FvwmButtons - the fvwm buttonbox module
Module FvwmButtons [-g geometry] [-transient | -transientpanel] [name[configfile]]
FvwmButtons can only be invoked by fvwm. Command line invocation of the
FvwmButtons module will not work.
The FvwmButtons module provides a window of buttons which sits on the X
terminal's root window. The user can press the buttons at any time, and
trigger invocation of a user-specified command by the window manager.
FvwmButtons only works when fvwm is used as the window manager.
The buttonbox can be of any configuration or geometry, and can have monochrome
or color icons to represent the actions which would be invoked. Even other
applications can be 'swallowed' by the button bar.
Panels that are opened on a button press are available too. See
PANELS section for details.
-g option specifies the geometry of the main window. The command line
option takes precedence over any other geometry settings in the configuration
-transient option tells FvwmButtons to terminate itself after the
first key or button press has been received (presses to open a sub panel do
not count) or a sub panel has been closed or respawned. This is especially
useful for sub panels where you want to select a single button and have it
closed automatically. It could be used to create two-dimensional graphical
menus. Since
-transient is an option, not a configuration setting you
can use the same configuration for transient and non transient button bars.
-transientpanel option does roughly the same as the
option, but instead of closing the whole button bar, the window is merely
hidden. This is very useful if the button bar is started as a subpanel of
another button bar because it avoids that it must be started again when
something is selected.
FvwmButtons is spawned by fvwm, so command line invocation will not work.
FvwmButtons can be invoked by inserting the line 'Module FvwmButtons
OptionalName' in the .fvwm2rc file. This should be placed in the StartFunction
if FvwmButtons is to be spawned during fvwm's initialization. This can be
bound to a menu or mouse button or keystroke to invoke it later.
When invoked with the
OptionalName argument, the
OptionalName is
used to find configuration commands. For example:
AddToFunc StartFunction Module FvwmButtons MyButtonBox
FvwmButtons will then use only the lines starting with "*MyButtonBox",
instead of the default "*FvwmButtons".
The following commands are understood by FvwmButtons:
- *FvwmButtons: Back color
- Specifies the background color for the buttons. The relief
and shadow color are calculated from the background color.
- *FvwmButtons: BoxSize algorithm
- This option specifies how serious FvwmButtons takes the
Rows and Columns options (see below). It can be one of dumb,
fixed or smart.
If fixed is used and both Rows and Columns are specified and
non-zero, FvwmButtons uses exactly the number of rows and columns
specified. If the box is too small to accommodate all buttons the module
will fail.
If smart is used FvwmButtons enlarges the box so all buttons have a
chance to fit. The number of columns is increased to at least the width of
the widest button and new rows are added until all buttons are placed. For
the best tolerance of configuration errors use the smart option.
dumb is neither fixed nor smart. This is the default.
- *FvwmButtons: Colorset colorset
- Tells the module to use colorset colorset for the
window background. Refer to the fvwm man page for details about colorsets.
- *FvwmButtons: ActiveColorset colorset
- Tells the module to use colorset colorset for the
background color/image and/or title color of a button when the mouse is
hovering above a button.
- *FvwmButtons: PressColorset colorset
- Tells the module to use colorset colorset for the
background color/image and/or title color of a button when it is pressed.
- *FvwmButtons: Columns columns
- Specifies the number of columns of buttons to be created.
If unspecified, the number of columns is set to the number of buttons
requested, divided by the number of rows. If both the rows and columns are
specified, but the number of buttons is more than the rows and columns
allow for, the columns specification is ignored unless the BoxSize
option is fixed.
- *FvwmButtons: File filename
- Specifies that the configuration for this button is found
in the file filename. Filename can be a full pathname, or is
assumed to be in fvwm's startup directory. The configuration file is in
the same format as fvwm's configuration file, but each line is read as if
prefixed by "*FvwmButtons". Comments are given by starting a
line with "#". Line continuation is done by ending a line with a
- *FvwmButtons: Font font
- Specifies the font to be used for labeling the buttons, or
- *FvwmButtons: Fore color
- Specifies the color used for button label text and
monochrome icons.
- *FvwmButtons: Frame width
- Specifies the width of the relief around each button. If
this is a negative number, the relief is inverted. This makes the button
sunken normally and raised when activated.
- *FvwmButtons: Geometry geometry
- Specifies the FvwmButtons window location and size. The
geometry is a standard X11 window geometry specification.
- *FvwmButtons: ButtonGeometry geometry
- This option works like the Geometry option except
that the size is the size of a single button. The size of the whole
FvwmButtons window is calculated by multiplying the button dimension by
the number of rows and columns.
- *FvwmButtons: Padding width height
- This option specifies the default horizontal padding to be
width pixels, and the vertical padding to be height pixels.
