Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers and editors, and so on.
Page 11
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gnatxref-9
- gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnathtml, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, gnatmake, gnatprep, gnatpsta, gnatpsys, gnatxref - GNAT toolbox
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gnatxref
- gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnathtml, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, gnatmake, gnatprep, gnatpsta, gnatpsys, gnatxref - GNAT toolbox
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gp-archive
- gp-archive - archive gprofng experiment data
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gp-collect-app
- gp-collect-app - collect performance data for the target application
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gp-display-html
- gp-display-html - generate an HTML based directory structure to browse the profiles
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gp-display-src
- gp-display-src - display the source code, optionally interleaved with the disassembly of the target object
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gp-display-text
- gp-display-text - display the performance data in plain text format
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gprof
- gprof - display call graph profile data
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gprofng
- gprofng - the driver for the gprofng tool suite
- aarch64-linux-gnu-ld
- ld - The GNU linker
- aarch64-linux-gnu-ld.bfd
- ld - The GNU linker
- gold - The GNU ELF linker
- aarch64-linux-gnu-nm
- nm - list symbols from object files
- aarch64-linux-gnu-objcopy
- objcopy - copy and translate object files
- aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump
- objdump - display information from object files
- aarch64-linux-gnu-ranlib
- ranlib - generate an index to an archive
- aarch64-linux-gnu-readelf
- readelf - display information about ELF files
- aarch64-linux-gnu-size
- size - list section sizes and total size of binary files
- aarch64-linux-gnu-strings
- strings - print the sequences of printable characters in files
- aarch64-linux-gnu-strip
- strip - discard symbols and other data from object files
- aasavefont
- aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
- aasvg
- Convert ASCII art diagrams to SVG
- aatest
- aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
- aaxine
- an ASCII art video player
- ab
- Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool
- abacas
- Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences
- abba-baba
- abba-baba
- abc2abc
- a simple abc checker/re-formatter/transposer
- abc2ly
- manual page for abc2ly (LilyPond) 2.24.1
- abc2midi
- converts abc file to MIDI file(s)
- abcde
- Grab an entire CD and compress it to Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex, AAC, WavPack, Monkey's Audio (ape), MPP/MP+(Musepack), True Audio (tta), MP2 format and/or AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
- abcm2ps
- translate ABC music notation to PostScript or SVG
- abcmatch
- Search for specific sequences of notes in an abc file composed of many tunes
- abi-compliance-checker
- tool to compare ABI compatibility of shared C/C++ library versions
- abi-dumper
- a tool to dump ABI of an ELF object containing DWARF debug info
- abi-monitor
- monitor new versions of a software library and try to build them
- abi-tracker
- visualize ABI changes timeline of a C/C++ software library
- abicheck
- check application binaries for calls to private or evolving symbols in libraries and for static linking of some system libraries
- abicompat
- check ABI compatibility abicompat checks that an application that links against a given shared library is still ABI compatible with a subsequent version of that library. If the new version of the library introduces an ABI incompatibility, then abicompat hints the user at what exactly that incompatibility is
- abidiff
- types, abidiff uses by default, debug information in DWARF format, if present, otherwise it compares interfaces using debug information in CTF format, if present, finally, if neither is found, it uses only ELF symbols to report which of them were added or removed. This tool uses the libabigail library to analyze the binary as well as its associated debug information. Here is its general mode of operation. When instructed to do so, a binary and its associated debug information is read and analyzed. To that effect, libabigail analyzes by default the descriptions of the types reachable by the interfaces (functions and variables) that are visible outside of their translation unit. Once that analysis is done, an Application Binary Interface Corpus is constructed by only considering the subset of types reachable from interfaces associated to ELF symbols that are defined and exported by the binary. It’s that final ABI corpus which libabigail considers as representing the ABI of the analyzed binary. Libabigail then has capabilities to generate textual representations of ABI Corpora, compare them, analyze their changes and report about them
