bdy - boundary curve finder
bdy [precision]
Bdy is a filter used to find boundary curves in Geomview objects. The program
reads a geomview object from standard input and prints the resultant vector
object to standard output. Bdy finds the segments of the vector by first
converting the given object into a polylist (See
anytooff(1)). Then, it finds
all edges used once and only once in the polylist and combines these edges
into a vector object. The optional precision arguement specifies the maximum
distance between vertices that are to be considered identical. By default, it
is set to 0.0, indicating that the vertices must be numerically identical. It
may sometimes be necessary to set it to a higher value to compensate for
floating-point error.
The vector object is always black.
The vector object is not a particularly compact representation of itself, since
it contains many 2-vertex segments which could be combined.
Celeste Fowler
The Geometry Center