Config::Model::models::LCDd::serialVFD - Configuration class LCDd::serialVFD
Configuration classes used by Config::Model
generated from LCDd.conf
Set the initial brightness (4 steps 0-250, 251-500, 501-750, 751-1000)
Optional. Type integer.
- upstream_default value :
- 1000
Device to use in serial mode. Usual values are /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1.
Optional. Type uniline.
- default value :
- /dev/ttyS1
enable ISO 8859 1 compatibility
Optional. Type boolean.
- upstream_default value :
- yes
Set the initial off-brightness This value is used when the display is normally
switched off in case LCDd is inactive (4 steps 0-250, 251-500, 501-750,
Optional. Type integer.
- upstream_default value :
- 0
Number of Custom-Characters. default is display type dependent
Custom-Characters=0 Portaddress where the LPT is. Used in parallel mode only.
Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC.
Optional. Type uniline.
- default value :
- 0x378
Set parallel port timing delay (us). Used in parallel mode only.
Type integer.
- upstream_default value :
- 2
Specifies the size of the VFD.
Optional. Type uniline.
- default value :
- 20x2
set the serial port speed
Optional. Type enum. choice: '1200', '2400',
'9600', '19200', '115200'.
- upstream_default value :
- 9600
Specifies the displaytype. 0 NEC (FIPC8367 based) VFDs. 1 KD Rev 2.1. 2 Noritake
VFDs (*). 3 Futaba VFDs 4 IEE S03601-95B 5 IEE S03601-96-080 (*) 6 Futaba
NA202SD08FA (allmost IEE compatible) 7 Samsung 20S207DA4 and 20S207DA6 8
Nixdorf BA6x / VT100 (* most should work, not tested yet.)
Optional. Type
- upstream_default value :
- 0
"no" if display connected serial, "yes" if connected
parallel. I.e. serial by default.
Optional. Type uniline.
- upstream_default value :
- no
- •
- cme