Eric Paris Jan 2015


kubectl label - Update the labels on a resource


kubectl label [OPTIONS]


Update the labels on a resource.
A label key and value must begin with a letter or number, and may contain letters, numbers, hyphens, dots, and underscores, up to 63 characters each.
Optionally, the key can begin with a DNS subdomain prefix and a single '/', like
If --overwrite is true, then existing labels can be overwritten, otherwise attempting to overwrite a label will result in an error.
If --resource-version is specified, then updates will use this resource version, otherwise the existing resource-version will be used.


--all=false Select all resources, including uninitialized ones, in the namespace of the specified resource types
--allow-missing-template-keys=true If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template. Only applies to golang and jsonpath output formats.
--dry-run="none" Must be "none", "server", or "client". If client strategy, only print the object that would be sent, without sending it. If server strategy, submit server-side request without persisting the resource.
--field-manager="kubectl-label" Name of the manager used to track field ownership.
--field-selector="" Selector (field query) to filter on, supports '=', '==', and '!='.(e.g. --field-selector key1=value1,key2=value2). The server only supports a limited number of field queries per type.
-f, --filename=[] Filename, directory, or URL to files identifying the resource to update the labels
-k, --kustomize="" Process the kustomization directory. This flag can't be used together with -f or -R.
--list=false If true, display the labels for a given resource.
--local=false If true, label will NOT contact api-server but run locally.
-o, --output="" Output format. One of: json|yaml|name|go-template|go-template-file|template|templatefile|jsonpath|jsonpath-as-json|jsonpath-file.
--overwrite=false If true, allow labels to be overwritten, otherwise reject label updates that overwrite existing labels.
--record=false Record current kubectl command in the resource annotation. If set to false, do not record the command. If set to true, record the command. If not set, default to updating the existing annotation value only if one already exists.
-R, --recursive=false Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively. Useful when you want to manage related manifests organized within the same directory.
--resource-version="" If non-empty, the labels update will only succeed if this is the current resource-version for the object. Only valid when specifying a single resource.
-l, --selector="" Selector (label query) to filter on, not including uninitialized ones, supports '=', '==', and '!='.(e.g. -l key1=value1,key2=value2).
--template="" Template string or path to template file to use when -o=go-template, -o=go-template-file. The template format is golang templates [].