The amount of free space between the relief of the button and its contents
is normally 2 pixels on the sides and 4 pixels above and below, except for
swallowed windows and containers, which are not padded at all, unless this
option is used.
- *FvwmButtons: Pixmap pixmapfile
- Specifies a background pixmap to use. Specify
"none" (without the double quotes) for a transparent background.
- *FvwmButtons: Rows rows
- Specifies the number of rows of buttons to be created. The
default is 2 rows.
- *FvwmButtons: (options) [title icon
- Specifies the contents of a button in the buttonbox. The
following options, separated by commas or whitespace, can be given
a button:
- geometry
- Specifies the size and position of the button within the
FvwmButtons window or container. The geometry is a standard X11 window
geometry specification. The button is width times the normal button
width and height times the normal button height. If values for
x and y are given, the button is placed x (y) button units
from the left (top) of the container if x (y) is positive and x (y) units
from the right (bottom) if x (y) is negative. Buttons with position
arguments (x and y) are placed before those without them. If two or more
buttons are forced to overlap by this, FvwmButtons exits with an error
- Action [(options)] command
- Specifies an fvwm command to be executed when the button is
activated by pressing return or a mouse button. The command needs
to be quoted if it contains a comma or a closing parenthesis.
The current options of the Action are: Mouse n - this action
is only executed for mouse button n. One action can be defined for
each mouse button, in addition to the general action.
In the command part, you can use a number of predefined variables:
$left, $right, $top and $bottom are
substituted by the left, right, top and bottom coordinates of the button
pressed. $-left, $-right, $-top and $-bottom
are substituted likewise, but the coordinates are calculated from the
bottom or the right edge of the screen instead (for a button that is 5
pixels away from the right screen border, $-right will be 5).
$width and $height are replaced by the width or height of
the button. The variables $fg and $bg are replaced with the
name of the foreground or background color set with the Back or
Fore option (see below). All this is done regardless of any quoting
characters. To get a literal '$' use the string '$$'.
*FvwmButtons: (Title xload, Action (Mouse 1) \
`Exec exec xload -fg $fg -bg $bg -geometry -3000-3000`)
Note: With fvwm versions prior to 2.5.0, actions could not be assigned to a
button that swallowed an application window (see Swallow option).
Such actions worked only when the border around the button was clicked.
This is now possible, but to get back the old behavior, the
ActionIgnoresClientWindow can be used on the button:
*FvwmButtons: (Action beep, ActionIgnoresClientWindow, \
Swallow xeyes "Exec exec xeyes")
In this example, the action is only executed when you click on the border of
the button or the transparent part of the xeyes window, but not on the
xeyes window itself.
- ActionIgnoresClientWindow
- See the note in the description of Action above.
- ActionOnPress
- Usually the action is executed on the button release except
for the Popup action. This option changes this behavior, the action
is executed on the button press. This may be good, for example, with
Menu or SendToModule that generates popups, or when
Frame is 0 and the button would look unresponsive otherwise.
- Back color
- Specifies the background color to be used drawing this box.
A relief color and a shadow color are calculated from this.
- Center
- The contents of the button is centered on the button. This
is the default but may be changed by Left or Right.
- Top
- The contents of the button is vertically aligned at the top
of the button. The default is to vertically center it.
- Colorset colorset
- The given colorset can be applied to a container, a
swallowed application and a simple button. To apply it to a button or
container, simply put the option in a line with a button or container
description. Drawing backgrounds for individual buttons and containers
with colorsets requires a lot of communication with the X server. So if
you are not content with the drawing speed of dozens of buttons with
colorset backgrounds, do not use colorsets here. Setting colorsets as the
background of swallowed applications does not have this restriction but
depends entirely on the swallowed application. It may work as you wish,
but since it involves fiddling with other applications' windows there is
no guarantee for anything. I have tested three applications: xosview works
nicely with a colorset background, xload works only with a VGradient or
solid background and an analog xclock leaves a trail painted in the
background color after its hands.
If the swallowed window is an fvwm module (see the (No)FvwmModule option to
Swallow), then the colorset is not applied to the swallowed module.
You should use the colorset in the module configuration. If the
swallowed module has a transparent colorset background, then the
FvwmButtons background (and not the button colorset) is seen by
transparency of the background of the swallowed module. Refer to the fvwm
man page for details about colorsets.
- ActiveColorset colorset
- Use colorset colorset for the background color/image
and/or title color of the button when the mouse is hovering above it.
- PressColorset colorset
- Use colorset colorset for the background color/image
and/or title color of the button when it is pressed.
- Container [(options)]
- Specifies that this button will contain a miniature
buttonbox, equivalent to swallowing another FvwmButtons module. The
options are the same as can be given for a single button, but they affect
all the contained buttons. Options available for this use are Back,
Font, Fore, Frame and Padding. Flags for Title and Swallow
options can be set with Title(flags) and Swallow(flags). You
should also specify either "Columns width" or "Rows
height", or "Rows 2" will be assumed. For an
example, see the Sample configuration section.
