lvmdump — create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes


lvmdump [-a] [-c] [-d directory] [-h] [-l] [-m] [-p] [-s] [-u]


lvmdump is a tool to dump various information concerning LVM2. By default, it creates a tarball suitable for submission along with a problem report.
The content of the tarball is as follows:
dmsetup info
table of currently running processes
recent entries from /var/log/messages (containing system messages)
complete lvm configuration and cache (content of /etc/lvm)
list of device nodes present under /dev
list of files present /sys/block
list of files present /sys/devices/virtual/block
if enabled with -m, metadata dump will be also included
if enabled with -a, debug output of vgscan, pvscan and list of all available volume groups, physical volumes and logical volumes will be included
if enabled with -l, lvmetad state if running
if enabled with -p, lvmpolld state if running
if enabled with -s, system info and context
if enabled with -u, udev info and context


Advanced collection. WARNING: if lvm is already hung, then this script may hang as well if -a is used.
-d directory
Dump into a directory instead of tarball By default, lvmdump will produce a single compressed tarball containing all the information. Using this option, it can be instructed to only produce the raw dump tree, rooted in directory.
Print help message
Include lvmetad(8) daemon dump if it is running. The dump contains cached information that is currently stored in lvmetad: VG metadata, PV metadata and various mappings in between these metadata for quick access.
Gather LVM metadata from the PVs This option generates a 1:1 dump of the metadata area from all PVs visible to the system, which can cause the dump to increase in size considerably. However, the metadata dump may represent a valuable diagnostic resource.
Include lvmpolld(8) daemon dump if it is running. The dump contains all in-progress operation currently monitored by the daemon and partial history for all yet uncollected results of polling operations already finished including reason.
Gather system info and context. Currently, this encompasses info gathered by calling lsblk command and various systemd info and context: overall state of systemd units present in the system, more detailed status of units controlling LVM functionality and the content of systemd journal for current boot.
Gather udev info and context: /etc/udev/udev.conf file, udev daemon version (output of 'udevadm info --version' command), udev rules currently used in the system (content of /lib/udev/rules.d and /etc/udev/rules.d directory), list of files in /lib/udev directory and dump of current udev database content (the output of 'udevadm info --export-db' command).


The LVM2 binary to use. Defaults to " lvm". Sometimes you might need to set this to " /usr/bin/lvm.static", for example.
The dmsetup binary to use. Defaults to " dmsetup".


lvm(8), lvmpolld(8),
udev(8), udevadm(8)

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