Chart::Clicker::Renderer::StackedArea - Stacked Area renderer
version 2.90
my $ar = Chart::Clicker::Renderer::StackedArea->new({
fade => 1,
brush => Graphics::Primitive::Brush->new({
width => 2
Chart::Clicker::Renderer::StackedArea renders a dataset as line-like polygons
stacked atop one another.
Note that series with varying keys (e.g. Series 1 has keys 1, 2, 3 but Series 2
only has 1 and 3) will cause you some problems. Since the keys don't match up,
neither will the accumulation of area. This may be addressed in the future.
Set/Get the brush that informs the line surrounding the area renders individual
Set/Get the fade flag, which turns on or off a gradient in the area renderer.
Set the alpha value for the renderer, which makes things more or less opaque.
Cory G Watson <
[email protected]>
This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Cory G Watson.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.