gladevcp - displays Virtual control Panels built with GTK / GLADE
loadusr gladevcp [-c componentname0xN] [-g
WxH+Xoffset+Yoffset0x N] [-H halcmdfile] [-x windowid]
GladeVCP parses a glade file and displays the widgets in a window. Then calls
gladevcp_makepins which again parses the gladefile looking for specific HAL
widgets then makes HAL pins and sets up updating for them. The HAL component
name defaults to the basename of the glade file. The -x option directs
GladeVCP to reparent itself under this X window id instead of creating its own
toplevel window. The -H option passes an input file for halcmd to be run after
the GladeVCP component is initialized. This is used in Axis when running
GladeVCP under a tab with the EMBED_TAB_NAME/EMBED_TAB_COMMAND INI file
GladeVCP supports GtkBuilder or libglade files though some widgets are not fully
supported in GtkBuilder yet.
For now, system links need to be added in the glade library folders to point to
our new widgets and catalog files. Look in lib/python/gladevcp/READ_ME for