Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers and editors, and so on.
Page 23
- as-create-or-update-tags
- Create or update tags
- as-delete-auto-scaling-group
- Deletes the specified Auto Scaling group
- as-delete-launch-config
- Deletes the specified launch configuration
- as-delete-notification-configuration
- Deletes the specified notification configuration
- as-delete-policy
- Deletes the specified policy
- as-delete-scheduled-action
- Deletes the specified scheduled action
- as-delete-tags
- Delete the specified tags
- as-describe-adjustment-types
- Describes all policy adjustment types
- as-describe-auto-scaling-groups
- Describes the specified Auto Scaling groups
- as-describe-auto-scaling-instances
- Describes the specified Auto Scaling instances
- as-describe-auto-scaling-notification-types
- Describes all Auto Scaling notification types
- as-describe-launch-configs
- Describes the specified launch configurations
- as-describe-metric-collection-types
- Describes all metric colle... metric granularity types
- as-describe-notification-configurations
- Describes all notification...given Auto Scaling groups
- as-describe-policies
- Describes the specified policies
- as-describe-process-types
- Describes all Auto Scaling process types
- as-describe-scaling-activities
- Describes a set of activit...ties belonging to a group
- as-describe-scheduled-actions
- Describes the specified scheduled actions
- as-describe-tags
- Describes tags
- as-disable-metrics-collection
- Disables collection of Auto Scaling group metrics
- as-enable-metrics-collection
- Enables collection of Auto Scaling group metrics
- as-execute-policy
- Executes the specified policy
- as-put-notification-configuration
- Creates or replaces notifi...or the Auto Scaling group
- as-put-scaling-policy
- Creates or updates an Auto Scaling policy
- as-put-scheduled-update-group-action
- Creates or updates a scheduled update group action
- as-resume-processes
- Resumes all suspended Auto... given Auto Scaling group
- as-set-desired-capacity
- Sets the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group
- as-set-instance-health
- Sets the health of the instance
- as-suspend-processes
- Suspends all Auto Scaling ... given Auto Scaling group
- as-terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group
- Terminates a given instance
- as-update-auto-scaling-group
- Updates the specified Auto Scaling group
- as-version
- Prints the version of the CLI tool and the API
- as
- AS - the portable GNU assembler
- as10k1
- assembler for the emu10k1(emu10k2) DSP
- as2gbmap
- GameBoy binary image file format utility
- as31
- An Intel 8031/8051 assembler
- as86
- Assembler for 8086..80386 processors
- asa
- This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual. The Linux implementation of this interface may differ (consult the corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may not be implemented on Linux
- asc2log
- manual page for asc2log 2020.11.0-1
- asc2xml
- convert nnn; entities to UTF-8
- ascd
- An AfterStep and WindowMaker CD player
- ascdc
- AfterStep CD changer
- ascii-xfr
- upload/download files using the ASCII protocol
- ascii
- report character aliases
- ascii
- ascii, unicode - interpret ASCII, Unicode characters
- ascii2ascii_UTM
- transforms (lat,lon,h) files into UTM coordinates
- ascii2binary
- Convert ASCII numbers to binary
- ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR
- transforms the 3 column ascii file to GMT grd file
- ascii2ps
- create a postscript file of the data in the 3 column ASCII input file
- ascii2uni
- convert 7-bit ASCII representations to UTF-8 Unicode
- ascii85
- encodes or decodes files using Ascii85 ruby library
- asciiart
- command line tool to turn images into ASCII art
- asciidoc
- converts an AsciiDoc text file to HTML or DocBook
- asciidoctor-pdf
- converts AsciiDoc source files to PDF format
- asciidoctor
- converts AsciiDoc source files to HTML, DocBook, and other formats
- asciinema
- terminal session recorder
- asciitopgm
- convert ASCII graphics into a PGM
- asciiview
- aview - A high quality ASCII art image viewer
- ascli
- Auto Scaling command line tool wrapper
- asclock
- the AfterStep clock
- ascolor
- create color schemes for AfterStep
- ascommand
- send commands to AfterStep
- ascompose
- tool to compose image(s) and display/ save it based on supplied XML input file.
- asdfg
- a lightweight visual editor optimized for the QWERTY keyboard
- asdftool
- Manipulate Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF) files
- ase
- ASE command line tool
- aseqdump
- show the events received at an ALSA sequencer port
- aseqjoy
- Joystick to ALSA MIDI Sequencer Converter
- aseqnet
- ALSA sequencer connectors over network
- asex
- client for anonymous SEX
- asfxload
- sfxload, asfxload - load a SoundFont file on the Emux WaveTable
- ash
- dash — command interpreter (shell)
- asimagexml
- asimagexml - XML schema to be used for scripting image manipulation by AfterStep and ascompose libAfterImage/asimagexml
- ask
- elvi - surfraw(1) search tools
- asl-hardware
- display certain capabilities of the available OpenCL-enalbed devices
- asm_count
- *_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
- asmail
- the AfterStep e-mail monitor
- asmix
- the AfterStep volume control knob
- asmixer
- the AfterStep Mixer
- asmon
- A system resource monitor dockapp for Afterstep and WindowMaker
- asmping
- check if you can receive IPv4/IPv6 multicast data from an internet host
- asn1Coding
- ASN.1 DER encoder
- asn1Decoding
- ASN.1 DER decoder
- asn1Parser
- ASN.1 syntax tree generator for libtasn1
- asn1_compiler
- compiler - TTCN-3 and ASN.1 to C++ translator
- asn1c
- - the ASN.1 Compiler
- asn1parse
- OpenSSL application commands
- asn2all
- generate reports from ASN.1 biological data
- asn2asn
- convert NCBI data between text and binary ASN.1
- asn2deb
- Create a Debian package for BER monitoring from ASN.1
- asn2ff
- convert ASN.1 biological data to a flat format (old version)
- asn2fsa
- convert biological sequence data from ASN.1 to FASTA
- asn2gb
- convert ASN.1 biological data to a GenBank-style flat format
- asn2idx
- index ASN.1 Bioseq-sets for fast access to individual sequences
- asn2ref
- produce Reference Index (CITATION) XML from Seq-entry ASN.1
- asn2xml
- translate biological data from ASN.1 to XML
- asndhuff
- decompress compressed ASN.1 (CASN) files
- asndisc
- check ASN.1 biological sequence records for discrepancies
- asnmacro
- process ASN.1 biological data per Sequin macros
- asntool
- process ASN.1 module specifications