dhcpctl_initialize — dhcpctl library initialization.SYNOPSIS
#include <dhcpctl/dhcpctl.h> dhcpctl_statusdhcpctl_initialize(void); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_connect(dhcpctl_handle *cxn, const char *host, int port, dhcpctl_handle auth); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_timed_connect(dhcpctl_handle *cxn, const char *host, int port, dhcpctl_handle auth, dhcpctl_status *status); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_disconnect(dhcpctl_handle *cxn, int force); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_wait_for_completion(dhcpctl_handle object, dhcpctl_status *status); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_timed_wait_for_completion(dhcpctl_handle object, dhcpctl_status *status, struct timeval *timeout); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_get_value(dhcpctl_data_string *value, dhcpctl_handle object, const char *name); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_get_boolean(int *value, dhcpctl_handle object, const char *name); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_set_value(dhcpctl_handle object, dhcpctl_data_string value, const char *name); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_set_string_value(dhcpctl_handle object, const char *value, const char *name); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_set_boolean_value(dhcpctl_handle object, int value, const char *name); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_set_int_value(dhcpctl_handle object, int value, const char *name); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_object_update(dhcpctl_handle connection, dhcpctl_handle object); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_object_refresh(dhcpctl_handle connection, dhcpctl_handle object); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_object_remove(dhcpctl_handle connection, dhcpctl_handle object); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_set_callback(dhcpctl_handle object, void *data, void (*function) (dhcpctl_handle, dhcpctl_status, void *)); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_new_authenticator(dhcpctl_handle *object, const char *name, const char *algorithm, const char *secret, unsigned secret_len); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_new_object(dhcpctl_handle *object, dhcpctl_handle connection, const char *object_type); dhcpctl_status
dhcpctl_open_object(dhcpctl_handle object, dhcpctl_handle connection, int flags); isc_result_t
omapi_data_string_new(dhcpctl_data_string, *data, unsigned, int, length, const, char, *filename,, int, lineno); isc_result_t
dhcpctl_data_string_dereference(dhcpctl_data_string *, const char *, int);
The dhcpctl set of functions provide an API that can be used to communicate with and manipulate a running ISC DHCP server. All functions return a value ofisc_result_t
. The return values reflects
the result of operations to local data structures. If an operation fails on
the server for any reason, then the error result will be returned through the
second parameter of the
dhcpctl_wait_for_completion() call.
dhcpctl_initialize() sets up the data structures
the library needs to do its work. This function must be called once before any
dhcpctl_connect() opens a connection to the DHCP
server at the given host and port. If an authenticator has been created for
the connection, then it is given as the 4th argument. On a successful return
the address pointed at by the first argument will have a new connection object
assigned to it.
For example:
s = dhcpctl_connect(&cxn, "", 7911, NULL);
struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 5; /* wait for 5 seconds */ timeout.tv_usec = 0; s = dhcpctl_connect(&cxn, "", 7911, NULL, &timeout);
nul. If the second parameter, force, is nonzero, the connection will be closed immediately. Otherwise the receiving end will be shut down but any unsent data will be sent before actually closing the socket. Note that disconnecting only destroys the connection object, any other objects previously created will still exist. For example:
s = dhcpctl_disconnect(&cxn, 1);
s = dhcpctl_wait_for_completion(cxn, &wv); if (s != ISC_R_SUCCESS) local_failure(s); else if (wv != ISC_R_SUCCESS) server_failure(wc);
struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 5; /* wait for 5 seconds */ timeout.tv_usec = 0; s = dhcpctl_wait_for_completion(cxn, &wv, &timeout); if (s != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { local_failure(s); } else if (wv != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { server_failure(wc); }
dhcpctl_data_string value = NULL; dhcpctl_handle lease; time_t thetime; s = dhcpctl_get_value (&value, lease, "ends"); assert(s == ISC_R_SUCCESS && value->len == sizeof(thetime)); memcpy(&thetime, value->value, value->len);
- if the object does not exist then the remote will create it
- update the object on the remote side using the attributes already set in the handle.
- return and error if the object exists and DHCPCTL_CREATE was also specified
macros or the
macro defined in
dhcpctl_data_string_dereference() deallocates a
data string created by omapi_data_string_new().
The memory for the object won't be freed until the last reference is released.
The following program will connect to the DHCP server running on the local host and will get the details of the existing lease for IP address It will then print out the time the lease is due to expire. Note that most error checking has been omitted for brevity.#include <sys/time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include "omapip/result.h" #include "dhcpctl.h" int main (int argc, char **argv) { dhcpctl_data_string ipaddrstring = NULL; dhcpctl_data_string value = NULL; dhcpctl_handle connection = NULL; dhcpctl_handle lease = NULL; isc_result_t waitstatus; struct in_addr convaddr; time_t thetime; dhcpctl_initialize (); dhcpctl_connect (&connection, "", 7911, 0); dhcpctl_new_object (&lease, connection, "lease"); memset (&ipaddrstring, 0, sizeof ipaddrstring); inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &convaddr); omapi_data_string_new (&ipaddrstring, 4, MDL); memcpy(ipaddrstring->value, &convaddr.s_addr, 4); dhcpctl_set_value (lease, ipaddrstring, "ip-address"); dhcpctl_open_object (lease, connection, 0); dhcpctl_wait_for_completion (lease, &waitstatus); if (waitstatus != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { /* server not authoritative */ exit (0); } dhcpctl_data_string_dereference(&ipaddrstring, MDL); dhcpctl_get_value (&value, lease, "ends"); memcpy(&thetime, value->value, value->len); dhcpctl_data_string_dereference(&value, MDL); fprintf (stdout, "ending time is %s", ctime(&thetime)); }
omapi(3), omshell(1), dhcpd(8), dhclient(8), dhcpd.conf(5), dhclient.conf(5).AUTHOR
dhcpctl is maintained by ISC. To learn more about Internet Systems Consortium, see https://www.isc.orgNovember 15, 2000 | DHCP 3 |