ldap_is_ldap_url, ldap_url_parse, ldap_free_urldesc - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines


OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)


#include <ldap.h>
int ldap_is_ldap_url( const char *url )
int ldap_url_parse( const char *url, LDAPURLDesc **ludpp )
typedef struct ldap_url_desc {
    char *      lud_scheme;     /* URI scheme */
    char *      lud_host;       /* LDAP host to contact */
    int         lud_port;       /* port on host */
    char *      lud_dn;         /* base for search */
    char **     lud_attrs;      /* list of attributes */
    int         lud_scope;      /* a LDAP_SCOPE_... value */
    char *      lud_filter;     /* LDAP search filter */
    char **     lud_exts;       /* LDAP extensions */
    int         lud_crit_exts;  /* true if any extension is critical */
    /* may contain additional fields for internal use */
void ldap_free_urldesc( LDAPURLDesc *ludp );


These routines support the use of LDAP URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) as detailed in RFC 4516. LDAP URLs look like this:
where: hostport is a host name with an optional ":portnumber" dn is the search base attrs is a comma separated list of attributes to request scope is one of these three strings: base one sub (default=base) filter is filter exts are recognized set of LDAP and/or API extensions.
Example: ldap://,dc=net?cn,sn?sub?(cn=*)
URLs that are wrapped in angle-brackets and/or preceded by "URL:" are also tolerated. Alternative LDAP schemes such as ldaps:// and ldapi:// may be parsed using the below routines as well.
ldap_is_ldap_url() returns a non-zero value if url looks like an LDAP URL (as opposed to some other kind of URL). It can be used as a quick check for an LDAP URL; the ldap_url_parse() routine should be used if a more thorough check is needed.
ldap_url_parse() breaks down an LDAP URL passed in url into its component pieces. If successful, zero is returned, an LDAP URL description is allocated, filled in, and ludpp is set to point to it. If an error occurs, a non-zero URL error code is returned.
ldap_free_urldesc() should be called to free an LDAP URL description that was obtained from a call to ldap_url_parse().


RFC 4516 <>


OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project <>. OpenLDAP Software is derived from the University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

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