optimise - Yagi-Uda project antenna optimiser
optimise [
-dhvwO ] [
-aangular_stepsize ] [
-bboom_extension ] [
-ccleanliness_of_pattern ] [
-eelements ] [
-fFBratio ] [
-gGA_optimisation_method ]
-lpercent ] [
-mmin_offset_from_peak ] [
] [
-ppopulation ] [
-rresistance ] [
-sswr ] [
-tlength_tolerance ] [
-xreactance ] [
-AAuto_gain ] [
-CCurrents_similar ] [
-Fweight_FB ] [
-Gweight_gain ] [
-Kkeep_for_tries ] [
-Pweight_pattern_cleanliness ] [
-Rweight_resistance ] [
-Sweight_swr ] [
-Tposition_tolerance ] [
-WWeighted_algorithm ] [
-Xweight_reactance [
-ZZo ] filename iterations
The program
optimise is one of a number of executable programs that forms
part of a set of programs, collectively known as the
Yagi-Uda project ,
which were designed for analysis and optimisation of Yagi-Uda antennas.
optimise attempts to optimise the performance of a Yagi antenna for one
or more parameters that are considered important, such as gain, F/B ratio,
VSWR etc. It does this by randomly changing the lengths and positions, of one
or more elements, then comparing the performance before and after the change.
Any improvements are written to a new file called
filename.bes where
filename is the name of the antenna description file created by
When Yagi's are designed on paper, or using this program, its possible that they
will be almost impossible to build, if their performance depends too
critically on the dimensions. To determine if this is the case with a design,
we run optimise with just the options 't' and 'T'. These specify the tolerance
with which you can build the antenna, expressed as a standard deviation in mm.
In this case, instead of trying to optimise a poor design, optimise will
calculate the minimum gain, maximum VSWR, and minimum FB ratio of a number of
designs, all slightly different from the input file. 99.7% of the components
lie within 3 SD of the mean, so if you think you can cut elements to with 1 mm
99.7% of the time, specify t0.33. If you can put them in the boom to within 3
mm 99.7% of the time, specify T1.
If while
optimise is running using the methods that require weights to be
attached to the gain, FB, SWR etc, it becomes apparent, the weights are not
optimum, its possible to pause the program and re-adjust the weights. If a
file with the name of
changes is created, the program will pause, then
request new weights are entered at the keyboard.
- -d
- Print the default values of all the configureable
parameters to stdout. Typing this option with any option that changes a
parameter (see below) will display the new value of the parameter, rather
than the default.
- -h
- Print a help message.
- -v
- Print verbose status information.
- -w
- Instead of optimising at one fixed frequency (the design
frequency), this directs the program to optimise at 3 separate frequencies
(lowest, design and highest) then to average data at all 3. This option is
better for wideband antenna. Note that the input impedance printed is at
the design frequency, *not* averaged over 3 frequencies. Averaging an
impedance, is likely to give a very misleading impression. The impedance
averaged over 3 frequencies can be 50+i0 Ohms, even if the VSWR is very
poor over all 3 frequencies, as the following 3 pieces of data show.
Z=147 + j 300 SWR= 15.46:1
Z=2 + j 100 SWR= 125:1
Z=1 - j 400 SWR= 3250:1
note in the above three cases, the average impedance is 50 + j 0, but
average SWR is 1130:1.
- -O
- Over-optimisation allowed. By default, the program does not
over-optimise a parameter. For example, an SWR of 1.01 is usually
considered good enough and any change, as long as the SWR stayed good,
typically below 1.1:1, would be allowed, even if the SWR rose. By default,
FB's of 27 dB, VSWR's of 1.1 are acceptable. However, by using the
-O option, you can insist the program always improves things, no
matter how good they are.
- When optimimising by trying to get a clean pattern,
specifies the step size to use when looking for features in the pattern.
If its set too small, the program runs slow. If its set too large, the
program may miss features in the pattern, such as a sidelobe. Then the
resulting antenna will have poor sidelobe performance, even though you
think it will be good. The program attempts to calculate a sensible value,
based on 1/10th the approximate 3 dB beamwidth, if you don't set.
