NAME - average nucleotide identityDESCRIPTION
usage: [-h] [--version] -o OUTDIRNAME -i- INDIRNAME [-v] [-f] [-s FRAGSIZE]
- [-l LOGFILE] [--skip_nucmer] [--skip_blastn] [--noclobber] [--nocompress] [-g] [--gformat GFORMAT] [--gmethod {mpl,seaborn}] [--labels LABELS] [--classes CLASSES] [-m {ANIm,ANIb,ANIblastall,TETRA}] [--scheduler {multiprocessing,SGE}] [--workers WORKERS] [--SGEgroupsize SGEGROUPSIZE] [--SGEargs SGEARGS] [--maxmatch] [--nucmer_exe NUCMER_EXE] [--filter_exe FILTER_EXE] [--blastn_exe BLASTN_EXE] [--makeblastdb_exe MAKEBLASTDB_EXE] [--blastall_exe BLASTALL_EXE] [--formatdb_exe FORMATDB_EXE] [--write_excel] [--rerender] [--subsample SUBSAMPLE] [--seed SEED] [--jobprefix JOBPREFIX]
optional arguments:
- -h, --help
- show this help message and exit
- --version
- show program's version number and exit
- Output directory (required)
- Input directory name (required)
- -v, --verbose
- Give verbose output
- -f, --force
- Force file overwriting
- -s FRAGSIZE, --fragsize FRAGSIZE
- Sequence fragment size for ANIb (default 1020)
- -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
- Logfile location
- --skip_nucmer
- Skip NUCmer runs, for testing (e.g. if output already present)
- --skip_blastn
- Skip BLASTN runs, for testing (e.g. if output already present)
- --noclobber
- Don't nuke existing files
- --nocompress
- Don't compress/delete the comparison output
- -g, --graphics
- Generate heatmap of ANI
- --gformat GFORMAT
- Graphics output format(s) [pdf|png|jpg|svg] (default pdf,png,eps meaning three file formats)
- --gmethod {mpl,seaborn}
- Graphics output method (default mpl)
- --labels LABELS
- Path to file containing sequence labels
- --classes CLASSES
- Path to file containing sequence classes
- -m {ANIm,ANIb,ANIblastall,TETRA}, --method {ANIm,ANIb,ANIblastall,TETRA}
- ANI method (default ANIm)
- --scheduler {multiprocessing,SGE}
- Job scheduler (default multiprocessing, i.e. locally)
- --workers WORKERS
- Number of worker processes for multiprocessing (default zero, meaning use all available cores)
- Number of jobs to place in an SGE array group (default 10000)
- Additional arguments for qsub
- --maxmatch
- Override MUMmer to allow all NUCmer matches
- --nucmer_exe NUCMER_EXE
- Path to NUCmer executable
- --filter_exe FILTER_EXE
- Path to delta-filter executable
- --blastn_exe BLASTN_EXE
- Path to BLASTN+ executable
- --makeblastdb_exe MAKEBLASTDB_EXE
- Path to BLAST+ makeblastdb executable
- --blastall_exe BLASTALL_EXE
- Path to BLASTALL executable
- --formatdb_exe FORMATDB_EXE
- Path to BLAST formatdb executable
- --write_excel
- Write Excel format output tables
- --rerender
- Rerender graphics output without recalculation
- --subsample SUBSAMPLE
- Subsample a percentage [0-1] or specific number (1-n) of input sequences
- --seed SEED
- Set random seed for reproducible subsampling.
- --jobprefix JOBPREFIX
- Prefix for SGE jobs (default ANI).
This manpage was written by Nilesh Patra for the Debian distribution and
can be used for any other usage of the program.
July 2021 | 0.2.11 |