Section 3 of the manual describes all library functions excluding the library functions (system call wrappers) described in Section 2, which implement system calls.
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- Bio::PrimerDesigner::epcr
- A class for accessing the epcr binary
- Bio::PrimerDesigner::ispcr
- A class for accessing the isPcr (in-silico PCR) binary
- Bio::PrimerDesigner::primer3
- An class for accessing primer3
- Bio::Procedural
- Simple low-dependency procedural interfaces to BioPerl
- Bio::PullParserI
- A base module for fast 'pull' parsing
- Bio::Range
- Pure perl RangeI implementation
- Bio::RangeI
- Range interface
- Bio::Roary
- Create a pan genome
- Bio::Roary::AccessoryBinaryFasta
- Output a FASTA file which represents the binary presence and absence of genes in the accessory genome
- Bio::Roary::AccessoryClustering
- Take an a clusters file from CD-hit and the fasta file and output a fasta file without full clusters
- Bio::Roary::AnalyseGroups
- Take in a groups file and the original FASTA files and create plots and stats
- Bio::Roary::AnnotateGroups
- Take in a group file and associated GFF files for the isolates and update the group name to the gene name
- Bio::Roary::AssemblyStatistics
- Given a spreadsheet of gene presence and absence calculate some statistics
- Bio::Roary::BedFromGFFRole
- A role to create a bed file from a gff
- Bio::Roary::ChunkFastaFile
- Take in a FASTA file and chunk it up into smaller pieces
- Bio::Roary::ClustersRole
- A role to read a clusters file from CD hit
- Bio::Roary::CombinedProteome
- Take in multiple FASTA sequences containing proteomes and concat them together and output a FASTA file, filtering out more than 5% X's
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::AssemblyStatistics
- Given a spreadsheet of gene presence and absence calculate some statistics
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::Common
- Common command line settings
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::CreatePanGenome
- Take in FASTA files of proteins and cluster them
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::ExtractProteomeFromGff
- Take in GFF files and output the proteome
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::GeneAlignmentFromNucleotides
- Take in a multifasta file of nucleotides, convert to proteins and align with PRANK
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::IterativeCdhit
- Iteratively run cdhit
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::ParallelAllAgainstAllBlastp
- Take in a FASTA file of proteins and blast against itself
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::QueryRoary
- Take in a groups file and the protein fasta files and output selected data
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::Roary
- Take in FASTA files of proteins and cluster them
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::RoaryCoreAlignment
- Take in the group statistics spreadsheet and the location of the gene multifasta files and create a core alignment
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::RoaryPostAnalysis
- Perform the post analysis on the pan genome
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::RoaryReorderSpreadsheet
- Take in a tree and a spreadsheet and output a reordered spreadsheet
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::TransferAnnotationToGroups
- Take in a groups file and a set of GFF files and transfer the consensus annotation
- Bio::Roary::CommandLine::UniqueGenesPerSample
- Take in the clustered file and produce a sorted file with the frequency of each samples unique genes
- Bio::Roary::ContigsToGeneIDsFromGFF
- Parse a GFF and efficiently and extract ordered gene ids on each contig
- Bio::Roary::Exceptions
- Exceptions for input data
- Bio::Roary::External::Blastp
- Wrapper around NCBIs blastp command
- Bio::Roary::External::Cdhit
- Wrapper to run cd-hit
- Bio::Roary::External::CheckTools
- Check external executables are available and are the correct version
- Bio::Roary::External::Fasttree
- Wrapper to run Fasttree
- Bio::Roary::External::GeneAlignmentFromNucleotides
- Take in multi-FASTA files of nucleotides and align each file with PRANK or MAFFT
- Bio::Roary::External::IterativeCdhit
- Iteratively run CDhit
- Bio::Roary::External::Mafft
- Wrapper to run mafft
- Bio::Roary::External::Makeblastdb
- Wrapper around NCBIs makeblastdb command
- Bio::Roary::External::Mcl
- Wrapper around MCL which takes in blast results and outputs clustered results
- Bio::Roary::External::PostAnalysis
- Perform the post analysis
- Bio::Roary::External::Prank
- Wrapper to run prank
- Bio::Roary::ExtractCoreGenesFromSpreadsheet
- Take in a spreadsheet produced by the pipeline and identify the core genes
- Bio::Roary::ExtractProteomeFromGFF
- Take in a GFF file and create protein sequences in FASTA format
- Bio::Roary::ExtractProteomeFromGFFs
- Take in GFF files and create protein sequences in FASTA format
- Bio::Roary::FilterFullClusters
- Take an a clusters file from CD-hit and the fasta file and output a fasta file without full clusters
- Bio::Roary::FilterUnknownsFromFasta
- Take in fasta files, remove sequences with too many unknowns and return a list of the new files
- Bio::Roary::GeneNamesFromGFF
- Parse a GFF and efficiently extract ID -> Gene Name
- Bio::Roary::GroupLabels
- Add labels to the groups
- Bio::Roary::GroupStatistics
- Add labels to the groups
- Bio::Roary::InflateClusters
- Take the clusters file from cd-hit and use it to inflate the output of MCL
- Bio::Roary::IterativeCdhit
- Run CDhit iteratively with reducing thresholds, removing full clusters each time
- Bio::Roary::JobRunner::Local
- Execute a set of commands locally
- Bio::Roary::JobRunner::Parallel
- Use GNU Parallel
- Bio::Roary::JobRunner::Role
- A role to add job runner functionality
- Bio::Roary::LookupGeneFiles
- Take in an ordering of genes and a directory and return an ordered list of file locations
- Bio::Roary::MergeMultifastaAlignments
- Merge multifasta alignment files with equal numbers of sequences
- Bio::Roary::OrderGenes
- Take in GFF files and create a matrix of what genes are beside what other genes
- Bio::Roary::Output::BlastIdentityFrequency
- Take in blast results and find the percentage identity graph
- Bio::Roary::Output::CoreGeneAlignmentCoordinatesEMBL
- Create an embl file for the header with locations of where genes are in the multifasta alignment of core genes
- Bio::Roary::Output::DifferenceBetweenSets
- Given two sets of isolates and a group file, output whats unique in each and whats in common
- Bio::Roary::Output::EMBLHeaderCommon
- a role containing some common methods for embl header files
- Bio::Roary::Output::EmblGroups
- Create a tab/embl file with the features for drawing pretty pictures
- Bio::Roary::Output::GroupMultifasta
- Take in a group and create a multifasta file
- Bio::Roary::Output::GroupsMultifastaNucleotide
- Take in a GFF files and a groups file and output one multifasta file per group with nucleotide sequences
- Bio::Roary::Output::GroupsMultifastaProtein
- Take a multifasta nucleotide file and output it as proteins
- Bio::Roary::Output::GroupsMultifastas
- Take in a list of groups and create multifastas files for each group
- Bio::Roary::Output::GroupsMultifastasNucleotide
- Take in a set of GFF files and a groups file and output one multifasta file per group with nucleotide sequences
- Bio::Roary::Output::NumberOfGroups
- Create raw output files of group counts for turning into plots
- Bio::Roary::Output::QueryGroups
- Output the groups of the union of a set of input isolates
- Bio::Roary::ParallelAllAgainstAllBlast
- Run all against all blast in parallel
- Bio::Roary::ParseGFFAnnotationRole
- A role for parsing a gff file efficiently
- Bio::Roary::PostAnalysis
- Post analysis of pan genomes
- Bio::Roary::PrepareInputFiles
- Take in a mixture of FASTA and GFF input files and output FASTA proteomes only
- Bio::Roary::PresenceAbsenceMatrix
- Create a matrix with presence and absence
- Bio::Roary::QC::Report
- generate a report based on kraken output
- Bio::Roary::ReformatInputGFFs
- Take in gff files and add suffix where a gene id is seen twice
- Bio::Roary::ReorderSpreadsheet
- Take in a tree file and a spreadsheet and output a spreadsheet with reordered columns
- Bio::Roary::SampleOrder
- Take in a tree file and return an ordering of the samples
- Bio::Roary::SequenceLengths
- Take in a fasta file and create a hash with the length of each sequence
- Bio::Roary::SortFasta
- sort a fasta file by name
- Bio::Roary::SplitGroups
- split groups
- Bio::Roary::SpreadsheetRole
- Read and write a spreadsheet
- Bio::Roary::UniqueGenesPerSample
- Take in the clustered file and produce a sorted file with the frequency of each samples unique genes
- Bio::Root::Exception
- BioPerl exceptions
- Bio::Root::HTTPget
- module for fallback HTTP get operations when LWP:: is unavailable
- Bio::Root::IO
- BioPerl base IO handling class
- Bio::Root::Root
- implementation of Bio::Root::RootI interface
- Bio::Root::RootI
- base interface for all BioPerl classes
- Bio::Root::Storable
- Safely store/retrieve objects from disk
- Bio::Root::Test
- common base for all BioPerl test scripts
- Bio::Root::TestObject
- TestObject - An implementation of TestInterface
- Bio::Root::Utilities
- general-purpose utilities
- Bio::Root::Version
- don't use, get version from each module
- Bio::SCF
- Perl extension for reading and writing SCF sequence files
- Bio::Search::BlastStatistics
- An object for Blast statistics
- Bio::Search::BlastUtils
- Utility functions for Bio::Search:: BLAST objects
- Bio::Search::DatabaseI
- Interface for a database used in a sequence search