- Generally speaking, the gain of a Yagi increases with boom
length. Hence the optimiser would often give you a Yagi with a much longer
boom than the input file. This may not be what you desire due to space
restrictions. These long antennas often have high gain, but are very
narrow in bandwidth. The default limits the antenna to 10x the original
length, which means effectively there is no boom length limitation. You
can adjust the percentage by setting boom_extension to whatever you
wish. -b30 will limit the boom to no more than 30% more than the
original length.
- Specify the number of dB down on the peak gain to aim to
get the pattern. Any antenna pattern cleaner than this will not effect the
fitness, nor will it be considered any better when comparing to antenna
designs. 20 dB seems reasonable, so the default is 20, but this may of
course change if it's deceided too. Check the source code to be certain
(see REASONABLE_SIDELOBE in yagi.h).
- is an integer which specifies the type of elements that are
changed in the optimisation cycle. Possible values are:
1 - alter only the driven element(s) length (useful to bring to resonance)
2 - alter only the driven element position. Don't change its length.
4 - alter only the reflector length. The position is always at x=0.
8 - alter only the director lengths. Don't change positions.
16 - alter only the director positions. Don't change lengths.
32 - randomly adjust one element length, then makes all other the same.
Don't change the positions.
64 - apply a linear taper to the lengths.
128 - Set the driven element to a resonate length. It may/may-not be altered
after the first run, depending on the whether or not '1' is invoked too.
Eg -e128 will make it resonate and keep it there forever. However '-e129'
will bring to resonance, then alter to maximuse performance.
The elements altered is made from a logical AND of the above, so for example
to alter everything, except the driven element length, use -e30, since
2+4+8+16=30. The default is equivalent to -e31 , which changes
everything possible. Note the reflector position is *never* changed. It's
always at x=0.
- When optimising an antenna, consider any FB ratio greater
than FBratio dB to be equal to FBratio dB. This avoids
optimising to a very high FB ratio, which is impracticable, as the
bandwidth over which this FB ratio will be maintained is very small and
mechanical considerations will prevent you from constructing it with such
a high FB ratio anyway. If this was not prevented, you might just happen
to get an antenna with 100 dB FB ratio, but poor gain and swr. Since by
default all parameters must improve, the optimisation routine will most
likely never being able to improve on the 100 dB FB ratio, so no
improvement will result. Most people would prefer to get a few extra dB of
gain, even if the FB ratio dropped to 30 dB.
- Use a genetic algorithm. With the genetic algorithm, the
program does not take any account any of the initial lengths/positions of
elements specified in the input file. Rather it works by initialising a
number of different antenna, then computing a 'fitness' value for each.
The fitness value can depend on the gain, FB, real part of the input
impedance, reactive part of the input impedance, VSWR or the level of the
sidelobes. The integer after the g tells the optimiser what to consider.
-g1 Use gain
-g2 Use FB
-g4 Use R
-g8 Use X
-g16 Use the SWR
-g32 Use the level of the sidelobes.
You can use a logical AND of these, so for example -g49 will use a genetic
algorithm, optimising for gain, swr and sidelobe level, since
1(gain)+16(SWR)+32(sidelobe level)=49.
- is a parameter (floating point number) which specifies the
maximum percentage change in the positions or lengths of an elements at
each iteration. If the option is not used, it will be set internally at
10% for the first 25% of the iterations, 1% for the next 25%, 0.1% for the
third 25% of the iterations and 0.01% for the last 25% of the iterations.
If set to a positive number x (eg optimise -l 0.3 145e10) then the
percentage will be set at x% for 25% of iterations, x/10 for the next 25%,
x/100 for the next 25 and x/1000 for the last 25%. If set to a negative
number y (eg optimise -l -0.5 145e10) then the parameters will stay fixed
at y% (in this example 0.5%) all the time.
- Sets the minimum angle in degrees offset from theta=90
degrees, where the side lobes start and the main lobe finishes. The higher
the gain, the smaller it should be. It is set internally if not set on the
command line.
1 - Assume better if the gain has increased.
2 - Assume better if the front to back ratio has improved.
