mid3v2 - audio tag editor similar to 'id3v2'
mid3v2 [
filename ...
mid3v2 is a Mutagen-based replacement for id3lib's id3v2. It supports
ID3v2.4 and more frames; it also does not have the numerous bugs that plague
This program exists mostly for compatibility with programs that want to tag
files using id3v2. For a more usable interface, we recommend Ex Falso.
- -q, --quiet
- Be quiet: do not mention file operations that perform the
user's request. Warnings will still be printed.
- -v, --verbose
- Be verbose: state all operations performed. This is the
opposite of --quiet. This is the default.
- -e, --escape
- Enable interpretation of backslash escapes for tag values.
Makes it possible to escape the colon-separator in TXXX, WXXX, COMM values
like '\:' and insert escape sequences like '\n', '\t' etc.
- -f, --list-frames
- Display all supported ID3v2.3/2.4 frames and their
- -L, --list-genres
- List all ID3v1 numeric genres. These can be used to set
TCON frames, but it is not recommended.
- -l, --list
- List all tags in the files. The output format is not
the same as id3v2's; instead, it is easily parsable and readable. Some
tags may not have human-readable representations.
- --list-raw
- List all tags in the files, in raw format. Although this
format is nominally human-readable, it may be very long if the tag
contains embedded binary data.
- -d, --delete-v2
- Delete ID3v2 tags.
- -s, --delete-v1
- Delete ID3v1 tags.
- -D, --delete-all
- Delete all ID3 tags.
- Delete specific ID3v2 frames (or groups of frames) from the
files. FRAMES is a "," separated list of frame names e.g.
- -C, --convert
- Convert ID3v1 tags to ID3v2 tags. This will also happen
automatically during any editing.
- Set the artist information (TPE1).
- Set the album information (TALB).
- Set the title information (TIT2).
- Set a comment (COMM). The language and description may be
omitted, in which case the language defaults to English, and the
description to an empty string.
- Set the attached picture (APIC). Everything except the
filename can be omitted in which case default values will be used.
- Set the genre information (TCON).
-y,--year=<YYYY>, --date=<YYYY-[MM-DD]>
- Set the year/date information (TDRC).
- Set the track number (TRCK).
Any text or URL frame (those beginning with T or W) can be modified or added by
prefixing the name of the frame with "--". For example,
--TIT3 "Monkey!" will set the TIT3 (subtitle) frame to
The TXXX frame has the format <DESCRIPTION:TEXT>; many TXXX frames may be
set in the file as long as they have different keys. To set this key, just
separate the text with a colon, e.g.
"ALBUMARTISTSORT:Examples, The". The description can be
omitted in which case it defaults to an empty string.
The WXXX frame has the same format as TXXX but since URLs usually contain a
":" you have provide a description or enable escaping (-e):
--WXXX "desc:http://foo.bar" or
-e --WXXX
The USLT frame has the format <DESCRIPTION:TEXT:LANGUAGE>. The language
and description may be omitted, in which case the language defaults to
English, and the description to an empty string.
The special POPM frame can be set in a similar way:
"[email protected]:128:2" to set Bob's rating to 128/255 with 2
No sanity checking is done on the editing operations you perform, so mid3v2 will
happily accept --TSIZ when editing an ID3v2.4 frame. However, it will also
automatically throw it out during the next edit operation.
Joe Wreschnig is the author of mid3v2, but he doesn't like to admit it.