pmjson - Performance Co-Pilot JSON dumping utility


pmjson [ -mpqyV?] [ -i infile] [ -o outfile]


pmjson is used to manipulate JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted text used in the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP toolkit). It can produce minimal and human readable output formats when it is supplied with valid JSON input.


The available command line options are:
-i infile, --in=infile
JSON formatted input infile - path to a file from which input should be read. If this option is omitted, then pmjson will read from the standard input stream.
-m, --minimal
Produce JSON output with all superflous whitespace removed from the resulting JSON string.
-o outfile, --out=outfile
Formatted output is written to the named outfile. If this option is omitted, then pmjson will write to the standard output stream.
-p, --pretty
Produce JSON output in a human-readable format.
-q, --quiet
Verify the input as valid JSON only, no output is produced.
-V, --version
Display version number and exit.
-y, --yaml
Produce YAML-like output, a human-readable format with less syntactic sugar than JSON.
-?, --help
Display usage message and exit.


Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP. On each installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values for these variables. The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an alternative configuration file, as described in pcp.conf(5).


PMWEBAPI(3), pcp.conf(5) and pcp.env(5).

Recommended readings

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