appfeed.cgi - Xymon CGI feeder for Smartphone apps
appfeed.cgi [options]
appfeed.cgi is invoked as a CGI script via the CGI wrapper.
appfeed.cgi is optionally passed a QUERY_STRING environment variable with the
"filter=FILTER" parameter. FILTER is a filter for the
"xymondboard" command sent to
xymond(8) daemon. These filters
are described in detail in the
xymon(1) manual. Typically, the filter
will specify hosts found on a specific (sub)page to be returned, e.g.
"filter=page=webservers" will cause appfeed.cgi to only return hosts
that are present on the "webservers" page in Xymon.
If no filter is specified, appfeed.cgi returns data for all red, yellow or
purple statuses (equivalent to the data present on the "All
non-green" page), or if invoked with the "--critical" option it
returns data from the "Critical systems" page.
The output is an XML document with the current status of the selected
- --env=FILENAME
- Loads the environment from FILENAME before executing the
- --critical[=FILENAME]
- FILENAME specifies the "Critical Systems"
configuration file (default: critical.cfg). appfeed.cgi will only return
the statuses currently on the "Critical Systems" view.
- --access=FILENAME
- In addition to the filtering done by the "filter"
parameter or the "--critical" option, this option limits the
output to hosts that the user has access to as defined in the
Apache-compatible group-definitions in FILENAME. See
xymon-webaccess(5) for more details of this. Note: Use of this
option requires that access to the appfeed.cgi tool is password-protected
by whatever means your webserver software provides, and that the login
userid is available via the REMOTE_USER environment variable (this is
standard CGI behaviour, so all webservers should provide it if you use the
webserver's built-in authentication mechanisms).