bammdnm - compute MD and NM fields
bammdnm [options]
bammdnm reads a coordinate sorted BAM file from standard input, fills the MD and
NM auxiliary fields for each mapped read fragment and writes the resulting
data to a BAM file on standard output.
The following key=value pairs can be given:
reference=<>: file name of the reference in uncompressed or
compressed FastA format. This field is required, i.e. the program will quit if
the key is not given. Uncompressed FastA is expected in general FastA file
format. A FastA index (.fai file) is required. This index can be created while
reformatting the input file using normalisefasta. Compressed FastA can be
provided in two forms. The first form is the format generated by the razip
program. In this case a razf file and a corresponding FastA index file (.fai)
is required. The second form can be generated by normalisefasta using the
setting bgzf=1. The index optionally created by normalisefasta when setting
the index key is required for bammdnm. The index file has to be stored as
ref.fa.bgzf.idx for a compressed reference file name of ref.fa.bgzf.
level=<-1|0|1|9|11>: set compression level of the output BAM file.
Valid values are
- -1:
- zlib/gzip default compression level
- 0:
- uncompressed
- 1:
- zlib/gzip level 1 (fast) compression
- 9:
- zlib/gzip level 9 (best) compression
If libmaus has been compiled with support for igzip (see
then an additional valid value is
- 11:
- igzip compression
verbose=<0|1>: print progress report while processing the file.
Valid values are
- 0:
- do not print progress report
- 1:
- print progress report (default)
disablevalidation=<0|1>: disable input validation. Valid values are
- 0:
- check validity of input data (default)
- 1:
- do not check validity of input data
tmpfile=<filename>: prefix for temporary files. By default
temporary files are created in the current directory.
md5=<0|1>: md5 checksum creation for output file. Valid values are
- 0:
- do not compute checksum. This is the default.
- 1:
- compute checksum. If the md5filename key is set, then the
checksum is written to the given file. If md5filename is unset, then no
checksum will be computed.
md5filename file name for md5 checksum if md5=1.
index=<0|1>: compute BAM index for output file. Valid values are
- 0:
- do not compute BAM index. This is the default.
- 1:
- compute BAM index. If the indexfilename key is set, then
the BAM index is written to the given file. If indexfilename is unset,
then no BAM index will be computed.
indexfilename file name for index file if index=1.
recompindetonly=<0|1>: only compute/recompute MD and NM fields if
the read or reference in the relevant region contain indeterminate (non A, C,
G or T) bases. Valid values are
- 0:
- compute/recompute all MD and NM fields. This is the
- 1:
- only recompute if indeterminate bases are involved
warnchange=<0|1>: warn if values for the MD and NM fields are
already present but different from the newly computed ones. Valid values are
- 0:
- do not warn about changes. This is the default.
- 1:
- print a warning message when changing previously stored
ioblocksize=<128k>: block size used for I/O operations
Written by German Tischler.
Report bugs to <
[email protected]>
Copyright © 2009-2014 German Tischler, © 2011-2014 Genome Research
Limited. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO
WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.