Config::Model::models::Dpkg::Copyright::Content - Configuration class
Configuration classes used by Config::Model
One or more free-form copyright statement(s), one per line, that apply to the
files matched by the above pattern. If a work has no copyright holder (i.e.,
it is in the public domain), that information should be recorded here.
The Copyright field collects all relevant copyright notices for the files of
this paragraph. Not all copyright notices may apply to every individual file,
and years of publication for one copyright holder may be gathered together.
For example, if file A has:
Copyright 2008 John Smith Copyright 2009 Angela Watts
and file B has:
Copyright 2010 Angela Watts
the Copyright field for a stanza covering both file A and file B need contain
Copyright 2008 John Smith Copyright 2009, 2010 Angela Watts
The Copyright field may contain the original copyright statement copied exactly
(including the word Copyright), or it can shorten the text, as long as it does
not sacrifice information. Examples in this specification use both forms.
Mandatory. Type string.
Optional. Type node of class Dpkg::Copyright::FileLicense .
Deprecated Optional. Type uniline.
This field can provide additional information. For example, it might quote an
e-mail from upstream justifying why the license is acceptable to the main
archive, or an explanation of how this version of the package has been forked
from a version known to be DFSG-free, even though the current upstream version
is not.
Optional. Type string.
Note: Comment is migrated with '$old' and with:
- •
- $old => "- X-Comment"
Deprecated Optional. Type string.
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- cme
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- Config::Model::models::Dpkg::Copyright::FileLicense
- Dominique Dumont
- 2010,2011 Dominique Dumont