4 - Assume better if the real part of the input impedance is closer to the
value that the program was compiled for, or set using the '-Z' option.
This will usually be 50 Ohms, but you may wish to set this to 12.5 Ohms if
you use a 4:1 balun. Generally you can get higher gain from a Yagi if you
allow the input impedance to fall, but of course feeding it becomes more
8 - Assume better if the magnitude of the reactive component of the input
impedance is lower (ie. the antenna is nearer resonance).
16 - Assume better if the VSWR is lower.
32 - Assume better if the level of all sidelobes is lower.
The optimisation_criteria may be formed from a logical AND of these
numbers, so for example choosing -o19 will only consider a revised
antenna better than the previous, if the SWR, gain and F/B ratio have all
simultaneously improved.
Clearly an antenna which originally had 12 dB gain and 1.01:1 VSWR but then
changes to 20 dB gain @ 1.02:1 VSWR, would to most people be better, even
though the VSWR has increased. By default, optimise only optimises
to sensible maximums, so to not let the optimisation stall prematurely. By
running optimise with no arguments, the program will list the
limits of acceptability. These might be typically F/B ratio > 27 dB,
VSWR < 1.1:1, magnitude of input reactance less than 5 Ohms and the
real part of the input impedance within 5 Ohms of Zo. Choosing -o19
(1+2+16=19) will optimise for gain (since G=1), FB (since FB=2) and SWR
(Since SWR=16), but would consider a higher gain and FB ratio antenna
better than a previous one, even if the SWR rose, as long as it stayed
below 1.1:1 (or as was set during compilation). The default behaviour (no
options) is equivalent to -o37 which optimiseas for gain(1), the
real part of the input impedance(4) and sidelobes(32) but this may be
changed at any time, so type optimise -d to check the current
settings. If you insist on the program optimisang for the very best of all
selected parameters, use the -O option too, but be warned the optimisation
will probely stick once it gets one parameter really good.
- This determines the initial population used with the
genetic algorithm.
- When optimising an antenna, consider any input resistance
closer to Zo (usually 50 Ohms) than resistance Ohms to be
acceptable. This avoids optimising to an input resistance too close to Zo,
which is impracticable, as the bandwidth over which the input resistance
could be maintained is very small and mechanical considerations will
prevent you from constructing the antenna with such an ideal input
resistance. If this was not prevented, you might just happen to get an
antenna with an input resistance of 50.000001 Ohms, but poor gain, FB and
possibly even a poor swr, if the antenna is well away from resonance.
Since by default all parameters must improve, the optimisation routine
will get most likely never being able to improve on the antenna, whereas
we might be happier with a few more dB gain, if the input resistance went
to 50.1 Ohms. It should be noted that the default optimisation routine
never uses the input resistance directly (only VSWR), so this option cant
be used without the '-o' option to optimise for other than the default
parameters (gain, VSWR and FB ratio).
- When optimising an antenna, consider any SWR less than
swr to be equal to swr This avoids optimising to a very low
swr, which is impracticable, as the bandwidth over which such a low swr
could be maintained would be very small and mechanical considerations will
prevent you from constructing such an antenna anyway. If this is was not
prevented, you might just happen to get an antenna with an swr of
1.000000000001:1, but poor gain, FB ratio. Since by default all parameters
must improve, the optimisation routine will most likely never being able
to improve on the antenna, even though in practice you would like to get a
few extra dB of gain if the SWR would rise to 1.02:1. The default was
equivalent to -s1.1 but run optimise -d to display this and
any other defaults.
length_tolerance is the standard deviation in mm of
the accuracy with which you can cut elements. Since 99.7% of elements will
be with 3 standard deviations of the mean length (stats theory says this),
set -t0.2 if virtually all (well 99.7%) of elements are within 3x0.2=0.6
mm of the correct length. This option *must* be used with the '-T' option
and can't be used with any other options apart from '-Z', '-v' and
- When optimising an antenna, consider any input reactance of
less than reactance to be reactance. This avoids over
optimising the reactance, at the expense of something else.
