Class::ObjectTemplate - Perl extension for an optimized template builder base
package Foo;
use Class::ObjectTemplate;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Class::ObjectTemplate Exporter);
attributes('one', 'two', 'three');
# initialize will be called by new()
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
$self->three(1) unless defined $self->three();
use Foo;
$foo = Foo->new();
# store 27 in the 'one' attribute
# check the value in the 'two' attribute
die "should be undefined" if defined $foo->two();
# set using the utility method
# check using the utility method
$two = $foo->get_attribute('two');
# set more than one attribute using the named parameter style
$foo->set_attributes('one'=>27, 'two'=>42);
# or using array references
# get more than one attribute
@list = $foo->get_attributes('one', 'two');
# get a list of all attributes known by an object
@attrs = $foo->get_attribute_names();
# check that initialize() is called properly
die "initialize didn't set three()" unless $foo->three();
Class::ObjectTemplate is a utility class to assist in the building of other
Object Oriented Perl classes.
It was described in detail in the O\'Reilly book, "Advanced Perl
Programming" by Sriram Srinivasam.
This method creates a shared setter and getter methods for every name in the
list. The method also creates the class constructor, "new()".
WARNING: This method
must be invoked within the module for every
class that inherits from Class::ObjectTemplate, even if that class defines no
attributes. For a class defining no new attributes, it should invoke
"attributes()" with no arguments.
Original code by Sriram Srinivasam.
Fixes and CPAN module by Jason E. Stewart (
[email protected])