Object representing application configuration
- $obj=ClusterSSH::Getopts->new ({ })
- Create a new object.
- $obj=ClusterSSH::Getopts->add_option ({ })
- Add extra options into the allowed set for parsing from the
command line
- $obj=ClusterSSH::Getopts->add_common_options ({ })
- Add common options used by most calling scripts into the
allowed set for parsing from the command line
- $obj=ClusterSSH::Getopts->add_common_session_options ({
- Add common session options used by most calling scripts
into the allowed set for parsing from the command line
- $obj=ClusterSSH::Getopts->add_common_ssh_options ({
- Add common ssh options used by most calling scripts into
the allowed set for parsing from the command line
- $obj->getopts
- Function to call after all options have been set up;
creates methods to call for each option on the object, such as
$obj->action, or $obj->username
- output(@)
- Simple helper func to print out pod lines with double
- help
- usage
- Functions to output help and usage instructions