- When the auto_gain option is used. the program
maximes the gain of the antenna (ignoring all other parameters such as
SWR, FB ratio etc) by adjusting the length (not position) of one element
only. -A-1 will maximuse the gain, by adjusting the length of the
reflector, -A0 will maximise the gain by adjusting the length of the
driven element. Its generally *not* a good idea to maximise the gain by
adjusting the driven element, but the program lets you do it, but using
the option -A0. Using -A1 will maximise gain by adjusting the length of
the first director, -A2 the second director and so on, up to the last
director. You must check carefully that the input impedance in particular
does not fall to silly values if you use this option. On a yagi with many
elements (> 10 or so), you can pretty safely maximise the 8th or more
director, but doing it on the reflector, driven element or early directors
often leads to silly input impedances - so beware! Note, no matter how
many iterations you specify, this process is only done once.Its unlikely
you will be able to do it again, without things going out of hand, but if
you must do it, you must re-run 'optimise' again.
- If this option is used, where currents_similar is an
integer, the program looks to make the currents in the last
currents_similar elements as similar as possible. It computes the
sum of the squares of the deviations of the absolute values of the element
currents from the mean. If this falls, and the criteria specified with the
-W option is also satisfied, the antenna is considered better. If
currents_similar is three less than the number of directors, it
tries to make the currents in the the directors (but ignoringing the first
3) all similar. If currents_similar is equal to the number of
directors, it tries to make all the directors have similar currents. If
currents_similar is one more than the number of directors, it tries
to make all the directors and the reflector have similar currents. If
currents_similar is equal to the total number of elements, then it
fails with an error message.
- is the floating point number (default 1.0) specifying the
weight to attach to the FB ratio of the antenna when using the '-W'
option, which calculates a fitness for the antenna based on one or more
parameters (FB, gain, input resistance, input reactance, SWR, cleanliness
of antenna pattern). The '-F' option is similar to the options -G, -P, -R,
-S, -X (which specify weights for gain, pattern cleanliness, input
resistance, SWR and input reactance). When using the -W option the exact
algorithm used to compute the fitness (and hence the effect of this
parameter) is best checked by looking at the source code (see perform.c).
This is one area of constant program improvement/changes/development, so
its difficult to say exactly the effect the parameter has. However,
increasing the weight of a parameter (using the -F, -G, -R, -S or -X
options) will make the associated parameter have a greater effect on the
fitness. However, unless you optimise for a high FB ratio with the -W
option, then setting the -F option will have no effect. For example,
setting the options -F2.5 -W1 is a complete waste of time. There you have
used the -W1 option to optimise only for gain (see -W option section of
man page) but have changed the weight of the FB ratio from its default 1.0
to 2.5. If you are not optimising for FB ratio, the weight you attach to
it is irrelavent.
- is the floating point number (default 1.0) specifying the
weight to attach to the gain of the antenna when using the '-W' option,
which calculates a fitness for the antenna based on one or more parameters
(FB, gain, input resistance, input reactance, SWR, cleanliness of antenna
pattern). The '-G' option is similar to the options -F, -P, -R, -S, -X
(which specify weights for FB ratio, pattern cleanliness, input
resistance, SWR and input reactance). When using the -W option the exact
algorithm used to compute the fitness (and hence the effect of this
parameter) is best checked by looking at the source code (see perform.c).
This is one area of constant program improvement/changes/development, so
its difficult to say exactly the effect the parameter has. However,
increasing the weight of a parameter (using the -F, -G, -R, -S or -X
options) will make the associated parameter have a greater effect on the
fitness. However, unless you optimise for gain with the -W option, then
setting the -G option will have no effect. For example, setting the
options -G2.5 -W2 is a complete waste of time. There you have used the -W2
option to optimise only for FB ratio (see -W option section of man page)
but have changed the weight of the gain from its default 1.0 to 2.5. If
you are not optimising for gain, the weight you attach to it is
keep_for_tries is the number of tries for the optimise to persist
using the original data file as the starting point for optimisation. By
default it is 1, which means the program immediately looks from a new
position once a better one is found. It is theeoretically possible that
this might result in a quick, but poor local maximum. If however,
keep_for_tries is 1000, it will stay at a position for 1000
iterations after finding the last best result, before considering this to
be a global optimum. Then it starts for the new position. In practice, I
have found this option to make matters worst in most cases. It was added
to avoid the local-minimum problem, but it appears the optimisation
surface is pretty smooth, so it just slows the program, without gaining
much. Anyway, it can stay as an option, but check the results with/without
carefully before using extensively.
- is the floating point number (default 1.0) specifying the
weight to attach to the cleanness of the antenna pattern when using the
'-W' option, which calculates a fitness for the antenna based on one or
more parameters (FB, gain, input resistance, input reactance, SWR,
cleanliness of antenna pattern). The '-P' option is similar to the options
-F, -G, -R, -S, -X (which specify weights for FB ratio, gain, input
resistance, SWR and input reactance). When using the -W option the exact
algorithm used to compute the fitness (and hence the effect of this
parameter) is best checked by looking at the source code (see perform.c).
This is one area of constant program improvement/changes/development, so
its difficult to say exactly the effect the parameter has. However,
increasing the weight of a parameter (using the -F, -G, -R, -S or -X
options) will make the associated parameter have a greater effect on the
fitness. However, unless you optimise for a clean antenna pattern with the
-W option, then setting the -P option will have no effect. For example,
setting the options -P2.5 -W1 is a complete waste of time. There you have
used the -W1 option to optimise only for gain (see -W option section of
man page) but have changed the weight of the pattern cleanliness from its
default 1.0 to 2.5. If you are not optimising for a clean radiation
pattern, the weight you attach to it is irrelavent. With appropriate use
of the -W option (eg -W49 for gain, SWR and a clean pattern), the computer
program finds the level of the most significant sidelobe, wherever it may
be outside the main bean. It then optimises to reduce this. The -P option
tells it how much weight to put on reducing this sidelobe.
- is the floating point number (default 1.0) specifying the
weight to attach to the obtaining an input resistance close to Zo on the
antenna when using the '-W' option, which calculates a fitness for the
antenna based on one or more parameters (FB, gain, input resistance, input
reactance, SWR, cleanliness of antenna pattern). The '-R' option is
similar to the options -F, -G, -P, -S, -X (which specify weights for FB,
gain, pattern cleanliness, SWR and input reactance). When using the -W
option the exact algorithm used to compute the fitness (and hence the
effect of this parameter) is best checked by looking at the source code
(see perform.c). This is one area of constant program
improvement/changes/development, so its difficult to say exactly the
effect the parameter has. However, increasing the weight of a parameter
(using the -F, -G, -R, -S or -X options) will make the associated
parameter have a greater effect on the fitness. However, unless you
optimise for an an input resistance close to Zo, with the -W option, then
setting the -R option will have no effect. For example, setting the
options -R2.5 -W1 is a complete waste of time. There you have used the -W1
option to optimise only for gain (see -W option section of man page) but
have changed the weight of the resistance from its default 1.0 to 2.5. If
you are not optimising for an input resistance close to Zo, the weight you
attach to it is irrelavent.
- is the floating point number (default 1.0) specifying the
weight to attach to the SWR of the antenna when using the '-W' option,
which calculates a fitness for the antenna based on one or more parameters
(FB, gain, input resistance, input reactance, SWR, cleanliness of antenna
pattern). The '-S' option is similar to the options -F, -G, -P, -R, -X
(which specify weights for FB, gain, pattern cleanliness, input resistance
and input reactance). When using the -W option the exact algorithm used to
compute the fitness (and hence the effect of this parameter) is best
checked by looking at the source code (see perform.c). This is one area of
constant program improvement/changes/development, so its difficult to say
exactly the effect the parameter has. However, increasing the weight of a
parameter (using the -F, -G, -R, -S or -X options) will make the
associated parameter have a greater effect on the fitness. However, unless
you optimise for SWR with the -W option, then setting the -S option will
have no effect. For example, setting the options -S2.5 -W1 is a complete
waste of time. There you have used the -W1 option to optimise only for
gain (see -W option section of man page) but have changed the weight of
the SWR from its default 1.0 to 2.5. If you are not optimising for SWR,
the weight you attach to it is irrelavent.
position_tolerance is the standard deviation in mm
of the accuracy with which you can cut elements. Since 99.7% of elements
will be with 3 standard deviations of the correct position (stats theory
says this), set -T2 if virtually all (well 99.7%) of elements are within
3x2=6 mm of the correct position.This option *must* be used with the '-t'
option and can't be used with any other options apart from '-Z', '-v' and
- Try to get an antenna which is better according to a
weighted combination of parameters, rather than require them all to
improve. The integer specifies what to consider in the weighted
W1 Gain.
