wordlist2dawg - convert a wordlist to a DAWG for Tesseract
wordlist2dawg WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg -t
WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg -r 1
WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg -r 2
WORDLIST DAWG lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg -l <short> <long>
converts a wordlist to a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) for
use with Tesseract. A DAWG is a compressed, space and time efficient
representation of a word list.
-t Verify that a given dawg file is equivalent to a given wordlist.
-r 1 Reverse a word if it contains an RTL character.
-r 2 Reverse all words.
-l <short> <long> Produce a file with several dawgs in it, one each
for words of length <short>, <short+1>,... <long>
WORDLIST A plain text file in UTF-8, one word per line.
DAWG The output DAWG to write.
lang.unicharset The unicharset of the language. This is the unicharset
generated by
Copyright (C) 2006 Google, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
The Tesseract OCR engine was written by Ray Smith and his research groups at
Hewlett Packard (1985-1995) and Google (2006-present).