The container button itself (separate from the contents) can take format
options like Frame and Padding, and commands can be bound to
it. This means you can make a sensitive relief around a container, like
*FvwmButtons: (2x2, Frame 5, Padding 2 2, Action Beep,\
Container(Frame 1))
Typically you will want to at least give the container a size setting
widthx height.
- End
- Specifies that no more buttons are defined for the current
container, and further buttons will be put in the container's parent. This
option should be given on a line by itself, i.e
*FvwmButtons: (End)
- Font fontname
- Specifies that the font fontname is to be used for
labeling this button.
- Fore color
- Specifies the foregound color of the title and monochrome
icons in this button.
- Frame width
- The relief of the button will be width pixels wide.
If width is given as a negative number, the relief is inverted.
This makes the button sunken normally and raised when activated.
- Icon filename
- The name of an image file, containing the icon to display
on the button. FvwmButtons searches through the path specified in the fvwm
ImagePath configuration item to find the icon file.
- ActiveIcon filename
- The name of an image file, containing an alternative icon
to display on the button when the mouse is hovering above the button. If
no ActiveIcon is specified, the image specified by Icon is displayed (if
there is one).
- PressIcon filename
- The name of an image file, containing an alternative icon
to display on the button when the button is pressed. If no PressIcon is
specified, the image specified by Icon is displayed (if there is one).
- Id id
- The id to be used to identify this button. The first
character of the id should be alphabetic. See also the "DYNAMICAL
ACTIONS" section.
- Left
- The contents of the button are aligned to the left. The
default is to center the contents on the button.
- NoSize
- This option specifies that this button will not be
considered at all when making the initial calculations of button sizes.
Useful for the odd button that gets just a couple of pixels too large to
keep in line, and therefore blows up your whole buttonbox.
"NoSize" is equivalent to "Size 0 0".
- Padding width height
- The amount of free space between the relief of the button
and its contents is normally 2 pixels to the sides and 4 pixels above and
below, except for swallowed windows and containers, which are by default
not padded at all. This option sets the horizontal padding to width
and the vertical padding to height.
- Panel [ (options) ] hangon
- Panels can be swallowed exactly like windows are swallowed
by buttons with the Swallow command below, but they are not
displayed within the button. Instead they are hidden until the user
presses the panel's button. Then the panel (the window of the swallowed
application) opens with a sliding animation. The options can be any
of the flags described for the Swallow command. In addition a
direction 'left', 'right', 'up' or 'down' can be used to specify the
sliding direction.
The steps animation-steps option defines the number of animation
The delay ms option sets the delay between the steps of the animation
in milliseconds. Use zero for no delay. The maximum delay is 10 seconds
(10000). It doesn't make any sense to use the delay option unless you also
use the smooth option.
The smooth option causes the panel to redraw between the steps of the
animation. The sliding animation may be smoother this way, it depends on
the application, and display speed. The application may appear to grow
instead of sliding out. The animation may be slower.
The Hints option causes FvwmButtons to use the applications size
hints to calculate the size of the animation steps. Hints is the
default. If the number of steps is not what you want, try using
The noborder option tells FvwmButtons to ignore the borders of the
window when calculating positions for the animation (equivalent to set
noplr and noptb in the position option).
With the indicator option set, FvwmButtons will draw a small triangle
in the button that will open a panel. The triangle points in the direction
where the panel will pop up. The indicator keyword may be followed
by a positive integer that specifies the maximum width and height of the
indicator. Without this size FvwmButtons will make the indicator fit the
button. You will probably want to use the Padding option to leave a
few pixels between the indicator and the frame of the button.
The position option allows one to place the panel. The syntax is:
position [ context-window] [pos] [x y] [border-opts]
The argument context-window can be one of: Button, Module or Root.
The context-window is the window from which panel percentage
offsets are calculated. Button specifies the panel's button, Module
specifies FvwmButtons itself, and Root specifies a virtual screen. The
context-window together with the sliding direction define a line segment
which is one of the borders of the context-window: the
top/bottom/left/right border for sliding up/down/left/right.
The pos argument can be one of: center, left or right (for sliding up
or a down) or top or bottom (for sliding left or right). It defines the
vertical (sliding up and down) or the horizontal (sliding left and right)
position of the Panel on the line segment. For example, for a sliding up
if you use a left pos, then the left borders of the panel and of the
context-window will be aligned.
The offset values x and y specify how far the panel is moved
from it's default position. By default, the numeric value given is
interpreted as a percentage of the context window's width (height). A
trailing "p" changes the interpretation to mean
"pixels". All offset calculations are relative to the buttons
location, even when using a root context.
