networks - network name information


The file /etc/networks is a plain ASCII file that describes known DARPA networks and symbolic names for these networks. Each line represents a network and has the following structure:
name number aliases ...
where the fields are delimited by spaces or tabs. Empty lines are ignored. The hash character ( #) indicates the start of a comment: this character, and the remaining characters up to the end of the current line, are ignored by library functions that process the file.
The field descriptions are:
The symbolic name for the network. Network names can contain any printable characters except white-space characters or the comment character.
The official number for this network in numbers-and-dots notation (see inet(3)). The trailing ".0" (for the host component of the network address) may be omitted.
Optional aliases for the network.
This file is read by the route(8) and netstat(8) utilities. Only Class A, B, or C networks are supported, partitioned networks (i.e., network/26 or network/28) are not supported by this file.


The networks definition file.


getnetbyaddr(3), getnetbyname(3), getnetent(3), netstat(8), route(8)

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