Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers and editors, and so on.
Page 13
- aevol_misc_create_eps
- Aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aevol_misc_extract
- Aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aevol_misc_gene_families
- aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aevol_misc_lineage
- Aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aevol_misc_robustness
- Aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aevol_misc_view
- Aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aevol_modify
- Aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aevol_propagate
- Aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aevol_run
- Aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform
- aewan
- An ascii-art editor
- aewm++
- a minimalistic window manager for X11
- aewm++_appbar
- a small application launcher
- aewm++_fspanel
- small panel
- aewm++_setrootimage
- puts a nice diagonal gradient image on the root window
- aewm++_xsession
- keeps an xsession alive
- afdconnectivity
- MRtrix3 - diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography
- afdko
- wrapper for afdko utilities
- afetch
- retrieve an alignment from an alignment database
- afew
- afex
- client for anonymous FEX
- affcat
- Output contents of an image file to stdout
- affcompare
- compare the contents of an ISO file to an AFF file
- affconvert
- convert files between RAW and AFF formats
- affcopy
- reorder and recompress AFF files
- affcrypto
- handle encryption issues
- affdiskprint
- create a diskprint AFF structure
- affinfo
- print information about an AFF file
- affix
- fix a corrupted AFF file
- affrecover
- recover broken pages of an AFF file
- affsegment
- segment manipulation tool
- affsign
- sign an existing AFF file
- affstats
- print specific statistics about one or more AFF files
- affuse
- provide access to AFF containers
- affverify
- verify the digital signature on a signed file
- affxml
- print AFF information as XML
- afio
- manipulate archives and files
- afm2afm
- reencode an afm file
- afm2pl
- convert AFM font metrics to TeX pl font metrics
- afm2tfm
- convert Adobe font metrics to TeX font metrics
- afmtodit
- create font files for use with groff -Tps and -Tpdf
- afnix-adp
- afnix-us-adp - afnix documentation processor
- afnix-axc
- axc - afnix cross compiler
- afnix-axd
- axd - afnix cross debugger
- afnix-axi
- axi - afnix cross interpreter
- afnix-axl
- axl - afnix cross librarian
- afnix-axp
- afnix-us-axp - afnix xml processor
- afs-up
- up - Recursively copy directories, preserving AFS metadata
- afs
- Introduction to AFS commands
- afs_compile_et
- Produce error text tables for compilation
- afslog
- obtain AFS tokens
- afsmonitor
- Monitors File Servers and Cache Managers
- afssh
- wrapper around ssh-agent-filter and ssh
- aft-mtp-cli
- reliable MTP client with minimalistic UI
- aft-mtp-mount
- reliable MTP client with minimalistic UI
- aft
- "free form" document preparation system
- afterimage-config
- script to get information about the installed version of libAfterImage
- afterimage-libs
- script to get information about the installed version of libAfterImage
- afterstep
- AfterStep - X11 window manager
- afterstep_faq
- afterstep_faq - This document is an ever growing set of questions, statements, ideas and complaints about AfterStep version 2.0
- afterstepdoc
- show AfterStep's documentation
- afuse
- AFUSE - automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE
- ag++
- a frontend to ac++ and g++
- ag
- The Silver Searcher. Like ack, but faster
- age-keygen
- generate age(1) key pairs
- age
- simple, modern, and secure file encryption
- agedu
- correlate disk usage with last-access times to identify large and disused data
- agentxtrap
- send an AgentX NotifyPDU to an AgentX master agent
- aggregartp
- Splits a single RTP stream to several contribution links with load balancing
- aggregate-ios
- optimise a concatenated set of cisco/IOS prefix filters to help make them nice and short.
- aggregate
- optimise a list of route prefixes to help make nice short filters
- agh-profile-gen
- - Sleep profile generator using various metrics
- aghermann
- Aghermann -- a sleep research experiment manager and Achermann et al (1993) model simulator
- agmrancid
- rancid - Cisco configuration filter
- agreety
- A text-based greeter for greetd
- agrep
- search a file for a string or regular expression, with approximate matching capabilities
- agusload
- load a GUS-format patch file into the AWE32 RAM
- aha
- Convert ANSI escape sequences to HTML
- aid
- Query ID database and report results
- aide
- Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
- aidl-cpp
- C++ bindings generator of AIDL interfaces
- aidl
- Java bindings generator of AIDL interfaces
- aiksaurus
- Aiksaurus - English-language thesaurus
- aimk
- Portable make wrapper script
- ainsl
- AppendIfNoSuchLine
- aiohttp-wsgi-serve
- run a WSGI application
- aiosmtpd
- air-quality-sensor
- User space driver for AppliedSensor's Indoor Air Monitor
- aircrack-ng
- a 802.11 WEP / WPA-PSK key cracker
- airdecap-ng
- decrypt a WEP/WPA crypted pcap file
- airdecloak-ng
- airuncloak-ng - Removes wep cloaked framed from a pcap file
- airgraph-ng
- a 802.11 visualization utility
- airodump-join
- a support tool for airgraph-ng that allows you to join the airodump output files.
- airolib-ng
- manage and create a WPA/WPA2 pre-computed hashes tables
- airr-tools
- Data Representation Standard library for antibody and TCR sequences
- airscan-discover
- Discover sane-airscan compatible scanners
- airspy_gpio
- read and write gpio pin values
- airspy_gpiodir
- reconfigure GPIO Direction
- airspy_info
- probe device and show configuration
- airspy_lib_version
- display AirSpy lib version
- airspy_r820t
- The Airspy is a tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver. This application lets the user probe the device and show configuration