The border-opts are: mlr, mtb, noplr and noptb. They define which
border widths are taken in account. By default, the borders of FvwmButtons
are not taken in account. mlr reverses this default for the left and the
right border and mtb reverses this default for the top and the bottom
border. Conversely, by default the borders of the Panel are taken in
account. noplr reverses this default for the left and the right border and
noptb reverses this default for the top and the bottom border.
The defaults are sliding up with a delay of five milliseconds and twelve
animation steps. To post the panel without any animation, set the number
of steps to zero. The default position is 'Button center'.
Please refer to the CREATING PANELS section for further information
on panels.
# To include the panel in a button
*FvwmButtons: (Panel(down, delay 0, steps 16) \
SubPanel "Module FvwmButtons SubPanel")
# To define the panel as an instance of
# FvwmButtons with a different name:
*SubPanel: (Icon my_lock.xpm, Action Exec xlock)
*SubPanel: (Icon my_move.xpm, Action Move)
- Right
- The contents of the button are aligned to the right. The
default is to center the contents on the button.
- Size width height
- Specifies that the contents of this button require
width by height pixels, regardless of what size FvwmButtons
calculates from the icon and the title. A button bar with only swallowed
windows will not get very large without this option specified, as
FvwmButtons does not consider sizes for swallowing buttons. Note that this
option gives the minimum space assured; other buttons might require the
buttonbox to use larger sizes.
- Swallow [(flags)] hangon command
- Causes FvwmButtons to execute command, and when a
window with a name, class or resource matching hangon appears, it
is captured and swallowed into this button. The hangon string may
contain wildcard characters ('*') that match any substring. Swallow
replaces the variables $fg and $bg as described above for
the Action option (but if you use the UseOld and NoClose options
the application is not be restarted when FvwmButtons is restarted and thus
does not get the new colors - if you changed them). An example:
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow XClock 'Exec xclock -geometry -3000-3000 &')
takes the first window whose name, class, or resource is "XClock"
and displays it in the button. If no matching window is found, the
"Exec" command creates one. The argument "-geometry
-3000-3000" is used so that the window is first drawn out of sight
before its swallowed into FvwmButtons.
Modules can be swallowed by specifying the module instead of 'Exec
whatever', like:
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow "FvwmPager" "FvwmPager 0 0")
The flags that can be given to swallow are:
NoClose / Close - Specifies whether the swallowed program in this button
will be un-swallowed or closed when FvwmButtons exits cleanly.
"NoClose" can be combined with "UseOld" to have
windows survive a restart of the window manager. The default setting is
NoHints / Hints - Specifies whether hints from the swallowed program in this
button will be ignored or not, useful in forcing a window to resize itself
to fit its button. The default value is "Hints".
NoKill / Kill - Specifies whether the swallowed program will be closed by
killing it or by sending a message to it. This can be useful in ending
programs that doesn't accept window manager protocol. The default value is
"NoKill". This has no effect if "NoClose" is
NoRespawn / Respawn / SwallowNew - Specifies whether the swallowed program
is to be respawned (restarted) if it dies. If "Respawn" is
specified, the program is respawned using the original command. Use
this option with care, the program might have a legitimate reason to die.
If "SwallowNew" is given, the program is not respawned, but if a
new window with the specified name appears, it is swallowed.
NoOld / UseOld - Specifies whether the button will try to swallow an
existing window matching the hangon name before spawning one itself
with command. The hangon string may contain wildcard
characters ('*') that match any substring.The default value is
"NoOld". "UseOld" can be combined with
"NoKill" to have windows survive a restart of the window
manager. If you want FvwmButtons to swallow an old window, and not spawn
one itself if failing, let the command be "Nop":
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow (UseOld) "Console" Nop)
If you want to be able to start it yourself, combine it with an action:
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow (UseOld) "Console" Nop, \
Action `Exec "Console" console &`)
NoTitle / UseTitle - Specifies whether the title of the button will be taken
from the swallowed window's title or not. If "UseTitle" is
given, the title on the button changes dynamically to reflect the window
name. The default is "NoTitle".
NoFvwmModule / FvwmModule - By default, FvwmButtons treats the swallowed
window as an fvwm module window if the 4 first letters of the
command is "Fvwm" or the 6 first letters of the
command is "Module". NoFvwmModule and FvwmModule override
this logic.
- Title [(options)] name
- Specifies the title to be written on the button. Whitespace
can be included in the title by quoting it. If a title at any time is too
long for its buttons, characters are chopped of one at a time until it
fits. If justify is "Right", the head is removed,
otherwise its tail is removed. These options can be given to Title:
Center - The title is centered horizontally. This is the default.
Left - The title is justified to the left side.
Right - The title is justified to the right side.
Side - Causes the title to appear on the right hand side of any icon or
swallowed window, instead of below which is the default. If you use small
icons, and combine this with the "Left" or "Right"
option, you can get a look similar to fvwm's menus.
