blaze-edit - edits a blog post or a page in the BlazeBlogger repository
blaze-edit [
-fpqCPV] [
-b directory] [
blaze-edit -h|
blaze-edit opens an existing blog post or a page with the specified
id in an external text editor. Note that there are several special
forms and placeholders that can be used in the text, and that will be replaced
with a proper data when the blog is generated.
- <!-- break -->
- A mark to delimit a blog post synopsis.
- A relative path to the root directory of the blog.
- A relative path to the index page of the blog.
- A relative path to a page with the supplied id.
- A relative path to a blog post with the supplied
- A relative path to a tag with the supplied
-b directory, --blogdir
- Allows you to specify a directory in which the
BlazeBlogger repository is placed. The default option is a current working
-E editor, --editor editor
- Allows you to specify an external text editor. When
supplied, this option overrides the relevant configuration option.
-p, --page
- Tells blaze-edit to edit a page or pages.
-P, --post
- Tells blaze-edit to edit a blog post or blog posts.
This is the default option.
-f, --force
- Tells blaze-edit to create an empty source file in
case it does not already exist. If the core.processor option is
enabled, this file is used as the input to be processed by the selected
-C, --no-processor
- Disables processing a blog post or page with an external
-q, --quiet
- Disables displaying of unnecessary messages.
-V, --verbose
- Enables displaying of all messages. This is the default
-h, --help
- Displays usage information and exits.
-v, --version
- Displays version information and exits.
- Unless the core.editor option is set, BlazeBlogger
tries to use system-wide settings to decide which editor to use.
Edit a blog post in an external text editor:
~]$ blaze-edit 10
Edit a page in an external text editor:
~]$ blaze-edit -p 4
Edit a page in
~]$ blaze-edit -p 2 -E nano
To report a bug or to send a patch, please, add a new issue to the bug tracker
at <>, or visit the
discussion group at <>.
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Jaromir Hradilek
This program is free software; see the source for copying conditions. It is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A