supply - set output pins with values from parameters (obsolete)
loadrt supply num_chan=num
supply was used to allow the inputs of other HAL components to be
manipulated for testing purposes. When it was written, the only way to set the
value of an input pin was to connect it to a signal and connect that signal to
an output pin of some other component, and then let that component write the
pin value.
supply was written to be that "other component".
It reads values from parameters (set with the HAL command
setp) and
writes them to output pins.
supply was written, the
setp command has been modified to
allow it to set unconnected pins as well as parameters. In addition, the
sets command was added, which can directly set HAL signals, as long as
there are no output pins connected to them. Therefore,
supply is
supply supports a maximum of eight channels. The number of channels
actually loaded is set by the
num_chan argument when the module is
loaded. If
numchan is not specified, the default value is one.
supply.N.update (uses
- Updates output pins for channel N.
supply.N.q bit out
- Output bit, copied from parameter
supply.N._q bit out
- Output bit, inverted copy of parameter
supply.N .d.
supply.N.variable float out
- Analog output, copied from parameter
supply.N._variable float out
- Analog output, equal to -1.0 times parameter
supply.N.d bit rw
- Data source for q and _q output pins.
supply.N.value bit rw
- Data source for variable and _variable output