eagle - Haplotype phasing within a genotyped cohort or using a phased reference
eagle [
Eagle estimates haplotype phase either within a genotyped cohort or using a
phased reference panel. The basic idea of the Eagle1 algorithm is to harness
identity-by-descent among distant relatives—which is pervasive at very
large sample sizes but rare among smaller numbers of samples—to rapidly
call phase using a fast scoring approach. In contrast, the Eagle2 algorithm
analyzes a full probabilistic model similar to the diploid Li-Stephens model
used by previous HMM-based methods.
-h, --help
- Print this help
--geneticMapFile arg
- HapMap genetic map provided with download:
--outPrefix arg
- prefix for output files
--numThreads arg (=1)
- number of computational threads
--bfile arg
- prefix of PLINK .fam, .bim, .bed files
--bfilegz arg
- prefix of PLINK .fam.gz, .bim.gz, .bed.gz files
--fam arg
- PLINK .fam file (note: file names ending in .gz are
--bim arg
- PLINK .bim file
--bed arg
- PLINK .bed file
--vcf arg
- [compressed] VCF/BCF file containing input genotypes
--remove arg
- file(s) listing individuals to ignore (no header; FID IID
must be first two columns)
--exclude arg
- file(s) listing SNPs to ignore (no header; SNP ID must be
first column)
--maxMissingPerSnp arg (=0.1)
- QC filter: max missing rate per SNP
--maxMissingPerIndiv arg (=0.1)
- QC filter: max missing rate per person
--vcfRef arg
- tabix-indexed [compressed] VCF/BCF file for reference
--vcfTarget arg
- tabix-indexed [compressed] VCF/BCF file for target
--vcfOutFormat arg (=z)
- b|u|z|v: compressed BCF (b), uncomp BCF (u), compressed VCF
(z), uncomp VCF (v)
- --noImpMissing
- disable imputation of missing ./. target genotypes
- --allowRefAltSwap
- allow swapping of REF/ALT in target vs. ref VCF
--chrom arg (=0)
- chromosome to analyze (if input has many)
--bpStart arg (=0)
- minimum base pair position to analyze
--bpEnd arg (=1e9)
- maximum base pair position to analyze
--bpFlanking arg (=0)
- (ref-mode only) flanking region to use during phasing but
discard in output
--Kpbwt arg (=10000)
- number of conditioning haplotypes
--pbwtIters arg (=0)
- number of PBWT phasing iterations (0=auto)
--expectIBDcM arg (=2.0)
- expected length of haplotype copying (cM)
--histFactor arg (=0)
- history length multiplier (0=auto)
--genoErrProb arg (=0.003)
- estimated genotype error probability
- --pbwtOnly
- in non-ref mode, use only PBWT iters (automatic for
sequence data)
- --v1
- use Eagle1 phasing algorithm (instead of default Eagle2
Copyright © 2015-2016 Harvard University. Distributed under the GNU
GPLv3+ open source license.