- ActiveTitle name
- Specifies the title to be written on the button when the
mouse is hovering above the button. If no ActiveTitle is specified, the
text specified by Title is displayed (if there is any).
- PressTitle name
- Specifies the title to be written on the button when the
button is pressed. If no PressTitle is specified, the text specified by
Title is displayed (if there is any).
- Legacy fields [title icon command]
- These fields are kept for compatibility with previous
versions of FvwmButtons, and their use is discouraged. The title
field is similar to the option Title name. If the title field is
"-", no title is displayed. The icon field is similar to
the option Icon filename. If the icon field is "-" no
icon is displayed. The command field is similar to the option
Action command or alternatively Swallow "hangon"
- The command
- Any fvwm command is recognized by FvwmButtons. See fvwm(1)
for more information.
The Exec command has a small extension when used in Actions, its syntax is:
Exec ["hangon"] command
*FvwmButtons: (Action Exec "xload" xload)
The hangon string must be enclosed in double quotes. When FvwmButtons finds
such an Exec command, the button remains pushed in until a window whose
name, class or resource matches the quoted portion of the command is
encountered. This is intended to provide visual feedback to the user that
the action he has requested will be performed. The hangon string may
contain wildcard characters ('*') that match any substring. If the quoted
portion contains no characters, then the button will pop out immediately.
Note that users can continue pressing the button, and re-executing the
command, even when it looks pressed in.
- Quoting
- Any string which contains whitespace must be quoted.
Contrary to earlier versions commands no longer need to be quoted. In this
case any quoting character will be passed on to the application untouched.
Only commas ',' and closing parentheses ')' have to be quoted inside a
command. Quoting can be done with any of the three quotation characters;
single quote:
'This is a "quote"',
double quote:
"It's another `quote'",
and back quote:
`This is a strange quote`.
The back quoting is unusual but used on purpose, if you use a preprocessor
like FvwmCpp and want it to get into your commands, like this:
#define BG gray60
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow "xload" `Exec xload -bg BG &`)
Any single character can be quoted with a preceding backslash '\'.
Former versions of FvwmButtons (fvwm 2.0.46 to 2.3.6) had a different way of
handling panels. You can not use your old panel configuration with the new
panel feature. Read "CONVERTING OLD PANEL CONFIGURATIONS" for more
Any program that can be launched from within fvwm and that has a window can be
used as a panel. A terminal window could be your panel, or some application
like xload or xosview or another fvwm module, including FvwmButtons itself.
All you need to know is how to start your application from fvwm.
The button that invokes the panel is as easily configured as any other button.
Essentially you need nothing more than the
Panel option:
*FvwmButtons: (Panel my_first_panel \
"Module FvwmButtons -g -30000-30000 my_first_panel")
*FvwmButtons: (Panel my_second_panel \
"Exec exec xterm -g -30000-30000 -n my_second_panel")
This works like the
Swallow option. The difference is that the
application is not put into the button when it starts up but instead hidden
from view. When you press the button for the panel the window slides into
view. The '-g -30000-30000' option tells the application that it should be
created somewhere very far to the top and left of your visible screen.
Otherwise you would see it flashing for a moment when FvwmButtons starts up.
Some applications do not work well with this kind of syntax so you may have to
live with the short flashing of the window. If you want to make a panel from
another instance of FvwmButtons you can do so, but you must give it a
different name ('my_first_panel' in above example). If you run FvwmButtons
under the same name, new panels are created recursively until your system runs
out of resources and FvwmButtons crashes! To configure a second button bar
with a different name, simply put '*new_name' in place of '*FvwmButtons' in
your configuration file. If you are not familiar with the
option or if you want to learn more about how 'swallowing' panels works, refer
to the description of the
Swallow option.
Now that your panel basically works you will want to tune it a bit. You may not
want a window title on the panel. To disable the title use the fvwm
Style command. If your button bar is 'sticky' you may want to make the
panel sticky too. And probably the panel window should have no icon in case it
is iconified.
Style name_of_panel_window NoTitle, Sitcky, NoIcon
You may want your panel to stay open only until you select something in it. You
can give FvwmButtons the
-transientpanel option after the -g option in
the command. FvwmPager has a similar option '-transient'.
Last, but not least, you can now put an icon, a title or a small arrow in the
button so that you can see what it is for. A title or icon can be specified as
usual. To activate the arrow, just add '(indicator)' after the 'Panel' keyword
in the example above and the
Padding option to leave a few pixels
between the arrow and the border of the button. An optional direction in which
the panel is opened can be given too:
*FvwmButtons: (Padding 2, Panel(down, indicator) my_first_panel \
"Module FvwmButtons -g -30000-30000 -transientpanel my_first_panel")
There are several more options to configure how your panel works, for example
the speed and smoothness of the sliding animation. Please refer to the
description of the
Panel option for further details.
