Algorithm::Diff::XS - Algorithm::Diff with XS core loop
# Drop-in replacement to Algorithm::Diff, but "compact_diff"
# and C<LCSidx> will run much faster for large data sets.
use Algorithm::Diff::XS qw( compact_diff LCSidx );
This module is a simple re-packaging of Joe Schaefer's excellent but not very
well-known Algorithm::LCS with a drop-in interface that simply re-uses the
installed version of the Algorithm::Diff module.
Note that only the "LCSidx" function is optimized in XS at the moment,
which means only "compact_diff" will get significantly faster for
large data sets, while "diff" and "sdiff" will run in
identical speed as "Algorithm::Diff".
Rate Algorithm::Diff Algorithm::Diff::XS
Algorithm::Diff 14.7/s -- -98%
Algorithm::Diff::XS 806/s 5402% --
The benchmarking script is as below:
my @data = ([qw/a b d/ x 50], [qw/b a d c/ x 50]);
cmpthese( 500, {
'Algorithm::Diff' => sub {
'Algorithm::Diff::XS' => sub {
Algorithm::Diff, Algorithm::LCS.
Audrey Tang <
[email protected]>
Copyright 2008 by Audrey Tang <
[email protected]>.
Contains derived code copyrighted 2003 by Joe Schaefer,
[email protected]>.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.