- abidw
- abilint
- validate an abigail ABI representation abilint parses the native XML representation of an ABI as emitted by abidw . Once it has parsed the XML representation of the ABI, abilint builds and in-memory model from it. It then tries to save it back to an XML form, to standard output. If that read-write operation succeeds chances are the input XML ABI representation is meaningful. Note that the main intent of this tool to help debugging issues in the underlying Libabigail library. Note also that abilint can also read an ELF input file, build the in-memory model for its ABI, and serialize that model back into XML to standard output. In that case, the ELF input file must be accompanied with its debug information in the DWARF format
- abinit
- Ab initio atomic-scale simulation software
- abipkgdiff
- abisip-find
- utility to find ip.access compatible BTS
- abiview
- Display the trace in an ABI sequencer file
- abiword
- flexible cross-platform word processor
- abook
- text-based address book program
- abootimg
- manipulate Android Boot Images
- abpoa
- abpoa, abpoa.avx2, abpoa.avx, abpoa.sse4.1, abpoa.ssse3, abpoa.sse3, abpoa.generic - adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
- abpoa.avx
- abpoa, abpoa.avx2, abpoa.avx, abpoa.sse4.1, abpoa.ssse3, abpoa.sse3, abpoa.generic - adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
- abpoa.avx2
- abpoa, abpoa.avx2, abpoa.avx, abpoa.sse4.1, abpoa.ssse3, abpoa.sse3, abpoa.generic - adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
- abpoa.generic
- abpoa, abpoa.avx2, abpoa.avx, abpoa.sse4.1, abpoa.ssse3, abpoa.sse3, abpoa.generic - adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
- abpoa.sse3
- abpoa, abpoa.avx2, abpoa.avx, abpoa.sse4.1, abpoa.ssse3, abpoa.sse3, abpoa.generic - adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
- abpoa.sse4.1
- abpoa, abpoa.avx2, abpoa.avx, abpoa.sse4.1, abpoa.ssse3, abpoa.sse3, abpoa.generic - adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
- abpoa.ssse3
- abpoa, abpoa.avx2, abpoa.avx, abpoa.sse4.1, abpoa.ssse3, abpoa.sse3, abpoa.generic - adaptive banded Partial Order Alignment
- abr2gbr
- Converts PhotoShop and Paint Shop Pro brushes to GIMP
- abuild
- build coreboot images for all available targets
- abx
- audio ABX testing software
- abyss-fixmate
- Fill the paired-end fields of SAM alignments
- abyss-pe
- assemble reads into contigs
- abyss-tofastq
- convert various file formats to FASTQ format abyss-tofasta - convert various file formats to FASTA format
- ac++
- aspectc++ — aspect weaver for C++
- ac
- print statistics about users' connect time
- acat
- atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
- acccheck
- Password dictionary attack tool that targets windows authentication via the SMB protocol
- accel-config-config-device
- configure the individual attributes of the device
- accel-config-config-engine
- configure individual attributes of an engine
- accel-config-config-group
- configure individual attributes of a group
- accel-config-config-wq
- configure individual attributes of a work queue
- accel-config-disable-device
- disables an accfg device
- accel-config-disable-wq
- disables an accelerator device work queue
- accel-config-enable-device
- enable an accfg device
- accel-config-enable-wq
- enables an accelerator device work queue
- accel-config-list
- display the platform accfg device(s) topology and attributes in json format
- accel-config-load-config
- load pre-defined the configuration in json format
- accel-config-save-config
- save the configuration in json format into a file
- accel-config
- configure and control DSA(data streaminng accelerator) subsystem devices
- accerciser
- ACCERCISER - an interactive accessibility explorer
- accn-at-a-time
- parse an input file into biological identifiers
- accs
- vadm - manipulate and administer version object base
- acdc
- Test an application ACD file
- acdcheck
- acdcheck
- acdlog
- Test application ACD file processing and trace data structures
- acdpretty
- Correctly reformat an application ACD file
- acdrelations
- Add relations: attribute to ACD files
- acdtable
- Generate an HTML table of parameters from an application ACD file
- acdtrace
- Trace processing of an application ACD file (for testing)
- acdvalid
- Validate an application ACD file
- ace
- HTML template engine for Go
- ace2sam
- ace to sam converter
- ace_gperf
- generate a perfect hash function from a key set
- ace_netsvcs
- ACE network services driver
- acheck
- Check common localization mistakes
- achilles
- OpenGL simulation of artificial life and evolution
- ack
- grep-like text finder
- ackinfo.cgi
- Xymon CGI script to acknowledge alerts
- acknowledge.cgi
- Xymon CGI script to acknowledge alerts
- acl2
- A Computational Logic
- aclients
- Test program for side-by-side TNC performance comparison.