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Faidx -- Perl extension for accessing bgzip compressed and indexed FASTA using
#include the module
use Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx;
#create the index object
my $fasta = "$Bin/data/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.dna.chromosome.I.fa.gz" ;
my $location = "I:1-100" ;
my $seq_id = "I" ;
my $index = Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx->new($fasta);
#get sequence using the location
my $seq = "" ;
my $length = 0 ;
($seq, $length) = $index->get_sequence($location);
$seq = $index->get_sequence_no_length($location);
$length = $index->length($seq_id);
#get sequence using the separate parameters.
#Note here that the sequence start and end points are zero indexed, so code accordingly.
($seq, $length) = $index->get_sequence2("I",1,99);
$seq = $index->get_sequence2_no_length("I",1,99);
my @seq_ids = $index->get_all_sequence_ids();
#returns 1 if sequence ID is present, 0 if not
my $has_seq = $index->has_sequence('I');
Rishi Nag