dbus-broker-launch - Launcher for D-Bus Message Brokers


dbus-broker-launch [ OPTIONS ]
dbus-broker-launch --version
dbus-broker-launch --help


dbus-broker-launch is a launcher for dbus-broker, spawning and managing a D-Bus Message Bus. The launcher aims to be fully compatible to the D-Bus reference implementation dbus-daemon(1), supporting the same configuration syntax and runtime environment.
Each instance of dbus-broker-launch manages exactly one message bus. Each message bus is independent. The configuration file can either be specified via the command-line, or the default is picked from /usr/share/dbus-1/. Nearly all of the configuration attributes are supported. See dbus-daemon(1) for details on the configuration syntax.


The following command-line options are supported. If an option is passed, which is not listed here, the launcher will deny startup and exit with an error.
-h, --help
print usage information and exit immediately
print build-version and exit immediately
enable logging to the linux audit subsystem (no-op if audit support was not compiled in; Default: off)
config file to use (Default: /usr/share/dbus-1/{system,session}.conf)
select scope to run in (one of: system, user; Default: system)


By default, dbus-broker-launch logs messages to the system journal. The messages are augmented with lots of metadata, so be sure to check the additional journal-fields. The human-readable log-message is intentionally kept short.
On startup and shutdown, the launcher logs initial messages that contain information on the parsed configuration files and service definitions. No other log-messages are generated, except those originating in dbus-broker(1).


Unlike dbus-daemon(1), dbus-broker-launch activates all services as systemd units. Services that already come with a systemd-unit are activated as usual, but services that lack a systemd unit are activated as transient unit, with an ad-hoc unit-file generated at runtime. This guarantees that all services run in a well-defined environment.
The --scope parameter defines which systemd instance the launcher shall use to activate services. In case of system, the launcher will use the system instance of systemd. In case of user, the user instance is used instead.
Furthermore, the selected scope also defines which configuration file is used if none is specified on the command-line.
The selected scope does not have any further effect. It is only needed to define the activation environment for loaded service definitions. If no activatable services are declared, the scope will have no effect at all.


The socket to listen on for client connections must be created and passed to dbus-broker-launch by its parent process. The protocol must follow the socket-activation as defined by systemd.socket(1). Only a single socket is supported right now.
Additional <listen>%path%</listen> attributes in the configuration are ignored.


The launcher needs read-access to its configuration file. Other than that, no privileges are needed. If the <user>%user%</user> configuration attribute is used, the launcher will drop privileges when executing dbus-broker.
If activatable services are declared, the launcher will need access to the corresponding systemd instance. The launcher must be allowed to spawn transient units, as well as manage units declared in the service definitions.


dbus-daemon(1) dbus-broker(1)

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