encoding - Manipulate encodings
encoding option ?
arg arg ...?
Strings in Tcl are logically a sequence of 16-bit Unicode characters. These
strings are represented in memory as a sequence of bytes that may be in one of
several encodings: modified UTF-8 (which uses 1 to 3 bytes per character),
16-bit “Unicode” (which uses 2 bytes per character, with an
endianness that is dependent on the host architecture), and binary (which uses
a single byte per character but only handles a restricted range of
characters). Tcl does not guarantee to always use the same encoding for the
same string.
Different operating system interfaces or applications may generate strings in
other encodings such as Shift-JIS. The
encoding command helps to bridge
the gap between Unicode and these other formats.
Performs one of several encoding related operations, depending on
The legal
options are:
encoding convertfrom ?encoding?
- Convert data to Unicode from the specified
encoding. The characters in data are treated as binary data
where the lower 8-bits of each character is taken as a single byte. The
resulting sequence of bytes is treated as a string in the specified
encoding. If encoding is not specified, the current system
encoding is used.
encoding convertto ?encoding?
- Convert string from Unicode to the specified
encoding. The result is a sequence of bytes that represents the
converted string. Each byte is stored in the lower 8-bits of a Unicode
character (indeed, the resulting string is a binary string as far as Tcl
is concerned, at least initially). If encoding is not specified,
the current system encoding is used.
encoding dirs ?directoryList?
- Tcl can load encoding data files from the file system that
describe additional encodings for it to work with. This command sets the
search path for *.enc encoding data files to the list of
directories directoryList. If directoryList is omitted then
the command returns the current list of directories that make up the
search path. It is an error for directoryList to not be a valid
list. If, when a search for an encoding data file is happening, an element
in directoryList does not refer to a readable, searchable
directory, that element is ignored.
- encoding names
- Returns a list containing the names of all of the encodings
that are currently available. The encodings “utf-8” and
“iso8859-1” are guaranteed to be present in the list.
encoding system ?encoding?
- Set the system encoding to encoding. If
encoding is omitted then the command returns the current system
encoding. The system encoding is used whenever Tcl passes strings to
system calls.
The following example converts a byte sequence in Japanese euc-jp encoding to a
TCL string:
set s [ encoding convertfrom euc-jp "\xA4\xCF"]
The result is the unicode codepoint: “\u306F”, which is the
Hiragana letter HA.
encoding, unicode