Class::MixinFactory::HasAFactory - Delegates to a Factory
package My::BaseClass;
@ISA = 'Class::MixinFactory::HasAFactory';
sub new { ... }
sub foo { return "Foo Bar" }
package My::Logging;
sub foo { warn "Calling foo"; (shift)->NEXT('foo', @_) }
package My::UpperCase;
sub foo { uc( (shift)->NEXT('foo', @_) ) }
package main;
use My::BaseClass;
print My::BaseClass->class()->new()->foo();
print My::BaseClass->class( 'Logging' )->new()->foo();
print My::BaseClass->class( 'UpperCase' )->new()->foo();
print My::BaseClass->class( 'Logging', 'UpperCase' )->new()->foo();
A class for use by classes which want a factory method.
Inherit from this class to obtain the
class() factory method, described
- mixin_factory()
BaseClass->mixin_factory() : $factory_object
Gets the associated mixin factory. Generated the first time it is
- class()
BaseClass->class( @mixins ) : $package_name
Calls the class() method on the associated mixin factory.
For a facade interface that facilitates access to this functionality, see
For distribution, installation, support, copyright and license information, see