Config::Model::Role::ComputeFunction - compute &index or &element
version 2.152
$value->eval_function('index','- -');
$value->compute_string('&index(- -)');
Role used to let a value object get the index or the element name of $self or of
a node above.
Retrieve the index or the element name. Parameters are
( function_name , [ up ])
- function_name
- "element" or "index"
- up
- Optional parameter to indicate how many level to go up
before retrieving the index or element name. Each "-" is
equivalent to a call to "parent|Config::Model::Node/parent". Can
be repeated dashes (""-"", ""-
-"", ...) or a dash with a multiplier
(""-"", ""-2"", ...). White spaces
are ignored.
Perform a similar function as "eval_function" using a string where
function names are extracted.
E.g. "compute_string('&element(-)')" calls
Dominique Dumont
This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2022 by Dominique Dumont.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999