W4 R
W8 X
You can logically AND these together, so for example -W3 will optimise using
a weighted combination of gain and FB. -W49, will use a weighted
combination of gain, swr and sidelobe leve, since 32+16+1=49.
- is the floating point number (default 1.0) specifying the
weight to attach to achieving a low input reactance on the antenna when
using the '-W' option, which calculates a fitness for the antenna based on
one or more parameters (FB, gain, input resistance, input reactance, SWR,
cleanliness of antenna pattern). The '-X' option is similar to the options
-F, G, -P, -R and -S (which specify weights for FB ratio, gain, pattern
cleanliness, input resistance, and SWR). When using the -W option the
exact algorithm used to compute the fitness (and hence the effect of this
parameter) is best checked by looking at the source code (see perform.c).
This is one area of constant program improvement/changes/development, so
its difficult to say exactly the effect the parameter has. However,
increasing the weight of a parameter (using the -F, -G, -R, -S or -X
options) will make the associated parameter have a greater effect on the
fitness. However, unless you optimise for a low input reactance with the
-W option, then setting the -X option will have no effect. For example,
setting the options -X2.5 -W1 is a complete waste of time. There you have
used the -W1 option to optimise only for gain (see -W option section of
man page) but have changed the weight of the reactiance from its default
1.0 to 2.5. If you are not optimising for a low input reactance, the
weight you attach to it is irrelavent.
Zo is the characteristic impedance used when evaluating the VSWR,
reflection coefficient and other similar calculations. The optimiser
usually tries to bring the input impedance of the antenna to this value.
It is set by default to 50 Ohms, so the default is equivalent to
-Z50 but may be set to any positive number. Set to 12.5 Ohms if you
are going to feed the antenna with a 4:1 balun. Generally speaking, the
gain of a Yagi can be higher for low input impedances, but of course such
antennas are more difficult to feed.
- filename
- This is the name of the file containing the antenna
description. It is expected to be in a format created by either
input or first - two other programs in the Yagi-Uda
project. This is an ASCII text file.
- iterations
- is an integer specifying the number of iterations for the
optimiser to perform to try to get the best antenna. Time will limit the
number you choose. 1000 iterations of a 1ele yagi takes about 5 seconds, a
6ele approximately 60 seconds, an 11 element 350 seconds, a 20 element
1030 seconds, a 33ele 2440 seconds, a 50element 5400 seconds, 100ele 21320
seconds all on an old 25MHz 486 PC with no external cache. When using the
-A option the iterations is automatically set internally so
only one attempt is made. When using the '-t' and '-T' options,
iterations specifies the number of iterations to attempt to get a
poorer design, to check the sensitivity of the design to small
manufacturing tolerances.
Here are a number of examples of using
1) optimise 5ele 1000
Here the file 5ele will be optimised using the default system for 1000
iterations. The default might typically require gain, FB and SWR to all
improve, but this may be changed at any time. In any case, the program tells
you what its optimising for. By default the program will only optimise to the
selected parameters are good, not over-optimising any one at the detrement of
the others.
2) optimise -b30 -f50 -s2 5ele 1000
This is similar to above, but the boom can not extend by more than 30% from its
original length, FB ratios above 50 dB are considered acceptable, as are SWR's
less than 2:1. The optimised resultant antenna is likely to have better FB
ratio, but poorer SWR than in (1) above.