This section describes how to convert a pretty old syntax used in 2.2.x
versions. You may skip it if your syntax is more recent.
With the old panel feature you first had one or more lines defining panels in
your main FvwmButtons configuration:
*FvwmButtons(Title WinOps,Panel WinOps)
*FvwmButtons(Title Tools ,Panel Tools)
After the last configuration line for the main panel the configuration of the
first panel followed, introduced with a line beginning with *FvwmButtonsPanel:
*FvwmButtonsPanel WinOps
*FvwmButtonsBack bisque2
*FvwmButtonsPanel Tools
*FvwmButtonsBack bisque2
And perhaps you had style commands for you panels:
Style FvwmButtonsPanel Title, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0
Style FvwmButtonsPanel NoButton 2, NoButton 4, Sticky
The new configuration looks much the same, but now the configuration of the main
panel is independent of the configuration of the sub panels. The lines
invoking the panels use the same syntax as the Swallow option, so you simply
add the name of the window to use as a panel and the command to execute
instead of the panel name. Note that you give the new instance of FvwmButtons
a different name.
*FvwmButtons: (Title WinOps, Panel WinOps \
"Module FvwmButtons WinOps")
*FvwmButtons: (Title Tools , Panel Tools \
"Module FvwmButtons Tools")
If you used something like 'Panel-d' you now have to use 'Panel(down)' instead.
To make the new panel vanish as soon as a button was selected start
FvwmButtons with the '-transientpanel' option:
*FvwmButtons: (Title Tools , Panel(down) Tools \
"Module FvwmButtons -transientpanel Tools")
The rest of the configuration is very easy to change. Delete the lines
'*FvwmButtonsPanel <name>' and add <name> to all of the following
configuration lines for the panel instead. Use the same name in your Style
*WinOps: Back bisque2
*Tools: Back bisque2
Style "WinOps" Title, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0
Style "WinOps" NoButton 2, NoButton 4, Sticky
Style "Tools" Title, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0
Style "Tools" NoButton 2, NoButton 4, Sticky
That's it. The new panels are much more flexible. Please refer to other parts of
this documentation for details.
There are several reasons. The most important one is that the program code
implementing the panels was very disruptive and caused a lot of problems. At
the same time it made writing new features for FvwmButtons difficult at best.
The second reason is that most users were simply unable to make it work - it
was way too complicated. Even I (the author of the new code) had to spend
several hours before I got it working the first time. The third reason is that
the new panels are more versatile. Any application can be a panel in
FvwmButtons, not just other instances of FvwmButtons itself. So I sincerely
hope that nobody is angry about the change. Yes - you have to change your
configuration, but the new feature is much easier to configure, especially if
you already know how the Swallow option works.
FvwmButtons tries to arrange its buttons as best it can, by using recursively,
on each container including the buttonbox itself, the following algorithm.
- Getting the size right
- First it calculates the number of button unit areas it will
need, by adding the width times the height in buttons of each button.
Containers are for the moment considered a normal button. Then it
considers the given rows and columns arguments. If the
number of rows is given, it will calculate how many columns are needed,
and stick to that, unless columns is larger, in which case you will
get some empty space at the bottom of the buttonbox. If the number of
columns is given, it calculates how many rows it needs to fit all the
buttons. If neither is given, it assumes you want two rows, and finds the
number of columns from that. If the BoxSize option is set to smart
at least the height/width of the tallest/widest button is used while the
fixed value prevents the box from getting resized if both
rows and columns have been set to non-zero.
- Shuffling buttons
- Now it has a large enough area to place the buttons in, all
that is left is to place them right. There are two kinds of buttons: fixed
and floating buttons. A fixed button is forced to a specific slot in the
button box by a x/y geometry argument. All other buttons are considered
floating. Fixed buttons are placed first. Should a fixed button overlap
another one or shall be place outside the buttons window, FvwmButtons
exits with an error message. After that the floating buttons are placed.
The algorithm tries to place the buttons in a left to right, top to bottom
western fashion. If a button fits at the suggested position it is placed
there, if not the current slot stays empty and the slot to the right will
be considered. After the button has been placed, the next button is tried
to be placed in the next slot and so on until all buttons are placed.
Additional rows are added below the bottom line of buttons until all
buttons are placed if necessary if the BoxSize option smart is
- Containers
- Containers are arranged by the same algorithm, in fact they
are shuffled recursively as the algorithm finds them.
- Clarifying example
- An example might be useful here: Suppose you have 6
buttons, all unit sized except number two, which is 2x2. This makes for 5
times 1 plus 1 times 4 equals 9 unit buttons total area. Assume you have
requested 3 columns.
1) +---+---+---+ 2) +---+---+---+ 3) +---+---+---+
| 1 | | | 1 | | | 1 | |
+---+ + +---+ 2 + +---+ 2 +
| | | | | | 3 | |
+ + + +---+---+ +---+---+---+
| | | | | | | |
+-----------+ +---+-------+ +---+---+---+
4) +---+---+---+ 5) +---+-------+ 6) +---+-------+
| 1 | | | 1 | | | 1 | |
+---+ 2 + +---+ 2 | +---+ 2 |
| 3 | | | 3 | | | 3 | |
+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ +---+-------+
| 4 | | | 4 | 5 | | | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
- What size will the buttons be?
- When FvwmButtons has read the icons and fonts that are
required by its configuration, it can find out which size is needed for
every non-swallowing button. The unit button size of a container is set to
be large enough to hold the largest button in it without squeezing it.
Swallowed windows are simply expected to be comfortable with the button
size they get from this scheme. If a particular configuration requires
more space for a swallowed window, it can be set in that button's
configuration line using the option "Size width height".
This will tell FvwmButtons to give this button at least width by
height pixels inside the relief and padding.
A running FvwmButtons instance may receive some commands at run time. This is
achieved using the fvwm command
SendToModule FvwmButtons-Alias <action> <params>
Supported actions:
- ChangeButton button_id options
- can be used to change the title or icon of a button at run
time. button_id is the id of the button to change as specified
using the Id button option. It may also be a number, in this case
the button with the given number is assumed. And finally, button_id
may be in the form +x+y, where x and y are a column number and a row
number of the button to be changed. It is possible to specify multiple
option pairs (name with value) by delimiting them using comma. Currently
options include Title, ActiveTitle, PressTitle,
Colorset, Icon, ActiveIcon and PressIcon.
These options work like the configuration options of the same name.
- ExpandButtonVars button_id command
- replaces variables present in the command exactly
like in the Action button option and then sends the command back to
fvwm. button_id has the same syntax as described in
ChangeButton above.
- PressButton button_id [mouse_button]
- simulates a mouse click on a button. button_id is
the id of the button to press as specified using the Id button
option and mouse_button is the number of mouse button used to click
on the button e.g "1" for the left mouse button etc. Quotes
around the number are not necessary. If mouse_button option is
omitted, mouse button 1 is assumed. This command behaves exactly as if the
mouse button was pressed and released on the button on in question.
- Silent
- This prefix may be specified before other actions. It
disables all possible error and warning messages.
- Example:
*FvwmButtons: (Id note1, Title "13:30 - Dinner", Icon clock1.xpm)
SendToModule FvwmButtons Silent \
ChangeButton note1 Icon clock2.xpm, Title "18:00 - Go Home"
The following are excerpts from a .fvwm2rc file which describe FvwmButtons
initialization commands:
# Load any modules which should be started during fvwm
# initialization
# Make sure FvwmButtons is always there.
AddToFunc StartFunction "I" Module FvwmButtons
# Make it titlebar-less, sticky, and give it an icon
Style "FvwmButtons" Icon toolbox.xpm, NoTitle, Sticky
# Make the menu/panel look like CDE
Style "WinOps" Title, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0
Style "WinOps" NoButton 2, NoButton 4, Sticky
Style "Tools" Title, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0
Style "Tools" NoButton 2, NoButton 4, Sticky
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmButtons: *
*FvwmButtons: Fore Black
*FvwmButtons: Back rgb:90/80/90
*FvwmButtons: Geometry -135-5
*FvwmButtons: Rows 1
*FvwmButtons: BoxSize smart
*FvwmButtons: Font -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*
*FvwmButtons: Padding 2 2
*FvwmButtons: (Title WinOps, Panel WinOps \
"Module FvwmButtons -transientpanel WinOps")
*FvwmButtons: (Title Tools, Panel Tools \
"Module FvwmButtons -transientpanel Tools")
*FvwmButtons: (Title Resize, Icon resize.xpm, Action Resize)
*FvwmButtons: (Title Move, Icon arrows2.xpm, Action Move )
*FvwmButtons: (Title Lower, Icon Down, Action Lower )
*FvwmButtons: (Title Raise, Icon Up, Action Raise )
*FvwmButtons: (Title Kill, Icon bomb.xpm, Action Destroy)
*FvwmButtons: (1x1,Container(Rows 3,Frame 1))
*FvwmButtons: (Title Dopey ,Action \
`Exec "big_win" xterm -T big_win -geometry 80x50 &`)
*FvwmButtons: (Title Snoopy, Font fixed, Action \
`Exec "small_win" xterm -T small_win &`)
*FvwmButtons: (Title Smokin')
*FvwmButtons: (End)
*FvwmButtons: (Title Xcalc, Icon rcalc.xpm, \
Action `Exec "Calculator" xcalc &`)
*FvwmButtons: (Title XMag, Icon magnifying_glass2.xpm, \
Action `Exec "xmag" xmag &`)
*FvwmButtons: (Title Mail, Icon mail2.xpm, \
Action `Exec "xmh" xmh &`)
*FvwmButtons: (4x1, Swallow "FvwmPager" `FvwmPager 0 3` \
Frame 3)
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow(UseOld,NoKill) "xload15" `Exec xload \
-title xload15 -nolabel -bg rgb:90/80/90 -update 15 \
-geometry -3000-3000 &`)
The last lines are a little tricky - one spawns an FvwmPager module, and
captures it to display in a quadruple width button. is used, the Pager will be
as big as possible within the button's relief.
