sepolicy-generate - Generate an initial SELinux policy module template.


Common options
sepolicy generate [-h ] [-p PATH]
Confined Applications
sepolicy generate --application [-n NAME] [-u USER ]command [-w WRITE_PATH ]
sepolicy generate --cgi [-n NAME] command [-w WRITE_PATH ]
sepolicy generate --dbus [-n NAME] command [-w WRITE_PATH ]
sepolicy generate --inetd [-n NAME] command [-w WRITE_PATH ]
sepolicy generate --init [-n NAME] command [-w WRITE_PATH ]
Confined Users
sepolicy generate --admin_user [-r TRANSITION_ROLE] -n NAME
sepolicy generate --confined_admin -n NAME [-a ADMIN_DOMAIN] [-u USER] [-n NAME] [-w WRITE_PATH]
sepolicy generate --desktop_user -n NAME [-w WRITE_PATH]
sepolicy generate --term_user -n NAME [-w WRITE_PATH]
sepolicy generate --x_user -n NAME [-w WRITE_PATH]
Miscellaneous Policy
sepolicy generate --customize -d DOMAIN -n NAME [-a ADMIN_DOMAIN]
sepolicy generate --newtype -t type -n NAME
sepolicy generate --sandbox -n NAME


Use sepolicy generate to generate an SELinux policy Module.
sepolicy generate will create 5 files.
When specifying a confined application you must specify a path. sepolicy generate will use the rpm payload of the application along with nm -D APPLICATION to help it generate types and policy rules for your policy files.
Type Enforcing File NAME.te
This file can be used to define all the types rules for a particular domain.
Note: Policy generated by sepolicy generate will automatically add a permissive DOMAIN to your te file. When you are satisfied that your policy works, you need to remove the permissive line from the te file to run your domain in enforcing mode.
Interface File NAME.if
This file defines the interfaces for the types generated in the te file, which can be used by other policy domains.
File Context NAME.fc
This file defines the default file context for the system, it takes the file types created in the te file and associates file paths to the types. Tools like restorecon and RPM will use these paths to put down labels.
RPM Spec File NAME_selinux.spec
This file is an RPM SPEC file that can be used to install the SELinux policy on to machines and setup the labeling. The spec file also installs the interface file and a man page describing the policy. You can use sepolicy manpage -d NAME to generate the man page.
Shell File
This is a helper shell script to compile, install and fix the labeling on your test system. It will also generate a man page based on the installed policy, and compile and build an RPM suitable to be installed on other machines
If a generate is possible, this tool will print out all generate paths from the source domain to the target domain


-h, --help
Display help message
-d, --domain
Enter domain type(s) which you will be extending
-n, --name
Specify alternate name of policy. The policy will default to the executable or name specified
-p, --path
Specify the directory to store the created policy files. (Default to current working directory ) optional arguments:
-r, --role
Enter role(s) to which this admin user will transition.
-t, --type
Enter type(s) for which you will generate new definition and rule(s)
-u, --user
SELinux user(s) which will transition to this domain
-w, --writepath
Path(s) which the confined processes need to write
-a, --admin
Domain(s) which the confined admin will administrate
Generate Policy for Administrator Login User Role
Generate Policy for User Application
Generate Policy for Web Application/Script (CGI)
Generate Policy for Confined Root Administrator Role
Generate Policy for Existing Domain Type
Generate Policy for DBUS System Daemon
Generate Policy for Desktop Login User Role
Generate Policy for Internet Services Daemon
Generate Policy for Standard Init Daemon (Default)
Generate new policy for new types to add to an existing policy.
Generate Policy for Sandbox
Generate Policy for Minimal Terminal Login User Role
Generate Policy for Minimal X Windows Login User Role


> sepolicy generate --init /usr/sbin/rwhod
Generating Policy for /usr/sbin/rwhod named rwhod
Created the following files:
rwhod.te # Type Enforcement file
rwhod.if # Interface file
rwhod.fc # File Contexts file
rwhod_selinux.spec # Spec file # Setup Script


This man page was written by Daniel Walsh <[email protected]>


sepolicy(8), selinux(8)

Recommended readings

Pages related to sepolicy-generate you should read also:

Questions & Answers

Helpful answers and articles about sepolicy-generate you may found on these sites:
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