work_queue_worker - worker process for executing tasks dispatched through
Work Queue
work_queue_worker [options] <managerhost> <port>
work_queue_worker [options] <managerhost:port]>
work_queue_worker [options]
work_queue_worker [options] -M <projectname>
work_queue_worker is the worker process for executing tasks dispatched
from a manager application built using the
Work Queue API.
work_queue_worker connects to the manager application, accepts, runs,
and returns tasks dispatched to it.
managerhost and
port arguments specify the hostname and port
number of the manager application for work_queue_worker to connect. Several
managerhosts and ports may be specified, separated with a semicolon (;), with
the worker connecting to any of the managers specified (When specifying
multiple managers, remember to escape the ; from shell interpretation, for
example, using quotes.)
Alternatevely, the manager may be specified by name, using the
-M option.
work_queue_worker can be run locally or deployed remotely on any of the
grid or cloud computing environments such as SGE, PBS, SLURM, and HTCondor
slurm_submit_workers(), and
- -v
- Show version string.
- -h
- Show this help message.
-N, ---M=<manager-name>
- Set the name of the project this worker should work for. A
worker can have multiple projects.
-C, --catalog=<catalog>
- Set catalog server to <catalog>. Format:
-d, --debug=<flag>
- Enable debugging for the given subsystem. Try -d all as a
-o, --debug-file=<file>
- Write debugging output to this file. By default, debugging
is sent to stderr (":stderr"). You may specify logs to be sent
to stdout (":stdout") instead.
--debug-max-rotate <bytes>
- Set the maximum file size of the debug log. If the log
exceeds this size, it is renamed to "filename.old" and a new
logfile is opened. (default=10M. 0 disables)
- --debug-release-reset
- Debug file will be closed, renamed, and a new one opened
after being released from a manager.
- --foreman
- Enable foreman mode.
-f, --foreman-name=<name>
- Set the project name of this foreman to <project>.
Implies --foreman.
--foreman-port <port[:highport]>
Set the port for the foreman to listen on. If <highport> is specified
the port is chosen from between <port> and <highport>. Implies
- Select port to listen to at random and write to this file.
Implies --foreman.
-F, --fast-abort=<mult>
- Set the fast abort multiplier for foreman
--specify-log <logfile>
- Send statistics about foreman to this file.
-P, --password=<pwfile>
- Password file for authenticating to the manager.
-t, --timeout=<time>
- Abort after this amount of idle time. (default=900s)
- --parent-death
- Exit if parent process dies.
- Set TCP window size.
-i, --min-backoff=<time>
- Set initial value for backoff interval when worker fails to
connect to a manager. (default=1s)
-b, --max-backoff=<time>
- Set maxmimum value for backoff interval when worker fails
to connect to a manager. (default=60s)
-A, --arch=<arch>
- Set the architecture string the worker reports to its
supervisor. (default=the value reported by uname)
-O, --os=<os>
- Set the operating system string the worker reports to its
supervisor. (default=the value reported by uname)
-s, --workdir=<path>
- Set the location where the worker should create its working
directory. (default=/tmp)
--bandwidth <mbps>
- Set the maximum bandwidth the foreman will consume in Mbps.
--cores <n>
- Set the number of cores this worker should use. Set it to 0
to have the worker use all of the available resources. (default=1)
--gpus <n>
- Set the number of GPUs this worker should use.
--memory <mb>
- Manually set the amount of memory (in MB) reported by this
--disk <mb>
- Manually set the amount of disk space (in MB) reported by
this worker.
--wall-time <s>
- Set the maximum number of seconds the worker may be
--feature <feature>
- Specifies a user-defined feature the worker provides
(option can be repeated).
--volatility <chance>
- Set the percent chance per minute that the worker will shut
down (simulates worker failures, for testing only).
work_queue_worker can also be run in
foreman mode, in which it
connects to a manager as a worker while acting as a manager itself. Any tasks
the foreman receives from its manager are sent to its subordinate worker
Foreman mode is enabled by either specifying a port to listen on using
-f <port> option or by setting the mode directly with the
--foreman option. The foreman can be directed to advertise its presence
on the
catalog_server() with the
-N <project name> flag,
which other workers can use to contact the foreman.
On success, returns zero. On failure, returns non-zero.
To run
work_queue_worker to join a specific manager process running on
host port 9123:
% work_queue_worker 9123
To run
work_queue_worker in auto mode with debugging turned on for all
subsystems and to accept tasks only from a manager application with project
name set to project_A:
% work_queue_worker -a -d all -M project_A
To run
work_queue_worker as a foreman working for project_A and
advertising itself as foreman_A1 while listening on port 9123:
% work_queue_worker --foreman -M project_A -N foreman_A1 -f 9123
The Cooperative Computing Tools are Copyright (C) 2005-2019 The University of
Notre Dame. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
See the file COPYING for details.
- •
- Cooperative Computing Tools Documentation
- •
- Work Queue User Manual
- •
work_queue_factory(1) condor_submit_workers(1)
sge_submit_workers(1) torque_submit_workers(1)