grdvector - Plot vector fields from grdfiles
grdvector compx.grd compy.grd -Jparameters [
-A ] [
-Btickinfo ] [
-Ccptfile ] [
-E ] [
-Gfill] [
m|c]] ] [
-K ]
-N ] [
-O ] [
-P ] [
-Qparameters ] [
-R west/east/south/north[
r] ] [
scale ] [
-T ] [
label] ] [
-V ] [
-Wcontourpen ] [
-Xx-shift ] [
-Yy-shift ] [
-Z ] [
-ccopies ]
grdvector reads two 2-D gridded files which represents the x- and
y-components of a vector field and produces a vector field plot by drawing
vectors with orientation and length according to the information in the files.
Alternatively, polar coordinate components may be used (r, theta).
grdvector is basically a short-hand for using 2 calls to
and pasting the output through
psxy -SV.
- compx.grd
- Contains the x-component of the vector field.
- compy.grd
- Contains the y-component of the vector field.
- -J
- Selects the map projection. Scale is UNIT/degree, 1:xxxxx,
or width in UNIT (upper case modifier). UNIT is cm, inch, or m, depending
on the MEASURE_UNIT setting in .gmtdefaults, but this can be overridden on
the command line by appending the c, i, or m to the scale/width value.
-Jclon0/lat0/scale (Cassini)
-Jjlon0/scale (Miller)
-Jmscale (Mercator - Greenwich and Equator as origin)
-Jmlon0/lat0/scale (Mercator - Give meridian and standard
-Joalon0/lat0/azimuth/scale (Oblique Mercator - point and
-Joblon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale (Oblique Mercator - two points)
-Joclon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale (Oblique Mercator - point and
-Jqlon0/scale (Equidistant Cylindrical Projection (Plate
-Jtlon0/scale (TM - Transverse Mercator, with Equator as y =
-Jtlon0/lat0/scale (TM - Transverse Mercator, set origin)
-Juzone/scale (UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator)
-Jylon0/lats/scale (Basic Cylindrical Projection)
-Jalon0/lat0/scale (Lambert).
-Jelon0/lat0/scale (Equidistant).
-Jflon0/lat0/horizon/scale (Gnomonic).
-Jglon0/lat0/scale (Orthographic).
-Jslon0/lat0/[slat/]scale (General
-Jblon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Albers)
-Jdlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Equidistant)
-Jllon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Lambert)
-Jhlon0/scale (Hammer)
-Jilon0/scale (Sinusoidal)
-Jk[f|s]lon0/scale (Eckert IV (f) and VI (s))
-Jnlon0/scale (Robinson)
-Jrlon0/scale (Winkel Tripel)
-Jvlon0/scale (Van der Grinten)
-Jwlon0/scale (Mollweide)
-Jp[a]scale[/origin] (polar (theta,r)
coordinates, optional a for azimuths and offset theta [0])
(Linear, log, and power scaling)
More details can be found in the psbasemap manpages.
No space between the option flag and the associated arguments.
- -A
- Means grdfiles have polar (r, theta) components instead of
Cartesian (x, y).
- -B
- Sets map boundary tickmark intervals. See psbasemap
for details.
- -C
- Use cptfile to assign colors based on vector
- -E
- Center vectors on grid nodes [Default draws from grid
- -G
- Sets color or shade for vector interiors [Default is no
fill]. Specify the shade (0-255) or color (r/g/b, each in 0-255).
- -I
- Only plot vectors at nodes every x_inc, y_inc apart
(must be multiples of original grid spacing). Append m for minutes
or c for seconds. [Default plots every node].
- -K
- More PostScript code will be appended later [Default
terminates the plot system].
- -N
- Do NOT clip vectors at map boundaries [Default will
- -bo
- Selects binary output. Append s for single precision
[Default is double].
- -P
- Selects Portrait plotting mode [GMT Default is
Landscape, see gmtdefaults to change this].
- -Q
- Select vector plot [Default is stick-plot]. Optionally,
specify parameters which are arrowwidth/headlength/headwidth
[Default is 0.075 c/0.3c/0.25c (or
0.03i/0.12i/0.1i)]. Append nsize which will
cause vectors shorter than size to have their appearence scaled by
length/ size.
- -R
west, east, south, and north specify the
Region of interest. To specify boundaries in degrees and minutes [and
seconds], use the dd:mm[:ss] format. Append r if lower left and
upper right map coordinates are given instead of wesn. Specify a subset of
the grid.
- -S
- Sets scale for vector length in data units per distance
measurement unit [1]. Append c, i, m, p to indicate the measurement unit
(cm, inch, m, point). Prepend l to indicate a fixed length for all
- -T
- Means azimuth should be converted to angles based on the
selected map projection.
- -U
- Draw Unix System time stamp on plot. User may specify where
the lower left corner of the stamp should fall on the page relative to
lower left corner of plot. Optionally, append a label, or c (which
will plot the command string.). The GMT parameters UNIX_TIME and
UNIX_TIME_POS can affect the appearance; see the gmtdefaults man
page for details.
- -V
- Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to
stderr [Default runs "silently"].
- -W
- Set pen attributes used for vector outlines [Default: width
= 1, color = 0/0/0, texture = solid].
- -X -Y
- Shift origin of plot by (x-shift,y-shift). Prepend
a for absolute coordinates; the default ( r) will reset plot
- -Z
- Means the angles provided are azimuths rather than
direction (requires -A).
- -c
- Specifies the number of plot copies. [Default is 1]
To draw the vector field given by the files r.grd and theta.grd on a linear plot
with scale 5 cm per data unit, using vector rather than stick plot, and scale
vector magnitudes so that 10 units equal 1 inch, try
grdvector r.grd theta.grd
c -Q -S10
i >