyan lightfadedcyan #66ffff
Light Faded Green lightfadedgreen #66ff66
Light Faded Magenta lightfadedmagenta #ff66ff
Light Faded Red lightfadedred #ff6666
Light Faded Yellow lightfadedyellow #ffff66
Light Gray lightgray #999999
Light Green-Spring lightgreenspring #66ff33
Light Green-Teal lightgreenteal #33ff66
Light Hard Azure lighthardazure #3399ff
Light Hard Blue lighthardblue #3333ff
Light Hard Cyan lighthardcyan #33ffff
Light Hard Green lighthardgreen #33ff33
Light Hard Magenta lighthardmagenta #ff33ff
Light Hard Orange lighthardorange #ff9933
Light Hard Pink lighthardpink #ff3399
Light Hard Red lighthardred #ff3333
Light Hard Spring lighthardspring #99ff33
Light Hard Teal lighthardteal #33ff99
Light Hard Violet lighthardviolet #9933ff
Light Hard Yellow lighthardyellow #ffff33
Light Magenta-Pink lightmagentapink #ff33cc
Light Magenta-Violet lightmagentaviolet #cc33ff
Light Orange-Red lightorangered #ff9966
Light Orange-Yellow lightorangeyellow #ffcc66
Light Pink-Magenta lightpinkmagenta #ff66cc
Light Pink-Red lightpinkred #ff6699
Light Red-Orange lightredorange #ff6633
Light Red-Pink lightredpink #ff3366
Light Spring-Green lightspringgreen #99ff66
Light Spring-Yellow lightspringyellow #ccff66
Light Teal-Cyan lighttealcyan #66ffcc
Light Teal-Green lighttealgreen #66ff99
Light Violet-Blue lightvioletblue #9966ff
Light Violet-Magenta lightvioletmagenta #cc66ff
Light Weak Blue lightweakblue #9999cc
Light Weak Cyan lightweakcyan #99cccc
Light Weak Green lightweakgreen #99cc99
Light Weak Magenta lightweakmagenta #cc99cc
Light Weak Red lightweakred #cc9999
Light Weak Yellow lightweakyellow #cccc99
Light Yellow-Orange lightyelloworange #ffcc33
Light Yellow-Spring lightyellowspring #ccff33
Magenta magenta #ff00ff
Magenta-Magenta-Pink magentamagentapink #ff00cc
Magenta-Magenta-Violet magentamagentaviolet #cc00ff
Medium Azure-Blue mediumazureblue #3366cc
Medium Azure-Cyan mediumazurecyan #3399cc
Medium Faded Blue mediumfadedblue #3333cc
Medium Faded Cyan mediumfadedcyan #33cccc
Medium Faded Green mediumfadedgreen #33cc33
Medium Faded Magenta mediumfadedmagenta #cc33cc
Medium Faded Red mediumfadedred #cc3333
Medium Faded Yellow mediumfadedyellow #cccc33
Medium Orange-Red mediumorangered #cc6633
Medium Orange-Yellow mediumorangeyellow #cc9933
Medium Pink-Magenta mediumpinkmagenta #cc3399
Medium Pink-Red mediumpinkred #cc3366
Medium Spring-Green mediumspringgreen #66cc33
Medium Spring-Yellow mediumspringyellow #99cc33
Medium Teal-Cyan mediumtealcyan #33cc99
Medium Teal-Green mediumtealgreen #33cc66
Medium Violet-Blue mediumvioletblue #6633cc
Medium Violet-Magenta mediumvioletmagenta #9933cc
Medium Weak Blue mediumweakblue #666699
Medium Weak Cyan mediumweakcyan #669999
Medium Weak Green mediumweakgreen #669966
Medium Weak Magenta mediumweakmagenta #996699
Medium Weak Red mediumweakred #996666
Medium Weak Yellow mediumweakyellow #999966
Obscure Dull Azure obscuredullazure #003366
Obscure Dull Blue obscuredullblue #000066
Obscure Dull Cyan obscuredullcyan #006666
Obscure Dull Green obscuredullgreen #006600
Obscure Dull Magenta obscuredullmagenta #660066
Obscure Dull Orange obscuredullorange #663300
Obscure Dull Pink obscuredullpink #660033
Obscure Dull Red obscuredullred #660000
Obscure Dull Spring obscuredullspring #336600
Obscure Dull Teal obscuredullteal #006633
Obscure Dull Violet obscuredullviolet #330066
Obscure Dull Yellow obscuredullyellow #666600
Obscure Gray obscuregray #333333
Obscure Weak Blue obscureweakblue #000033
Obscure Weak Cyan obscureweakcyan #003333
Obscure Weak Green obscureweakgreen #003300
Obscure Weak Magenta obscureweakmagenta #330033
Obscure Weak Red obscureweakred #330000
Obscure Weak Yellow obscureweakyellow #333300
Orange-Orange-Red orangeorangered #ff6600
Orange-Orange-Yellow orangeorangeyellow #ff9900
Pale Dull Azure paledullazure #99ccff
Pale Dull Blue paledullblue #9999ff
Pale Dull Cyan paledullcyan #99ffff
Pale Dull Green paledullgreen #99ff99
Pale Dull Magenta paledullmagenta #ff99ff
Pale Dull Orange paledullorange #ffcc99
Pale Dull Pink paledullpink #ff99cc
Pale Dull Red paledullred #ff9999
Pale Dull Spring paledullspring #ccff99
Pale Dull Teal paledullteal #99ffcc
Pale Dull Violet paledullviolet #cc99ff
Pale Dull Yellow paledullyellow #ffff99
Pale Gray palegray #cccccc
Pale Weak Blue paleweakblue #ccccff
Pale Weak Cyan paleweakcyan #ccffff
Pale Weak Green paleweakgreen #ccffcc
Pale Weak Magenta paleweakmagenta #ffccff
Pale Weak Red paleweakred #ffcccc
Pale Weak Yellow paleweakyellow #ffffcc
Pink-Pink-Magenta pinkpinkmagenta #ff0099
Pink-Pink-Red pinkpinkred #ff0066
Red red #ff0000
Red-Red-Orange redredorange #ff3300
Red-Red-Pink redredpink #ff0033
Spring-Spring-Green springspringgreen #66ff00
Spring-Spring-Yellow springspringyellow #99ff00
Teal-Teal-Cyan tealtealcyan #00ff99
Teal-Teal-Green tealtealgreen #00ff66
Violet-Violet-Blue violetvioletblue #6600ff
Violet-Violet-Magenta violetvioletmagenta #9900ff
White white #ffffff
Yellow yellow #ffff00
Yellow-Yellow-Orange yellowyelloworange #ffcc00
Yellow-Yellow-Spring yellowyellowspring #ccff00