setsserial - a utility for setting Smart Serial NVRAM parameters.
NOTE: This rather clunky utility is no longer needed except for flashing
new smart-serial remote firmware. Smart-serial remote parameters can now be
set in the HAL file in the normal way.
setsserial cmd="set hm2_8i20.001f.nvmaxcurrent 750"
- None
- None
loadrt setsserial cmd="{command} {parameter/device} {value/filename}"
Commands available are
set and
This utility should be used under halcmd, without LinuxCNC running or any
realtime threads running.
A typical command sequence would be:
loadrt hostmot2 use_serial_numbers=1
loadrt hm2_pci config="firmware=hm2/5i23/svss8_8.bit"
show param
loadrt setsserial cmd="set hm2_8i20.001f.nvmaxcurrent 750"
This example uses the option to have the HAL pins and parameters labelled by the
serial number of the remote. This is not necessary but can reduce the scope
for confusion. (The serial number is normally on a sticker on the device.)
The next line loads the hm2_pci driver in the normal way. The hm2_7i43 driver
should work equally well, as should any future 7i80 driver. If the card has
already been strted up and a firmware has been loaded, then the config string
may be omitted.
"show param" is optional, but provides a handy list of all the devices
and parameters. It also shows the current values of the parameters which can
be useful for determining scaling. u32 pin values are always shown in hex, but
new values can be entered in decimal or hex. Use the Ox123ABC format to enter
a hex value.
The next line invokes setsserial. This is run in a slightly strange way in order
to have kernel-level access to a live Hostmot2 config. It is basically a HAL
module that always fails to load. This may lead to error messages being
printed to the `halcmd:` prompt. These can often be ignored. All the real
feedback is via the dmesg command. It is suggested to have a second terminal
window open to run dmesg after each command.
On exiting there will typically be a further error message related to the driver
failing to unload setsserial. This can be ignored.
The parameter changes will not show up until the drivers are reloaded. //TODO//
Add a "get" command to avoid this problem.
Flashing Firmware To flash new firmware to an FPGA card such as the 5i25
or 5i20 the "mesaflash" utility should be used. Setsserial is only
useful for changing/updating the firmware on smart-serial remote such as the
8i20. The firmware should be placed somewhere in the /lib/firmware/hm2 tree,
where the Linux firmware loading macros can find it.
The flashing routine operates in a realtime thread, and can only send prompts to
the user through the kernel log (dmesg). It is most convenient to open two
terminal windows, one for command entry and one to monitor progress.
In the first terminal enter
tail -f /var/log/kern.log
This terminal will now display status information.
The second window will be used to enter the commands. It is important that
LinuxCNC and/or HAL are not already loaded when the process is started. To
flash new firmware it is necessary to move a jumper on the smart-serial remote
drive and to switch smart-serial communication to a slower baudrate.
A typical command sequence is then
loadrt hostmot2 sserial_baudrate=115200
loadrt hm2_pci config="firmware=hm2/5i23/svss8_8.bit"
loadrt setsserial cmd="flash hm2_5i23.0.8i20.0.1 hm2/8i20/8i20T.BIN"
It is not necessary (or useful) to specify a config string in a system using the
5i25 or 6i25 cards.
Note that it is necessary to exit halrun and unload the realtime environment
before flashing the next card (exit)
The correct sserial channel name to use can be seen in the dmesg output in the
feedback terminal after the loadrt hm2_pci step of the sequence.