DistanceEst - Estimate distances between contigs using paired-end alignments.
DistanceEst -k<kmer> -s<seed-length> -n<npairs>
Estimate distances between contigs using paired-end alignments.
- Arguments:
- distribution of fragments size
- alignments between contigs
- Options:
- minimum distance between contigs [-(k-1)]
- maximum distance between contigs
- --fr
- force the orientation to forward-reverse
- --rf
- force the orientation to reverse-forward
-k, --kmer=N
- set --mind to -(k-1) bp
-l, --min-align=N
- the minimal alignment size [1]
-n, --npairs=NPAIRS
- minimum number of pairs
-s, --seed-length=L
- minimum length of the seed contigs
-q, --min-mapq=N
- ignore alignments with mapping quality less than this
threshold [10]
-o, --out=FILE
- write result to FILE
- --mle
- use the MLE [default] (maximum likelihood estimator)
- --median
- use the difference of the population median and the sample
- --mean
- use the difference of the population mean and the sample
- --dist
- output the graph in dist format [default]
- --dot
- output the graph in GraphViz format
- --gv
- output the graph in GraphViz format
- --gfa
- output the graph in GFA2 format
- --gfa2
- output the graph in GFA2 format
-j, --threads=N
- use N parallel threads [1]
-v, --verbose
- display verbose output
- --help
- display this help and exit
- --version
- output version information and exit
- specify path of database repository in FILE
- specify library NAME for sqlite
- specify strain NAME for sqlite
- specify species NAME for sqlite
Written by Jared Simpson and Shaun Jackman.
Report bugs to <
[email protected]>.
Copyright 2014 Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre