QTLtools bamstat - Calculate stats of overlap between an RNAseq BAM file and an
QTLtools bamstat --bam [sample.bam|sample.sam|sample.cram] --bed
[ gene_annotation.bed] --out output_file
This mode counts the number of RNAseq reads, and the ones that overlap with an
annotation file. We recommend using uniquely mapping reads only by specifying
the correct
- --bed annotation.bed
- Annotation of interest REQUIRED.
- --bam, -b
- Sequence data in BAM/SAM/CRAM format. REQUIRED.
- --out, -o output
- Output file name REQUIRED.
- --filter-mapping-quality integer
- Minimum mapping quality for a read or read pair to be
considered. Set this to only include uniquely mapped reads.
- --filter-keep-duplicates
- Keep reads designated as duplicate by the aligner.
--out filename
- This file does not have header and it contains the
following columns:
1 |
The total number of reads in the BAM file |
2 |
The number of mapped sequencing reads passing the
--filter-mapping-quality |
3 |
The number of mapped sequencing reads falling within the annotations
specified with --bed |
4 |
The total number of annotations in the --bed file |
5 |
The number of annotations covered by at least one sequencing read
- o
- Running bamstat on an RNAseq sample mapped with GEM and
GENCODE gene annotations:
- QTLtools bamstat --bam HG00381.chr22.bam --out
HG00381.chr22.bamstat.txt --bed gencode.v19.annotation.bed.gz
--filter-mapping-quality 150 --filter-keep-duplicates
QTLtools website: <
Please submit bugs to <
Delaneau, O., Ongen, H., Brown, A. et al. A complete tool set for molecular QTL
discovery and analysis.
Nat Commun 8, 15452 (2017).
Olivier Delaneau (
[email protected]), Halit Ongen
[email protected])