SHOW_POOL_PROCESSES - sends back a list of all Pgpool-II processes waiting for connections and dealing with a connection




SHOW POOL_PROCESSES sends back a list of all Pgpool-II processes waiting for connections and dealing with a connection.
It has 8 columns:
•pool_pid is the PID of the displayed Pgpool-II process.
•start_time is the timestamp of when this process was launched.
•If child_life_time is set not 0, the time before process restarting is displayed.
•client_connection_count counts the number of times this process has been used by clients.
•database is the database name of the currently active backend for this process.
•username is the user name used in the connection of the currently active backend for this process.
•backend_connection_time is the creation time and date of the connection.
•pool_counter counts the number of times this pool of connections (process) has been used by clients.
•status is current status of this process. Possible values are:
•Execute command: Executing a command.
•Idle: The process is waiting for a new client command.
•Idle: The process is waiting for a new client command in a transaction.
•Wait for connection: The process is waiting for a new client connection.
Here is an example session:
test=# show pool_processes;
 pool_pid |                      start_time                      | client_connection_count | database | username | backend_connection_time | pool_counter |       status
 32641    | 2021-09-28 04:40:45                                  | 0                       |          |          |                         |              | Wait for connection
 32642    | 2021-09-28 04:40:45                                  | 0                       |          |          |                         |              | Wait for connection
 32643    | 2021-09-28 04:40:45                                  | 0                       | test     | kawamoto | 2021-09-28 04:40:48     | 1            | Idle
 32644    | 2021-09-28 04:40:45                                  | 0                       | test     | kawamoto | 2021-09-28 04:43:15     | 1            | Execute command
 32645    | 2021-09-28 04:40:45                                  | 0                       |          |          |                         |              | Wait for connection
 32646    | 2021-09-28 04:40:45                                  | 0                       |          |          |                         |              | Wait for connection
 32647    | 2021-09-28 04:40:45                                  | 0                       |          |          |                         |              | Wait for connection
 32648    | 2021-09-28 04:40:45 (3:15 before process restarting) | 2                       |          |          |                         |              | Wait for connection
(8 rows)

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