alignment-draw - Draw an alignment to HTML, optionally coloring residues
by AU.
alignment-draw alignment [
AU file] [OPTIONS]
Draw an alignment to HTML, optionally coloring residues by AU.
-h, --help
- produce help message
--file arg
- file with sequences and initial alignment
- --legend
- Print a legend showing how color-scheme indicates
- --show-ruler
- Print a ruler to show column numbers
- --column-colors
- Color-code column ticks by column certainty
--AU arg
- file with alignment uncertainties
--show-gaps arg (=yes)
- Show gaps
--gaps-different arg (=yes)
- Color gaps in grey.
--width arg
- The number of columns per line
--start arg
- The first column to plot
--end arg
- The last column to plot
--format arg (=HTML)
- produce a plot in this format
--min arg
- Minimum value of scale function
--max arg
- Maximum value of scale function
--color-scheme arg
- Include a length of how certainties map to colors
--scale arg (=LOD)
- scale for the uncertainties
Rainbow+contrast+fade AA+contrast+fade+fade+fade+fade
BAli-Phy online help: <>.
Please send bug reports to <
[email protected]>.
Benjamin Redelings.