sssctl - SSSD control and status utility


sssctl COMMAND [options]


sssctl provides a simple and unified way to obtain information about SSSD status, such as active server, auto-discovered servers, domains and cached objects. In addition, it can manage SSSD data files for troubleshooting in such a way that is safe to manipulate while SSSD is running.


To list all available commands run sssctl without any parameters. To print help for selected command run sssctl COMMAND --help.


Those options are available with all commands.
--debug LEVEL
SSSD supports two representations for specifying the debug level. The simplest is to specify a decimal value from 0-9, which represents enabling that level and all lower-level debug messages. The more comprehensive option is to specify a hexadecimal bitmask to enable or disable specific levels (such as if you wish to suppress a level).
Currently supported debug levels:
0, 0x0010: Fatal failures. Anything that would prevent SSSD from starting up or causes it to cease running.
1, 0x0020: Critical failures. An error that doesn't kill SSSD, but one that indicates that at least one major feature is not going to work properly.
2, 0x0040: Serious failures. An error announcing that a particular request or operation has failed.
3, 0x0080: Minor failures. These are the errors that would percolate down to cause the operation failure of 2.
4, 0x0100: Configuration settings.
5, 0x0200: Function data.
6, 0x0400: Trace messages for operation functions.
7, 0x1000: Trace messages for internal control functions.
8, 0x2000: Contents of function-internal variables that may be interesting.
9, 0x4000: Extremely low-level tracing information.
10, 0x10000: Even more low-level libldb tracing information. Almost never really required.
To log required bitmask debug levels, simply add their numbers together as shown in following examples:
Example: To log fatal failures, critical failures, serious failures and function data use 0x0270.
Example: To log fatal failures, configuration settings, function data, trace messages for internal control functions use 0x1310.
Note: The bitmask format of debug levels was introduced in 1.7.0.
Default: 0x0070 (i.e. fatal, critical and serious failures; corresponds to setting 2 in decimal notation)


sssd(8), sssd.conf(5), sssd-ldap(5), sssd-krb5(5), sssd-simple(5), sssd-ipa(5), sssd-ad(5), sssd-files(5), sssd-sudo(5), sssd-session-recording(5), sss_cache(8), sss_debuglevel(8), sss_obfuscate(8), sss_seed(8), sssd_krb5_locator_plugin(8), sss_ssh_authorizedkeys(8), sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy(8), sssd-ifp(5), pam_sss(8). sss_rpcidmapd(5) sssd-systemtap(5)


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