Catmandu::Store::AlephX - A Catmandu AlephX service implemented as
use Catmandu::Store::AlephX;
my $store = Catmandu::Store::AlephX->new(url => '' , username => 'XXX' , password => 'XXX');
$store->bag('usm01')->each(sub {
Retrieves a record from the Aleph database. Requires a record identifier.
Returns a Catmandu MARC record when found and undef on failure.
Adds or updates a record to the Aleph database. Requires a Catmandu type MARC
record and a _id field containing the Aleph record number. This method with
throw an error when an add cant be executed.
#add new record. WARNING: Aleph will ignore the 001 field,
my $new_record = eval {
record => [
if ($@) {
die "add failed $@";
say "new record:".$record->{_id};
Deletes a record from the Aleph database. Requires a record identifier. Returns
a true value when the record is deleted.
Loops over all records in the Aleph database executing callback for every
Not implemented
Not implemented
Not implemented