apply - Apply an anonymous function
apply func ?
arg1 arg2 ...?
The command
apply applies the function
func to the arguments
arg1 arg2 ... and returns the result.
The function
func is a two element list
{args body} or a three
element list
{args body namespace} (as if the
list command had
been used). The first element
args specifies the formal arguments to
func. The specification of the formal arguments
args is shared
with the
proc command, and is described in detail in the corresponding
manual page.
The contents of
body are executed by the Tcl interpreter after the local
variables corresponding to the formal arguments are given the values of the
actual parameters
arg1 arg2 .... When
body is being executed,
variable names normally refer to local variables, which are created
automatically when referenced and deleted when
apply returns. One local
variable is automatically created for each of the function's arguments. Global
variables can only be accessed by invoking the
global command or the
upvar command. Namespace variables can only be accessed by invoking the
variable command or the
upvar command.
The invocation of
apply adds a call frame to Tcl's evaluation stack (the
stack of frames accessed via
uplevel). The execution of
proceeds in this call frame, in the namespace given by
namespace or in
the global namespace if none was specified. If given,
namespace is
interpreted relative to the global namespace even if its name does not start
with “::”.
The semantics of
apply can also be described by:
proc apply {fun args} {
set len [llength $fun]
if {($len < 2) || ($len > 3)} {
error "can't interpret \"$fun\" as anonymous function"
lassign $fun argList body ns
set name ::$ns::[getGloballyUniqueName]
set body0 {
rename [lindex [info level 0] 0] {}
proc $name $argList ${body0}$body
set code [catch {uplevel 1 $name $args} res opt]
return -options $opt $res
This shows how to make a simple general command that applies a transformation to
each element of a list.
proc map {lambda list} {
set result {}
foreach item $list {
lappend result [ apply $lambda $item]
return $result
map {x {return [string length $x]:$x}} {a bb ccc dddd}
→ 1:a 2:bb 3:ccc 4:dddd
map {x {expr {$x**2 + 3*$x - 2}}} {-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4}
→ 2 -2 -4 -4 -2 2 8 16 26
apply command is also useful for defining callbacks for use in the
trace command:
set vbl "123abc"
trace add variable vbl write { apply {{v1 v2 op} {
upvar 1 $v1 v
puts "updated variable to \"$v\""
set vbl 123
set vbl abc
anonymous function, argument, lambda, procedure,