axcall - make an AX.25, NET/ROM or Rose connection.


For AX.25
axcall [-b l|e] [-d] [-h] [-m s|e] [-p paclen] [-s mycall] [-r] [-t] [-T timeout] [-v] [-w window] [-W] port callsign [[via] digipeaters.....]
axcall [-d] [-h] [-p paclen] [-r] [-t] [-T timeout] [-v] port callsign
For Rose
axcall [-d] [-h] [-r] [-t] [-T timeout] [-v] port callsign address [[via] digipeater]


Axcall is the general purpose AX.25, NET/ROM and Rose connection program. As is normal in AX.25 it runs entirely in line mode. All CR/LF translation is done transparently. The program provides ASCII, YAPP, YAPP-C and 7+ file transfer facilities. Some of the options are only valid in AX.25 mode, the program will quietly ignore them if given in NET/ROM mode or in Rose mode.
This version of axcall incorporates many changes that include a much improved user interface. The port name is mandatory and is the name of the port which the connection will be made on. The port name may be either an AX.25, a NET/ROM port or a Rose port, axcall will determine which automatically.
When using NET/ROM the use of digipeaters is meaningless and is not supported. However when using Rose up to one digipeater may be specified, as well as the Rose address of the distant node and the callsign of the remote station. The Rose address must be ten digits long and it must exist in the Rose node tables. For Rose connects to work axparms must have been used to set a callsign/uid mapping for the userid in use.


UTF-8 encoding (default)
-b l|e
Sets the method of backoff to use with AX.25 connections. The default is taken from the port specification, but can be overridden by this option. Valid values are l for linear backoff, and e for exponential backoff.
Turn on socket level debugging.
Selects Slave mode.
Use IBM850 encoding -m s|e Sets the AX.25 mode to use. The default is taken from the port specification, but can be overridden by this option. Valid values are s for normal (modulus 8) AX.25 operation, or e for extended (modulus 128) AX.25 operation.
-p paclen
Specify a specific maximum amount of data to be sent in each AX.25 packet.
Selects Raw mode.
-s mycall
Connect using the specified source axcall (you may need to be root).
Selects Talk mode.
Display the version.
-w window
Specify a specific AX.25 window for this connection. Only valid in AX.25 mode.
Be silent. Useful for using axcall in shellscripts (together with option -r) in order to be really transparent.
Disable all remote commands like autobin (#BIN#), 7plus downloads, //echo, etc. This is useful for scripting where you just don't like the remote site to trigger uncaught conditions here.
-T timeout
Set idle timeout seconds after a connection will be closed automatically when there's no data being transferred (in- and outbound). If timeout is set to 3600, the connection will close after 1h inactivity. A value of 0.5 is 500ms.
Wait for remote disconnect even if stdin is closed. Normally, "echo q | axcall ax0 db0fhn" closes immediately after "echo q" terminates; thus we never see the greeting from db0fhn. With the -W option, axcall waits until the ax25-connection is disconnected (i.e. db0fhn disconnects after "q" command). Very useful for scripting. You might like to combine it with the -T option.
The axcall program interprets lines beginning with a '~' specially. The following '~' escapes are available.
List escapes
A ~ symbol
Close connection
~! [command]
Run a command
Change to Raw mode
Change to Slave mode
Change to Talk mode
UTF-8 encoding
Start a file transfer (Autobin)
Start a file transfer (Binary)
Close the logfile
List escapes
IBM850 encoding
~o [filename]
Open a logfile (default 'logfile.txt')
Reconnect to remote station
Stop an upload
~u [filename]
Upload a file (ASCII upload)
~yu [filename]
Upload a file (YAPP upload)
~yd [filename]
Download a file (YAPP download)
Suspend program
The program provides no terminal emulation features. These are left up to the console facilities of the terminal in use. The program is however '8 bit clean'.




axlisten(1), mheard(1), ax25(4), netrom(4), rose(4), axports(5), nrports(5), rsports(5), axparms(8), nrparms(8), rsparms(8).


Alexander Tietzel DG6XA <[email protected]>
Joerg Reuter DL1BKE <[email protected]>
Alan Cox GW4PTS <[email protected]>
Jonathan Naylor G4KLX <[email protected]>
Steve Henson G6IXS <[email protected]>