dh_installpam - Instala ficheros de compatibilidad de pam
dh_installpam [
opciones-de-debhelper] [
dh_installpam es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar
ficheros utilizados por PAM en los directorios de construcción del
- debian/paquete.pam
- Installed into usr/lib/pam.d/package in the package
build directory.
Until compatibility level 14 this file was installed under etc/pam.d/
package. Please consider using the "rm_conffile" feature
from dh_installdeb(1) to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM
- Look for files named debian/package.name.pam
and install them as usr/lib/pam.d/ name, instead of using the usual
files and installing them using the package name.
Este programa es parte de debhelper.
Joey Hess <
[email protected]>
Traducci�n de Rub�n Porras Campo
[email protected]> Actualizaci�n de Omar
Campagne Polaino