--add-dir-header=false If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages
--alsologtostderr=false log to standard error as well as files
--application-metrics-count-limit=100 Max number of application metrics to store (per container)
--as="" Username to impersonate for the operation
--as-group=[] Group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups.
--azure-container-registry-config="" Path to the file containing Azure container registry configuration information.
--boot-id-file="/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id" Comma-separated list of files to check for boot-id. Use the first one that exists.
--cache-dir="/home/user/.kube/cache" Default cache directory
--certificate-authority="" Path to a cert file for the certificate authority
--client-certificate="" Path to a client certificate file for TLS
--client-key="" Path to a client key file for TLS
--cloud-provider-gce-l7lb-src-cidrs=, CIDRs opened in GCE firewall for L7 LB traffic proxy health checks
--cloud-provider-gce-lb-src-cidrs=,,, CIDRs opened in GCE firewall for L4 LB traffic proxy health checks
--cluster="" The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
--container-hints="/etc/cadvisor/container_hints.json" location of the container hints file
--containerd="/run/containerd/containerd.sock" containerd endpoint
--containerd-namespace="" containerd namespace
--context="" The name of the kubeconfig context to use
--default-not-ready-toleration-seconds=300 Indicates the tolerationSeconds of the toleration for notReady:NoExecute that is added by default to every pod that does not already have such a toleration.
--default-unreachable-toleration-seconds=300 Indicates the tolerationSeconds of the toleration for unreachable:NoExecute that is added by default to every pod that does not already have such a toleration.
--disable-root-cgroup-stats=false Disable collecting root Cgroup stats
--docker="unix:///var/run/docker.sock" docker endpoint
--docker-env-metadata-whitelist="" a comma-separated list of environment variable keys matched with specified prefix that needs to be collected for docker containers
--docker-only=false Only report docker containers in addition to root stats
--docker-root="/var/lib/docker" DEPRECATED: docker root is read from docker info (this is a fallback, default: /var/lib/docker)
--docker-tls=false use TLS to connect to docker
--docker-tls-ca="ca.pem" path to trusted CA
--docker-tls-cert="cert.pem" path to client certificate
--docker-tls-key="key.pem" path to private key
--enable-load-reader=false Whether to enable cpu load reader
--event-storage-age-limit="default=0" Max length of time for which to store events (per type). Value is a comma separated list of key values, where the keys are event types (e.g.: creation, oom) or "default" and the value is a duration. Default is applied to all non-specified event types
--event-storage-event-limit="default=0" Max number of events to store (per type). Value is a comma separated list of key values, where the keys are event types (e.g.: creation, oom) or "default" and the value is an integer. Default is applied to all non-specified event types
--global-housekeeping-interval=1m0s Interval between global housekeepings
--housekeeping-interval=10s Interval between container housekeepings
--insecure-skip-tls-verify=false If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
--kubeconfig="" Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.
--log-backtrace-at=:0 when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
--log-cadvisor-usage=false Whether to log the usage of the cAdvisor container
--log-dir="" If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log-file="" If non-empty, use this log file
--log-file-max-size=1800 Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited.
--log-flush-frequency=5s Maximum number of seconds between log flushes
--logtostderr=true log to standard error instead of files
--machine-id-file="/etc/machine-id,/var/lib/dbus/machine-id" Comma-separated list of files to check for machine-id. Use the first one that exists.
--match-server-version=false Require server version to match client version
-n, --namespace="" If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request
--one-output=false If true, only write logs to their native severity level (vs also writing to each lower severity level
--password="" Password for basic authentication to the API server
--profile="none" Name of profile to capture. One of (none|cpu|heap|goroutine|threadcreate|block|mutex)
--profile-output="profile.pprof" Name of the file to write the profile to
--referenced-reset-interval=0 Reset interval for referenced bytes (container_referenced_bytes metric), number of measurement cycles after which referenced bytes are cleared, if set to 0 referenced bytes are never cleared (default: 0)
--request-timeout="0" The length of time to wait before giving up on a single server request. Non-zero values should contain a corresponding time unit (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h). A value of zero means don't timeout requests.
-s, --server="" The address and port of the Kubernetes API server
--skip-headers=false If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages
--skip-log-headers=false If true, avoid headers when opening log files
--stderrthreshold=2 logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
--storage-driver-buffer-duration=1m0s Writes in the storage driver will be buffered for this duration, and committed to the non memory backends as a single transaction
--storage-driver-db="cadvisor" database name
--storage-driver-host="localhost:8086" database host:port
--storage-driver-password="root" database password
--storage-driver-secure=false use secure connection with database
--storage-driver-table="stats" table name
--storage-driver-user="root" database username
--tls-server-name="" Server name to use for server certificate validation. If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used
--token="" Bearer token for authentication to the API server
--update-machine-info-interval=5m0s Interval between machine info updates.
--user="" The name of the kubeconfig user to use
--username="" Username for basic authentication to the API server
-v, --v=0 number for the log level verbosity
--version=false Print version information and quit
--vmodule= comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
--warnings-as-errors=false Treat warnings received from the server as errors and exit with a non-zero exit code


  # Update pod 'foo' with the label 'unhealthy' and the value 'true'.
  kubectl label pods foo unhealthy=true
  # Update pod 'foo' with the label 'status' and the value 'unhealthy', overwriting any existing value.
  kubectl label --overwrite pods foo status=unhealthy
  # Update all pods in the namespace
  kubectl label pods --all status=unhealthy
  # Update a pod identified by the type and name in "pod.json"
  kubectl label -f pod.json status=unhealthy
  # Update pod 'foo' only if the resource is unchanged from version 1.
  kubectl label pods foo status=unhealthy --resource-version=1
  # Update pod 'foo' by removing a label named 'bar' if it exists.
  # Does not require the --overwrite flag.
  kubectl label pods foo bar-




January 2015, Originally compiled by Eric Paris (eparis at redhat dot com) based on the kubernetes source material, but hopefully they have been automatically generated since!

Recommended readings

Pages related to kubectl-label you should read also: