Bandage - Bioinformatics Application for Navigating De novo Assembly Graphs
Bandage <command> [
Bandage is a GUI program that allows users to interact with the assembly graphs
made by de novo assemblers such as Velvet, SPAdes, MEGAHIT and others..
- <blank> Launch the Bandage GUI
- load
- Launch the Bandage GUI and load a graph file
- info
- Display information about a graph
- image
- Generate an image file of a graph
- querypaths
- Output graph paths for BLAST queries
- reduce
- Save a subgraph of a larger graph
- --help
- View this help message
- --helpall
- View all command line settings
- --version
- View Bandage version number
The following options configure the Bandage settings that are available in the
Bandage GUI.
- Colours can be specified using hex values, with or without
an alpha channel, (e.g. #FFB6C1 or #7FD2B48C) or using standard colour names
(e.g. red, yellowgreen or skyblue).
- Note that hex colours will either need to be enclosed in
quotes (e.g. "#FFB6C1") or have the hash symbol escaped (e.g.
Graph scope
These settings control the graph scope. If the aroundnodes scope is used, then
--nodes option must also be used. If the aroundblast scope is used,
a BLAST query must be given with the
--query option
--scope <scope>
- Graph scope, from one of the following options: entire,
aroundnodes, aroundblast, depthrange (default: entire)
--nodes <list>
- A comma-separated list of starting nodes for the
aroundnodes scope (default: none)
- --partial
- Use partial node name matching (default: exact node name
--distance <int>
- The number of node steps away to draw for the aroundnodes
and aroundblast scopes (0 to 100, default: 0)
--mindepth <float>
- The minimum allowed depth for the depthrange scope (0 to
1e+6, default: 10)
--maxdepth <float>
- The maximum allowed depth for the depthrange scope (0 to
1e+6, default: 100)
- --double
- Draw graph in double mode (default: off)
Graph size
--nodelen <float>
- Node length per megabase (0 to 1e+6, default: auto)
--minnodlen <float>
- Minimum node length (1 to 100, default: 5)
--edgelen <float>
- Edge length (0.1 to 100, default: 5)
--edgewidth <float>
- Edge width (0.1 to 100, default: 1.5)
--doubsep <float>
- Double mode separation (0 to 100, default: 2)
Graph layout
--nodseglen <float>
- Node segment length (1 to 1000, default: 20)
--iter <int>
- Graph layout iterations (0 to 4, default: 2)
- --linear
- Linear graph layout (default: off)
Graph appearance
--edgecol <col>
- Colour for edges (default: black)
--outcol <col
- Colour for node outlines (default: black)
--outline <float>
- Node outline thickness (0 to 100, default: 0)
--selcol <col>
- Colour for selections (default: blue)
- --noaa
- Disable antialiasing (default: antialiasing on)
- --singlearr
- Show node arrowheads in single mode (default: nodes are
only displayed with arrowheads in double mode)
Text appearance
--textcol <col>
- Colour for label text (default: black)
--toutcol <col>
- Colour for text outline (default: white)
--toutline <float>
- Surround text with an outline with this thickness (0 to 10,
default: 1.5)
- --centre
- Node labels appear at the centre of the node (default: off,
node labels appear over visible parts of nodes)
Node width
Node widths are determined using the following formula:
- a*b*((c/d)^e-1)+1
- a = average node width
- b = depth effect on width
- c = node depth
- d = mean depth
- e = power of depth effect on width
--nodewidth <float>
- Average node width (0.5 to 1000, default: 5)
--depwidth <float>
- Depth effect on width (0 to 1, default: 0.5)
--deppower <float>
- Power of depth effect on width (0 to 1, default: 0.5)
Node labels
- --names
- Label nodes with name (default: off)
- --lengths
- Label nodes with length (default: off)
- --depth
- Label nodes with depth (default: off)
- --blasthits
- Label BLAST hits (default: off)
--fontsize <int>
- Font size for node labels (1 to 100, default: 12)
Node colours
--colour <scheme>
- Node colouring scheme, from one of the following options:
random, uniform, depth, blastsolid, blastrainbow (default: random if
--query option not used, blastsolid if --query option
Random colour scheme
These settings only apply when the random colour scheme is used.
--ransatpos <int>
- Positive node saturation (0 to 255, default: 127)
--ransatneg <int>
- Negative node saturation (0 to 255, default: 127)
--ranligpos <int>
- Positive node lightness (0 to 255, default: 150)
--ranligneg <int>
- Negative node lightness (0 to 255, default: 90)
--ranopapos <int>
- Positive node opacity (0 to 255, default: 255)
--ranopaneg <int>
- Negative node opacity (0 to 255, default: 255)
Uniform colour scheme
These settings only apply when the uniform colour scheme is used.
--unicolpos <col>
- Positive node colour (default: firebrick)
--unicolneg <col>
- Negative node colour (default: maroon)
--unicolspe <col>
- Special node colour (default: green)
Depth colour scheme
These settings only apply when the depth colour scheme is used.
--depcollow <col>
- Colour for nodes with depth below the low depth value
(default: black)
--depcolhi <col>
- Colour for nodes with depth above the high depth value
(default: red)
--depvallow <float>
- Low depth value (0 to 1e+6, default: auto)
--depvalhi <float>
- High depth value (0 to 1e+6, default: auto)
BLAST search
--query <fastafile>
- A FASTA file of either nucleotide or protein sequences to
be used as BLAST queries (default: none)
--blastp <param>
- Parameters to be used by blastn and tblastn when conducting
a BLAST search in Bandage (default: none). Format BLAST parameters exactly
as they would be used for blastn/tblastn on the command line, and enclose
them in quotes.
--alfilter <int>
- Alignment length filter for BLAST hits. Hits with shorter
alignments will be excluded (1 to 1e+6, default: off)
--qcfilter <float>
- Query coverage filter for BLAST hits. Hits with less
coverage will be excluded (0 to 100, default: off)
--ifilter <float>
- Identity filter for BLAST hits. Hits with less identity
will be excluded (0 to 100, default: off)
--evfilter <sci>
- E-value filter for BLAST hits. Hits with larger e-values
will be excluded (1e-999 to 9.9e1, default: off)
--bsfilter <float>
- Bit score filter for BLAST hits. Hits with lower bit scores
will be excluded (0 to 1e+6, default: off)
BLAST query paths
These settings control how Bandage searches for query paths after conducting a
BLAST search.
--pathnodes <int>
- The number of allowed nodes in a BLAST query path (1 to 50,
default: 6)
--minpatcov <float>
- Minimum fraction of a BLAST query which must be covered by
a query path (0.3 to 1, default: 0.9)
--minhitcov <float>
- Minimum fraction of a BLAST query which must be covered by
BLAST hits in a query path (0.3 to 1, default: 0.9)
--minmeanid <float>
- Minimum mean identity of BLAST hits in a query path (0 to
1, default: 0.5)
--maxevprod <sci>
- Maximum e-value product for all BLAST hits in a query path
(1e-999 to 9.9e1, default: 1e-10)
--minpatlen <float>
- Minimum allowed relative path length as compared to the
query (0 to 10000, default: 0.95)
--maxpatlen <float>
- Maximum allowed relative path length as compared to the
query (0 to 10000, default: 1.05)
--minlendis <int>
- Minimum allowed length discrepancy (in bases) between a
BLAST query and its path in the graph ( -1e+6 to 1e+6, default:
--maxlendis <int>
- Maximum allowed length discrepancy (in bases) between a
BLAST query and its path in the graph ( -1e+6 to 1e+6, default:
Online Bandage help:
This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be
used for any other usage of the program.