3) optimise -o1 5ele 1000
This will simply optimise 5ele for maximum forward gain. The resultant antenna
may have a poor FB ratio and is likely to have an unacceptably low input
impedance and hence high VSWR. This is not a very sensible method of
4) optimise -W49 -l7 5ele 10000
This will optimise the file 5ele using for 10000 iterations. It will require
that the weighted performance of the antenna in three important parameters
(gain, sidelobe level and SWR) improves from one design to the next. One or
two parameters can actually get worst from one design to the next, but the
weighted performance is better. The positions of the elements or lengths of
elements will not change by more than 7% in each iteration.
5) optimise -g -S30 -G50 -F20 -p1500 5ele 10000
This will optimise the file 5ele using a genetic algorithm. 1500 antennas will
be randomly designed. The performance of each of these will measured using a
'fitness' function, weighted 30% to SWR, 50% to gain and 20% to FB ratio. The
probability of breading from a pair of antennas is proportional to the fitness
6) optimise -w atv_antenna 10000
This will optimise the file atv_antenna for a best average performance over a
wide band. The progrram calculates the gain, FB and SWR at three frequencies,
then computes an average (mean) performance of the antenna over the band. N
iterations will take 3x as long to execute as N iterations on the same antenna
without the '-w' option.
7) optimise -t0.1 -T1 good_design 100
This will take the file good_design and make 100 different antennas from it, to
simulate the effects of building tolerances. Each element is assumed to be cut
so that the mean error of all elements is 0 mm, but a standard deviation of
0.1 mm, so 68.4% of element lengths are within 0.1 mm, 95.4% within 0.2 mm and
99.7% with in 0.3 mm. The accuracy of placing elements along the boom is much
lower, so here we have specified a standard deviation of 1.0 mm, so 68.6% of
elements are placed within 1 mm of the correct position, 95.4% within 2 mm of
the correct position etc. The program will report the *worst* performances
achieved. If the performance dips too mush, then you either need to build them
better, or get a design that's less critical!
Optimise will stop after the number of iterations specified in the
iterations. It will also stop if a file
stop exits in
the current directory of the executable
optimise This file can of
course only be created using a multi-tasking operating system such as Unix. It
is *not* advisable to stop the program by hitting the DEL key (Unix) or
CONTROL-C (DOS), as one of the files may be open at the time, resulting in an
empty file. Files are not open for any longer than necessary (they are closed
immediately after writing to them), so this is not a likely occurrence, but
can still occur.
I'm not aware of any limitations, apart from that filenames, including full
path, can't exceed 90 characters.
filename Antenna description, created by input or first.
filename.up Update file, listing achievements of optimise.
filename.bes Best file, containing the best design to date.
changes File that causes the program to pause to re-adjust weights.
stop File that stops optimisation process.
input(5) output(5) and
Both DOS and Unix versions have been built. The DOS version as distributed
requires a 386 PC with a 387 maths coprocessor.
Although I have altered the source to make it more compatible with DOS (reduced
file name lengths etc), my wish is to build a decent program, rather than fit
the program to an outdated operating system. If there is a *good* reason to
use code that is incompatible with DOS, this will be done.
optimise takes a while to optimise an antenna (I've optimised one
design for a week), it is obviously more sensible to build this program under
a multi-tasking operating system, as otherwise a PC can be tied up for days.
Bugs should be reported to
[email protected]. Bugs tend actually to
be fixed if they can be isolated, so it is in your interest to report them in
such a way that they can be easily reproduced.
The program will dump core (crash) if asked to optimise a 1ele beam, without any
arguments. This is because a 1ele beam has no parasitic elements and by
default the program only changes parasitic elements.
Some of the options are not checked for sensible values, although most are now
checked and report if they are out of range.
If the user specifies very large manufacturing errors using the '-t' and '-T'
options, its possible for elements to overlap or for element lengths to become
negative. This will cause numerical errors. Any reasonable values will not
cause this.
On long Yagi's (50 elements) optimise can go a bit silly. It can optimise say a
1296MHz Yagi to get 20 dB at 1296 MHz, but less than 0 dB at only 1 MHz away.
Needs some thought!
The level of the sidelobes is not computed with the GA or some other
optimisation types. This will be corrected later.
All those I don't know about.
Dr. David Kirkby G8WRB (
[email protected]). with help with converting to
DOS from Dr. Joe Mack NA3T (
[email protected])