manpath - format for filen /etc/manpath.configBESKRIVELSE
The manpath configuration file is used by the manual page utilities to assess users' manpaths at run time, to indicate which manual page hierarchies (manpaths) are to be treated as system hierarchies and to assign them directories to be used for storing cat files.SEARCH PATH
By default, man-db examines the user's $ PATH. For each path_element found there, it adds manpath_element to the search path.FORMAT
De følgende felttyper genkendes i øjeblikket:- # kommentar
- Tomme linjer eller dem som begynder med # vil blive opfattet som kommentarer og ignoreret.
- MANDATORY_MANPATH manualstielement
- Lines of this form indicate manpaths that every automatically generated $ MANPATH should contain. This will typically include /usr/man.
- MANPATH_MAP stielement manualstielement
- Lines of this form set up $PATH to $MANPATH mappings. For each path_element found in the user's $PATH, manpath_element will be added to the $ MANPATH.
- MANDB_MAP manpath_element [ catpath_element ]
- Lines of this form indicate which manpaths are to be treated as system manpaths, and optionally where their cat files should be stored. This field type is particularly important if man is a setuid program, as (when in the system configuration file /etc/manpath.config rather than the per-user configuration file .manpath) it indicates which manual page hierarchies to access as the setuid user and which as the invoking user. Systemets manualsidehierarkier er normalt dem, der lagres under /usr såsom /usr/man, /usr/local/man og /usr/X11R6/man. If cat pages from a particular manpath_element are not to be stored or are to be stored in the traditional location, catpath_element may be omitted. Traditional cat placement would be impossible for read only mounted manual page hierarchies and because of this it is possible to specify any valid directory hierarchy for their storage. To observe the Linux FSSTND the keyword FSSTND can be used in place of an actual directory. Unfortunately, it is necessary to specify all system man tree paths, including alternate operating system paths such as /usr/man/sun and any NLS locale paths such as /usr/man/de_DE.88591. As the information is parsed line by line in the order written, it is necessary for any manpath that is a sub-hierarchy of another hierarchy to be listed first, otherwise an incorrect match will be made. An example is that /usr/man/de_DE.88591 must come before /usr/man.
- DEFINER nøgle værdi
- Lines of this form define miscellaneous configuration variables; see the default configuration file for those variables used by the manual pager utilities. They include default paths to various programs (such as grep and tbl), and default sets of arguments to those programs.
- AFSNIT afsnit ...
Lines of this form define the order in which
manual sections should be searched. If there are no SECTION directives
in the configuration file, the default is:
If multiple SECTION directives are given, their section lists will be
If a particular extension is not in this list (say, 1mh) it will be displayed
with the rest of the section it belongs to. The effect of this is that you
only need to explicitly list extensions if you want to force a particular
order. Sections with extensions should usually be adjacent to their main
section (e.g. "1 1mh 8 ...").
AFSNIT accepteres som et alternativt navn for dette direktiv.
SECTION 1 n l 8 3 0 2 3type 5 4 9 6 7
- Hvis terminalbredden er mindre end bredde vil katalogsider ikke blive oprettet (hvis manglende) eller vist. Standarden er 80.
- Hvis terminalbredden er større end bredde vil katalogsider ikke blive oprettet (hvis manglende) eller vist. Standarden er 80.
- CATWIDTH bredde
- If width is non-zero, cat pages will always be formatted for a terminal of the given width, regardless of the width of the terminal actually being used. This overrides MINCATWIDTH and MAXCATWIDTH.
- Dette flag forhindrer man(1) i at oprette katalogsider automatisk.
Hvis reglerne anført ovenfor ikke følges præcist, vil redskaberne for manualtekstviseren ikke fungere som ønsket. Reglerne er alt for kompliceret. | 2.11.2 |