The final line is even more magic. Note the combination of
UseOld and
NoKill, which will try to swallow an existing window with the name
"xload15" when starting up (if failing: starting one with the
specified command), which is un-swallowed when ending FvwmButtons. The
swallowed application is started with "-geometry -3000-3000" so that
it will not be visible until its swallowed.
The other panels are specified after the root panel:
########## PANEL WinOps
DestroyModuleConfig WinOps: *
*WinOps: Back bisque2
*WinOps: Geometry -3-3
*WinOps: Columns 1
*WinOps: (Title Resize, Icon resize.xpm, Action Resize)
*WinOps: (Title Move, Icon arrows2.xpm, Action Move )
*WinOps: (Title Lower, Icon Down, Action Lower )
*WinOps: (Title Raise, Icon Up, Action Raise )
########## PANEL Tools
DestroyModuleConfig Tools: *
*Tools: Back bisque2
*Tools: Geometry -1-1
*Tools: Columns 1
*Tools: (Title Kill, Icon bomb.xpm, Action Destroy)
The color specification
rgb:90/80/90 is actually the most correct way of
specifying independent colors in X, and should be used instead of the older
#908090. If the latter specification is used in your configuration
file, you should be sure to escape the hash in any of the
which will be executed, or fvwm will consider the rest of the line a comment.
Note that with the x/y geometry specs you can easily build button windows with
gaps. Here is another example. You can not accomplish this without geometry
specs for the buttons:
# Another example
# Make it titlebar-less, sticky, and give it an icon
Style "FvwmButtons" Icon toolbox.xpm, NoTitle, Sticky
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmButtons: *
*FvwmButtons: Font 5x7
*FvwmButtons: Back rgb:90/80/90
*FvwmButtons: Fore black
*FvwmButtons: Frame 1
# 9x11 pixels per button, 4x4 pixels for the frame
*FvwmButtons: Geometry 580x59+0-0
*FvwmButtons: Rows 5
*FvwmButtons: Columns 64
*FvwmButtons: BoxSize fixed
*FvwmButtons: Padding 1 1
# Pop up a module menu directly above the button.
*FvwmButtons: (9x1+3+0, Padding 0, Title "Modules", \
Action `Menu Modulepopup rectangle \
$widthx$height+$lleft+$top o+50 -100m`)
# first row of buttons from left to right:
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+0+1, Icon my_lock.xpm, Action `Exec xlock`)
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+3+1, Icon my_recapture.xpm, Action Recapture)
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+6+1, Icon my_resize.xpm, Action Resize)
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+9+1, Icon my_move.xpm, Action Move)
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+12+1, Icon my_fvwmconsole.xpm, \
Action 'Module FvwmConsole')
# second row of buttons from left to right:
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+0+3, Icon my_exit.xpm, Action QuitSave)
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+3+3, Icon my_restart.xpm, Action Restart)
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+6+3, Icon my_kill.xpm, Action Destroy)
*FvwmButtons: (3x2+9+3, Icon my_shell.xpm, Action 'Exec rxvt')
# big items
*FvwmButtons: (10x5, Swallow (NoKill, NoCLose) \
"FvwmPager" 'FvwmPager * * -geometry 40x40-1024-1024')
*FvwmButtons: (6x5, Swallow "FvwmXclock" `Exec xclock \
-name FvwmXclock -geometry 40x40+0-3000 -padding 1 \
-analog -chime -bg rgb:90/80/90`)
*FvwmButtons: (13x5, Swallow (NoClose) \
"FvwmIconMan" 'Module FvwmIconMan')
*FvwmButtons: (20x5, Padding 0, Swallow "xosview" \
`Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xosview -cpu -int -page -net \
-geometry 100x50+0-3000 -font 5x7`)
The action part of the Swallow option must be quoted if it contains any
whitespace character.
The FvwmButtons program, and the concept for interfacing this module to the
Window Manager, are all original work by Robert Nation.
Copyright 1993, Robert Nation. No guarantees or warranties or anything are
provided or implied in any way whatsoever. Use this program at your own risk.
Permission to use this program for any purpose is given, as long as the
copyright is kept intact.
Further modifications and patching by Jarl Totland, copyright 1996. The
statement above still applies.
Robert Nation. Somewhat enhanced by Jarl Totland, Jui-Hsuan Joshua Feng, Scott